
The Nonsense Book

Author: thenotsodead
Realistic Fiction
Ongoing · 53 Views
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What is The Nonsense Book

Read The Nonsense Book novel written by the author thenotsodead on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Realistic Fiction stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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Unbreakable love (never thought we'd fall in love)

"Playing hard to get,am I right?"he asked inching closer to her till her back got hit against the wall.He held her chin raising it up to look at him"...No you are wrong,like I told you before...am not attracted to you."Eleanor said trying to sound brave and fearless.He gave out a light smirk before pulling her closer to him with his right hand wrapping around her waist and his left, pinning her to the wall"look me in the eyes and say that again."He whispered running his fingers across her cheek.Eleanor trembled a bit still trying to maintain her stance,she slowly looked up at him to meet those hypnotizing eyes which stared deep into her brown ones.Gosh this man was so stupidly handsome!How could she look directly into his face and tell him she isn't attracted to such handsomeness ********************************************* Eleanor walker, an innocent young lady who had received a letter along with her sister Roosevelt indicating that they had been accepted into one of the top universities in their country.Roosevelt the elders daughter, was so happy upon hearing the good news and Eleanor too was happy and made a promise to her self to focus only on her studies and not to date,but then again who would want to date someone like her?. who is so plane and doesn't want to put any afford in her looks.The school's top known delinquent and bad boy Justin Williams,a tall muscular boy who has black short hair and a well built handsome face caught interest in her due to her different nature.He had never met someone like her before.Would someone like her be able to capture his stone cold heart?.Find out in my brand new novel Unbreakable love(Never thought we'd fall in love)

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闻溪重生了,回到18岁。 这时的她还没被学校开除,未婚夫还没上门退婚,图谋鸠占鹊巢的渣亲也还没得逞,最重要的是爸妈都还好好的! 既然有幸重来,她誓不让家破人亡的悲剧再次发生。这一世,她定要护好至亲,活出璀璨人生! *** 贺霆晏今年26了,快奔三还情窦未开,直到遇见闻溪。 发小不知死活,非要拉他玩‘我有你没有’的游戏。 贺霆晏上来就是一个王炸。 “我有女朋友了。” “……”      第二回合。     “这是她画的我。”  下一秒,名为‘死也不嫁’的发小群里多了张全身像,发完后画像主人退了群。 “贺二你退群干嘛?” “我已有主了,这群名不配我。” “……” “你们有女朋友送的画吗?” “……” “那这局我又赢了。” “贺二!” “嗯?” “有件事我早想问你了。” “什么?” “你这一天天的不撒狗粮是不是就闲得慌?” “不是。” “hei~tui!” *** 死不要脸追妻现场—— “问你个事小溪。” “说。” “谈恋爱吗?结婚生孩子那种。” “不了谢谢。” “……那要模特儿吗?可以为艺术燃尽光亮那种。” “多钱一小时?” “不要钱,管结婚就行。” “……” 美且强女主&认定就不撒手男主 女主职业:画家 男主职业:发狗粮

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“Shut up!” He roared, as he tore my slave garment from my body in less than a second, leaving my body bare, except for my bra and panties. “Oh my…” He muttered devilishly with lust filled eyes, as he roughly grabbed the right cup of my bra, manhandling it as if to get a pre-feel of how the main softness will feel like. I had given up already, tired of writhing on the floor, tired of trying to wiggle out of his hold, and tired of pleading. What was the use? My legs were already held hostage in the confines of his own limbs, my throat was now sore, and all my plea fell on deaf ears. I shut my eyes tightly, already welcoming my cursed fate, when suddenly the door burst ajar. Who could that be? A savior or another foe? I opened up my eyes, already glazy with tears, and peered at the visitor. He was a man. A beautiful man. A beautiful, angry man. I couldn’t tell distinctively his facial features because of my tear clothed eyes, but even as I laid as dead underneath my assailant, I could feel his rage rolling over him like waves. “Who dares to interrupt my pleasure time? My assailant asked, about to turn his head way back to see who had been standing by the door, when suddenly, in a twinkle of an eye, his head went off flying from his neck, to the ground idly. And so, I screamed; especially as I felt his blood splatter all over my chest and face. But in my screaming and shocked state, I was still able to hear the first words of the man since he had stepped into the room. “How dare you to touch my mate?” He roared. ***** Olivera, the only wolfless girl in the Red Moon’s Pack was captured alongside her best friend by the deadliest pack in the entire region. While performing her slave duties for the new pack, she was almost raped by her taskmaster, but for the intervention of Raul, the Alpha of the pack, who is reckoned for his infamous curse, ruthlessness and womanizing traits. Journey along with Olivera, and see how a shy, seizure plagued wolfless girl tamed the big bad alpha, especially when it was discovered that she was a hybrid, the chosen world who would restore peace between the two supernatural realms at war.

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