
The Normo System

Hey Guys, This is just going tob e a classic system, cultivation novel with a twist. This is my first time writing a novel. Please support me if you like the book(Power Stones) I love you all

Slice_of_Life · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Wait a minute. I have a SYSTEM!!!

I open my eyes to realize i'm back in my village, inside the orphanage.

"Yo Host, Master told me to give you a beginner package" Diva says.

"Who's the master." I asked

"Argiro, of course" Diva replied

"Does host want a tutorial."

"Yes" I murmured.

"Ok host, you can check your status by thinking the word status, you can open the store to buy equipment skill and other useful stuff."

Tutorial over

What kind of dumb tutorial was that.


Name: Kier Deus

Gender: male

Age: 16

Level: 1

Skills: none

Equipment Equipped: none

Active effects: none

Strength: 25

Speed: 26

Stamina: 18

Intelligence: 0

Charisma: 10

Missions: none available



Lvl 1 Broadsword(unnamed) 500 SP

Lvl 1 Bow(unnamed) 500 SP

Lvl 1 Katana-2(unnamed) 800 SP

Lvl 1 Axe-2(unnamed) 700 SP

Lvl 1 Dagger-5(unnamed) 750 SP

Lvl1 arrows-24 300 SP

Lvl 1 Fire resistant armor 800 SP

Gives fire resistance to owner

Lvl 1 Aura armor 1000 Sp

When equipped releases an aura based on the owner's power

Lvl 1 Earth armor 750 SP

5% extra defence


Lvl 1 Fire Punch 500 SP

Lvl 1 Sword Slash(need a sword to use) 300 SP

Lvl 1 Blink 900 SP

Teleport up to 5 meters

Lvl 1 Aura release 500 Sp


Strength potion(1 time use)

Increases your strength by 15%

Speed potion (1 time use)

Increases your speed by 15%

Charm potion(1 time use)

Increases your charm by 15%

Level up stone-skill

Can lvl up 1 skill

Level up stone-equipment

Can lvl up 1 equipment

*Remember when you level up all items in the store will be replaced.

Guys please survive until chapter 5 when the true adventure begins.


Slice_of_Lifecreators' thoughts