
The past


All around.

'Its cold.'

Peeking through her closed eyes Emery came face to face with a world that was completely blue. She felt cold and heavy.

' Am I… … drowning? '

The thought momentarily crossed her mind as the surface or what she thought of as the surface continued to grow more and more distant from her. Emery blinked and then in a flash her surroundings seemed to change.

Suddenly loud sounds seemed to rang out inside of her head before visions started to cloud her mind.

Gunshots and bombs falling from the sky followed by the blood curling sound of screams. Children, women, old, young everyone. They were all screaming.

She could feel herself running while screaming something. She was screaming at someone. Telling them something. " Bella Run!!!!!!!!!!" There was someone right behind her. They both were running with sweat and grim covering them from head to toe. ' What are we running from? ' She couldn't help but wonder. The memories seemed to be quite hazy.

The question was soon answered when suddenly men wearing torn camouflage outfits came out of the woods behind them. They each had a gun and they were all shooting at them. With each step forward Bella seemed to fall more and more behind. The Emery in her memories was also having a hard time. With time the men seemed to be catching up to them. ' How come only we are here? What about the reinforcements? ' Emery couldn't help but wonder.

As the two in her memories continued running the Emery in her memories seemed to have stumbled over something before rolling towards a fierce river down a slope. With a sound she was completely submerged in the water.

Fighting with all her might she tried to reach the surface but the water currents were too strong and before she could do anything the river took her farther and farther away from there. Just before her consciousness seemed to have faded the sound of a bomb exploding rang out from somewhere before her vision went completely blank.

" Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!"

Screaming Emery sat up on the hospital bed. Her breathing was unnatural and her heart was beating too fast. Before she could even look around, pain shot straight to her brain from all over her body. Groaning she looked down and found herself completely covered in bandages with some still having blood seeping through. Hissing Emery sat up straighter.

But even with her body in this condition her mind was still fixed on the last memory she had before she had fallen down into the water.Bella was being chased by the terrorists. Emery badly wanted to get out of the bed and look for Bella. Even with her body aching all over she decided to get up but before she could do anything someone opened the door and 2 to 3 people entered the room with quick feet before restraining her from moving.

Emery wanted to struggle against their hold but she could not do much due to her injuries. Just as she was about to risk it all, she saw someone else entering the room from the corner of her eyes.

" As reckless as ever I see."

The voice speaking was as cold as ice. Like a bucket of cold water the iciness seemed to pierce through the cloud in Emery's mind. She stopped struggling and with the speed of light Emery looked towards the man standing by the door.

"Robert." In a quiet voice Emery called out. Robert without a word looked towards her intensely. He was a brown haired brown eyed ordinary guy that could not be anymore ordinary. The only thing noticeable about the man was that he had a stare that was as cold as ice and a face that was as blank as a sheet of paper. His dressing was also simple and straight to the point without any unnecessary accessories.

Emery was quite shocked to see him. But that shock was gone as quickly as it came before her worry for her partner came and took over her mind again.Hurriedly she questioned. "Bel-Bella what happened to her!?!?" The worry and desperation in her voice could be detected from a mile away.


Anyone would have changed emotions at how Emery had been acting and maybe softened the blow but the man named Robert was no different than before.The answer was as cold and as straightforward as the person saying it. The hope that Emery held in her heart was completely destroyed at that moment.

The sentence seemed to barely take form in her mind as with every second her figure seemed to grow weaker and weaker. Emery could feel herself shake as the words slowly dug their way into her and straight to her heart. Tears stringed her eyes and yet Emery could not bring herself to cry.

" She dies due to a bomb dropping." The way that he said it it almost felt as if he was talking about just another regular Tuesday. Emery felt completely bleak inside.

" Oh . I see." The words were as dry as they could be. By now Emery was completely out of strength. She could not help but drop down on the bed into a fetal position. The rest of the people in her room had already let her go and were quick to make their way out of the room.

Robert stayed there for a few minutes watching as Emery slowly dug her fingers into the flesh of her arms and as blood that was like drops of melted ruby fell down and stained the white hospital bed sheets.

Robert sighed before with a clank he closed the door and said one last sentence before he left.The longest he had said during the entire conversation. " It's time you took a break Emery. Your retirement letter has already been approved. Rest now please." And with that he was out the room leaving Emery in a complete room of darkness all over again.

Hello everyone! Welcom to my novel. I wish you all a great adventure!

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