
Arms Akimbo IV

  [Error-error-erro-r, synchronization with Hyon Hyung complete.]

[All Status reset]

[Unique Authority, none acquired.]

What the hell is this?

I wake up at the sound of my vibrating alarm clock from my smartwatch that remains on my wrist. Because of too much anxiety last night, I forget to change my clothes and fix up my place. I am still in my cadet uniform, and pictures of Kim Chundong, no, pictures of Kim Hajin are littering everywhere.

In fact, the boxes of my items or Hyon Hyung's items still remain piling up on the sides. "I forgot to unpack..."


While my place is messy and demands my urgent attention, my mind is actually somewhere else.

I close my eyes, my shaking heart is still in disbelief of the development... of the sudden appearance of the mysterious phenomena in front of me. What is this? Synchronization with Hyon Hyung?

Intricate lines of unknown power form letters, and words. It fills my sight and the familiar words that should only appear on Kim Hajin's laptop are now in front of my face. I don't like this. Maybe if this is a system message that comes with cheat powers, I can understand better.

But the interface sitting atop my face can only be forbidding... It reads [Error-error-erro-r, synchronization with Hyon Hyung complete.] [All Status reset] [Unique Authority, none acquired.]

What does this mean, error?

I feel my head hurting, but with a few breathing exercises, I calm myself.

For some reason, I have this sick thought… that what if… What if I also have 'cheats'? I gaze at the words filling my eyesight with expectations. Then… My eyes land on a smaller screen, just like a small tab window waiting for me to open.

With a thought I remove the Synchronization Notification, and summon what I believe to be my Setting Chart.


2. Hyon Hyung

*Variable Stats

[Strength 2]

[Stamina 2]

[Speed 2]

[Perception 2]

[Vitality 2]

[Magic Power 1]

*Invariable Stats

[Intelligence— 4/10]

[Perseverence— 4/10]

[Luck— 4/10]

[Charm— 4/10]

> Gift (1/1)

> Arts (0/3)

> Physique (0/3)


I am speechless. With a strong hope in my heart, I am imagining myself swimming with SP and transcending all of my limitations. But I am a sane, rational man. I take short even breaths to calm my nerves.

There are no SP, no Setting Intervention, and no Magical Laptop.

I cannot do what the MC, Kim Hajin, can… It is because I am not even the Creator of this world.

And what is this? The Gift (1/1) tells me that I now possess a Gift, but why is it only over one when I remember that it should be over three? The issues with the mismatch fraction aside, I guess I should be content with what I have. Yes, I am happy. This little Setting Chart of mine informing me of my attributes offers a little comfort to me. No matter little though, for me, it is a big deal.

At least, I am able to get a Gift out of this System Error.

Aside from the abysmal better-than-average-mortals Variable Stats and the pretty much averagely acceptable Invariable Stats, it causes me immense joy to learn that I actually have a Gift.

This sends a wide smile to my face.


Gift (1/1) [Nobody Knows]

[Low-Intermediate Rank] [Null Attribute] [Evolving— Grade 10] [Exp 0%]

Always Here—

*Blend with the background and be unnoticeable.

Not Here—

*Become invisible. The more Magic Power, the longer the duration, and stealthier the effects. Instant activation.


The explanations are succinct and direct. To be honest, I am expecting something more. But there is no use to be greedy. In fact, I am super happy. I am simply a mortal before all of this who barely knows magic power.

With a single superpower, I feel invincible. Though the feeling is inaccurate… just imagine the things I can do with this Gift!

Alas, all things that I can think of are either perverted or straight criminal.

The good news though is that my Gift can evolve and grow.


Last night... has been hectic for Hajin. Finding a Gift suitable for himself is an exhausting task, but not as much as forcing the maxed [10/10] Luck Stat. After degrading the Gift— Master Sharpshooter in a semi-sealed state, he manages to scrunch up every SP he needs to max out his luck.

"This better be worth it…"

Hajin starts up his laptop as he drinks a cup of his coffee. He recalls fainting after the whole process. The last thing he hears is that the [Overwriting Process] is now running in the background which he doesn't know what actually means.

"Let's see what I have here."


2. Kim Hajin

[Current SP: 0]

*Variable Stats

[Strength 2.4],

[Stamina 2.6]

[Speed 3]

[Perception 4]

[Vitality 2.6]

[Magic Power 2]

*Invariable Stats

[Intelligence— 4.1/10]

[Perseverence— 7/10]

[Luck— 10/10]

[Charm— 4.1/10]

> Gift (2/3)

> Arts (0/3)

> Physique (0/3)


Kim Hajin is smiling ear to ear. Because of his [10/10] Luck Stat, his fall-out-bottom stats have doubled itself after the notification [An incredible luck applies!] appears on his laptop. His hard work last night is all paying off!

It is insane. Because of his exhaustion from debating in his head whether he should push on maxed luck or compromise with [9.1/10] luck, he decides to just end it all with a toss coin. He straight falls asleep after.

Now eager to test his new Gift, [Master Sharpshooter], he finishes his breakfast quickly, and heads to the shooting range without further ado.

Kim Hajin is excited but he reigns it in. He checks on his smartwatch for the time, and judging there is enough for him to practice his shooting before classes start, he increases his pace for the shooting range.


[An incredible luck applies!]

His smartwatch's notification catches him off-guard. Turning on a corner, Kim Hajin bumps into someone. Because of his hurried steps, and momentum, he falters on his legs. Accidentally pushing him forward is a familiar face. Something buoyant falls flat on his face, and so is his other hand which tries to pull the other person away.

"It is squishy…" He thinks.

Lying flatly on the ground, Hajin cannot see anything.

The other person lifts herself up on all fours, revealing who she is... It is Chae Nayun.

Hajin catches on to the sweet smell in the air. Chae Nayun just looks at him with her ears red. Unbeknownst to his own, Hajin is similarly suffering from the same redness.

He tries to push her away with his right hand but his strength is too little. Instead, it looks like he is just squishing the other person's chest... er.. boob... He tries to put more effort into pushing her with both hands, but he is too weak.

Nayun just gets redder, and so is Hajin.

It is a bloody spectacle, especially considering all the redness.

"Why are you not saying anything?" Hajin is feeling very nervous, trying his best to keep his thoughts to his own, but he fails at it miserably.

"I am a grown man!" He yelps. "Fuck," More sweating threatens to drench his back wet. He doesn't mean to say anything like that. "It is a monologue, I am sorry!"

He is a grown man, yet he is feeling like this and is so red like this... It is shameful!

"What the fuck is wrong with me!?" He crawls backward, stands up, and runs to the shooting range, still feeling the phantom sensation in his right hand.

It… feels good.


"Oh, my gahd…" Chae Nayun stands up with wobbly steps. The redness in her ears invades her cheeks like a true menace. She resists with all her might, but the crazy pounding on her heart tells her how excited she is.

"It is fine, it is done with mutual consent of both parties..." She persuades herself that there is nothing wrong with what happened.

Comes with Nayun's regression is not just the memory of the future, but also the regressed state of her body, where she is vulnerable to the change in her hormones. She is healthy and young... and very prone to mood swings...

She clips her legs, covering her crotch. "I am… wet!?"

Nayun dangerously walks forward, while ignoring the slippery sensation between her legs.

"Puberty is so dangerous…" She warns herself.

Pushing the awkward thoughts away, she recalls Hajin a moment ago. He looks more handsome than yesterday, which is weird. Hajin has always been a strange guy. She recalls meeting him for the last time pre-regression before she tries to conquer the Tower of Miracles.

"Have a Happy Life." These are Hajin's words to her.

Instead of a see you later, she receives a wish for a happy life.

This means he knows the Regression that should be the reward for clearing the Tower of Miracles. That is why Chae Nayun has no regrets about Regressing. It is selfish. But this is the path she decides on moving forward.

"Hajin," She mutters his name softly. She wishes to fulfill her unrequited love in this world, and more. For the sake of her happy life, she must make smart choices. Being smart is uncharacteristic of her, but she is not dumb. It is her habit to solve everything that comes her way with brute force, but that is not always right. 

That doesn't mean she will not resort to violence though.

To achieve her ambition of a happy life, she needs this Regression to be perfect.

"Kim Hajin," The name rolls on her tongue sweetly.

"Who is Chundong then?" She needs answers, and she doesn't want to get it from Hajin.

The first step for Chae Nayun to a happy life is to learn more about Kim Hajin.

For now, she can only trust her gut instinct and confront her suspicion. Walking further and further into the Male's Dormitory, she catches on the silhouette of Hyon Hyung.


My back is hurting like hell. Is it my sleeping position?

Sigh… I still have problems with what weapon to wield… What can I pick? The lazy choice is definitely the sword that will allow me to blend with the normies out there. But the safest choice is probably the dagger considering it is Hyon Hyung's weapon.

Interrupting my thoughts is a rather manly address. "Hey, you…"

"Rude basta—" I cannot even utter 'bastard' completely when a sudden fist hovers above my face. The wind pressure lightly caresses my face. I swear. This is scaring me shitless.

I remain uprooted on the ground as the one responsible retrieves her outstretched fist. It is Chae Nayun, the damnable Regressor who possibly will be the reason for the end of the world.

"Chae Nayun," I grit my teeth.

I know I might be overthinking with this world suffering two Baals, but I am fairly certain that the invasion of the Devils will still happen despite the explicit words in the epilogue of The Novel's Extra that Baal will not exist pre-regression.

"You did not dodge that… Weird…" Nayun squints her eyes as she inspects me with scrutiny. "Who are you?"

"Hyon Hyung, miss!" I answer with a shout. I try playing the fool and crazy like I always do erasing the prior tension on my face. "How may I help you!? MISS!" I shout like a true cadet in a boot camp.

Nayun is unto me. I can never imagine her to be this aggressive though. My antics on the first day of class must be the reason why she is here. I say this is not part of the plan, but this can be an opportunity. I will be lying though if I say I am not expecting this.

"MISS! PLEASE DATE ME! I LOVE YOU!" I throw a casual confession.

"Do you wanna die?" Nayun clenches her fist, threatening to bludgeon me.

She might really do it. But we are in Cube. I draw comfort from the civility of human beings. I trust Chae Nayun will not do anything that is too out of hand... On second thoughts though from seeing her crazy eyes, she might really kill me.

"I don't remember any crazy kid…" Nayun mutters audibly to me while checking for my reaction.

She is really unto me, and her tactics while obvious and direct, it is undeniable that it is working. I can feel myself breaking apart. The threat from her is on a biological level. If she thinks there is something wrong with me, I sense this inkling of suspicion that she might really kill me. And she will do that as easy as breathing. That is how much of a monster she is.

Moreover, there is her animalistic instinct that I dare not provoke. Nayun only needs the smallest whiff of a discrepancy, and she will fuck me up. I wish it is the kind of pleasant fuck me up... but it isn't.

I am contemplating what will happen after that. After a person gets fucked up, they go to a hospital, right? Right? Is it that bad? I mean, what if Nayun finds out about my nature? At worst, she might think of me as a fellow Regressor for my behavior on the first day of class.

"Are you a Devil?" Chae Nayun suddenly asks.

"No! There is no way…" Are you crazy, woman? I am not even a Djinn… And a Devil?

Devil? They are an existence outside of space and time. They possess obsessions, and to fulfill these obsessions, they go on to worlds and conquer them. Baal is a Devil, and among Devils, he is the Devil King. It is an acceptable assumption for Chae Nayun to think I might be a Devil considering what she knows.

After all, what comes with Regression is Baal's future descent.

It is not so crazy if a Devil can also regress.

Finally, I realize… "I fucked up…"

"Devils are yet to appear in this world… How do you know the term 'Devils' then?"

Chae Nayun's eyes turn sharper, and with a crisp speed, she throws out a punch.

Next chapter