
135. Self Sacrifice II

Shortly after Hajin disappears, he quickly reemerges from the same blue portal that abruptly appears from where he left. Nayun is worried sick. She has been waiting in the same spot for some time. She fiddles on her smartwatch to inform the others, but Hajin stops her. He holds her wrist and stops her. This earns a frown from Nayun. 

Hajin excuses himself, "I will keep it short."

"What is it?" Nayun is not someone who likes suspense.

"First, I want you to promise me that you will trust me no matter what."

"What is it? Is there something wrong?"

"Please..." Hajin begs.

And Nayun acquiesces. "I trust you."

"I will be joining Chameleon Troupe. We will be going out-world, and Yi Yeonjun will help me on killing a couple of Devils namely Lilith and the one that put your brother in that state..."

Nayun cuts him off, hearing the ridiculous words coming out of Hajin's mouth. "Yi Yeonjun!? He is back... what? Is he Chameleon Troupe's head honcho? What do you mean out-world? What is the meaning of this?" Nayun has a lot of questions.

"You promised," Hajin emphasizes and proceeds with his words knowing that he has limited time. "I and the Chameleon Troupe will go to the Transcendent Plane to save Yeonha and your brother. We are using each other. I will be gone for a long time, so please lead the others. You are a Regressor. You can do it. I promise I will return."

"I want to come with you."

"No. You can die!"

"Are you still looking down on me!?"

Hajin knows that they are about to devolve into a petty quarrel, but time is precious. Yi Yeonjun is giving him only limited time to talk it out. "Trust me. I have become quite unkillable for some weird reason. Please lead the others. If there is something you have trouble with, you can trust him because he's just like me."

By him, Nayun understands who he might be referring to.

In order to save Yeonha and Nayun's brother, Yi Yeonjun is important. That is why despite having the opportunity to fight and kill him, Hajin does not choose to do so. It is because, from the very beginning, they need Yi Yeonjun's cooperation.

Hyon should know it too. The moment he suggests confronting the Devils in the Transcendent Plane, getting the information from Yi Yeonjun has been their end goal. However, there is a big flaw in this plan that everyone subconsciously has ignored... it is Yi Yeonjun's cooperation.

Hajin has thought of torture, his SP in creating hallucination drugs, and maybe even using a particular Gift to extract the information from Yi Yeonjun, but Hajin can hardly imagine that succeeding. Yi Yoenjun is immensely powerful. Not to mention the addition of the Phase Shift Gift from his arsenal which has increased his mobility and survivability to a great extent.

"Yi Yeonjun has changed his worship... I won't take his words for granted though, but he seems confident that Baal has vanished, so you don't have to worry about such things. Your regression is not wrong. You being here did not revive Baal of some sort. You are not guilty, you know..."

Nayun feels her heart becoming warm.

"I still want to come with you."

"That doesn't mean this world is completely safe yet. The Devils' mass descent. You remember them, don't you? It was a 'second' Outcall in a literal sense, but instead of monsters, we get Devils... I will return, I promise."

Hajin is persistent, and he won't back down. He knows too well how dangerous coming with Yi Yeonjun is, but at least, Hajin is virtually unkillable. "Nayun." He softly calls to her as he forces the necklace that Nayun once gave him into her hands. "I will come back for it."

Nayun grips on the sloppily fixed necklace.

And just like that, he walks back to the portal.

But Nayun being Nayun is not someone who will not go down without a fight especially if her opinions are being rashly, rudely, and rawly ignored. She conjures a sword of magic power and pulls Hajin. She stands between Hajin and the portal.

"Nayun, please move."

"Take it back," She raises the necklace which has carried over from the future past. "You are not going anywhere."

Hajin painfully smiles. With a glance, he uses his [Setting Intervention] on the conjured sword of magic power. It is a 'thing' after all. Nayun is perplexed as she loses grip on her magic power.

"I don't need a sword anyway. I will just have to beat you." She raises her both fists. "Come at me. I won't move!" She stubbornly remarks while tapping on her smartwatch. She must be informing the others. "You cannot do this alone!"

Hajin sighs. "I am not alone. The Chameleon Troupe will be with me."

"Then how about the Club?"

"I will come back."


Nayun is buying time, and Hajin realizes her intentions. How hard can it be for Nayun to stall Hajin for time? Their skills at the very least are at the same level. Nayun is worried though that she cannot conjure a sword of magic power. And she is right to be worried.

It is only a couple of days in Nayun's perception since she has a taste of Hajin's abilities. But Hajin has experienced subsequent intense days where he has to confront Yi Byul and Yi Yoenjun from a repeated time loop. Hajin rushes forward with his fists up, and guarding his chin.

He goes for a straightforward exchange of fists. With Hajin's impressive eyesight, he masterfully weaves around Nayun, and while not even throwing a punch, he saddles her by stepping on her foot. After that, he unleashes a mock punch barely connecting to Nayun's chin.

"Since when did you get so good at throwing punches?" Nayun angrily glares at Hajin.

"Believe me or not, but it was just yesterday." Hajin disengages his fist and backs off. 

His back is the last thing Nayun sees as Hajin vanishes to the blue portal. Nayun feels something in her pocket. When she takes it out, she realizes that it is the [Orb of Solomon] that Hajin should be carrying around. "What?" A series of information registers on her mind. She understands a part of why Hajin has to do all of this.


Hajin returns to Yi Yeonjun's throneroom. He sees a madly raving Kaita. From what Hajin understands, Hyon must have done a number to him leaving Kaita with physical and mental scars.

"Black," Jain calls to him. "Are you done with your business now? Come, I will introduce you to the others."

There is no need to as Hajin knows everyone in the Chameleon Troupe already, but he has to play the act. It appears the members of the Chameleon Troupe don't know much about Yi Yeonjun, except Yi Byul who is privy to Yi Yeonjun's intentions. Hajin drones off as Jain introduces him to the others like a good host.

Hajin has learned one crucial truth from Yi Yeonjun's [Book of Revelation]. It appears that its contents are limited to Kim Hajin's POV. Meaning, that Hajin leaving the others is the smartest choice he can make. Hajin has also learned a lot about Heaven and Hell from repeatedly going back a day, and confronting Yi Yeonjun.

They are trivial stuff, but he is not one to judge which information is actually valuable or not. That is for Sinful to judge. That is why Hajin stores every piece of information he gathers at the [Orb of Solomon], and then leaves it to Nayun. It is a loophole the [Book of Revelation] won't be able to see through.

The most important information is... the [Book of Revelation] cannot record Hyon Hyung's existence. In order to continue hiding Hyon, Hajin has to get away from him. Hajin believes Hyon will play a crucial role in bringing Yi Yeonjun and God down.

Hajin can certainly not do it.

"That Savant, I want to fight him. If he is able to take down Arashi, he must be strong." Cheok Jungyeon creepily smiles.

"I like fighting too, but you just got your leg chopped..." Jin Yohan criticizes his friend.

"How about you? Why are you here?" Jain sharply questions Hajin. "For me, it is to get rich. But how about you?" She confesses her motives, and now, she is asking Hajin's.

The Chameleon Troupe is a group of loose criminals who have united through their own selfish goals. Cheok Jungyeon just wants to fight being the battle-freak he is. Jin Yohan wants to perfect his martial arts by confronting a lot of individuals and gaining glory for himself. Jain wants to get rich, and on top of this, satisfy her cravings for the fun of the thrill. Kaita wants to murder, bully people, get rich sometimes, and enjoy life. For Droon, it must be for protection because of his too-special and too-unique abilities.

"I want to save this world." Hajin looks at Yi Byul and then to Yi Yeonjun.

Cheok Jungyeon boisterously laughs. Jin Yohan rubs his nose in embarrassment. Droon is awed evident in his gaping jaw. Jain hides her grin by covering her mouth. 'Crazy,' murmurs Kaita with disgust. And Yi Byul, she is frowning.

"I want to save you guys too." Hajin looks around him and directs his gaze filling with weight.

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