
Who are we

[RE:Life engaged world chosen<Naruto>]

The words were floating in front of me in what could only be considered to be a complete void.

"What?" At this point it was the only thing that I could manage to get past my lips in the shock of the situation I found myself in.

[You have been chosen out of all the souls that passed at the moment of your death to be reincarnated into a special world with special powers. Lucky You!]

That's when it figuratively hit me, I fucking DIED! It was official I hate boruto even more than I previously did. (even though it was my fault)I fumed for several moments in anger before a chilling dread filled me. "I fucking died," I said vocally after several moments. "Goddammit."

[Your system ability was randomly selected out of a hat, you get the powers of the Gamer! Your life will now work like a video game! With stats, levels and skills to grind and loot to acquire!]

I blinked in response as I stared at the words floating in front of me in the void, moving to scratch my scalp only not to feel anything. Blinking I 'looked' down to 'see' nothing but more of the void. "Where is my body?" I voiced, 'blinking' as I stared at the nothing where my body should be.

[You are currently dead, what use do you have for a body?]

I stared at the words before me, idly noting they were in a light blue box. "Mouthy little shit aren't you?" I questioned with an eye twitch.

[You will be given a randomly generated body based upon your choices in the character selection screen if no body matching th custimization is avalible you wil cohabit one, shall we begin? Or will you continue to bitch about every little thing?]

I frowned in response. "Fine," I sighed as I 'slumped'.

Shortly after a larger blue box appeared before me with a number of checkboxes and choices available.

[First up is where you will be born, each location has an advantage and disadvantage to them, as well as limiting what options you have for which clan you are born to. Limit to one chosen perk for location of birth.]

I hummed in response as I looked at the screen of choices before me and reached out to press the '?' that was sitting beside the entry labeled 'Ame no Kuni.

Ame no Kuni The country of Amegakure which is lead Hanzo the Salamander and Akatsuki, this country has been embroiled in a very long civil war.

Related Perks

* - Will be forced upon you

*Child Soldier - You were pressed into service as a child, leading you being forced to learn fast or die even faster, but in exchange you will be unable to properly understand anything but war and battle. +50% EXP to battle based skills and ninjutsu, +100% EXP gained in combat. -50% EXP to non battle based skills and ninjutsu, -100%EXP gained for non battle activities

One with Water - Water has always surrounded you, as a result it has become a very part of your being, leading to you having a Natural Water Affinity, at the cost of never being able to develop of Fire Affinity. +200% EXP Gains to Water Chakra Affinity, locked out from gaining a Fire Chakra Affinity and learning Fire Ninjutsu.

Rain Child - You have always been a strange child, being able to sense people whenever it was raining, feeling more energetic when it was raining, as if the very rain itself was apart of you. Chakra Sense active when raining, +10 to all stats when raining, -10 to all stats when not raining.

The list continued on with various choices before I closed the window.

Well… this would be interesting. I looked through the next couple of entries, dismissing them because… well… they were the filler countries until my eyes landed on the entry of Mizu no Kuni.

Mizu no Kuni, the country of Mizugakure where bloodline abilities are persecuted against and hunted to extinction by the Sandaime Mizukage, currently in a civil war.

Related Perks

* - Will be forced upon you

*Child Soldier - You were pressed into service as a child, leading you being forced to learn fast or die even faster, but in exchange you will be unable to properly understand anything but war and battle. +50% EXP to battle based skills and ninjutsu, +100% EXP gained in combat. -50% EXP to non battle based skills and ninjutsu, -100%EXP gained for non battle activities - Only applicable if you choose a Kekkai Genkai based Clan

Lavaborn - Your clan has learned the secrets of one of the more destructive forces of nature, you were born with the ability to mix Fire and Earth together to make Lava. Lava Release Jutsu available, start with Natural Earth and Fire Chakra Affinity Perks.

A Bone to pick - You are a member of the now defunct Kaguya clan that attacked their own village to satiate their thirst for battle. Dead Bone Pulse available for use, +25% EXP to combat related skills and ninjutsu, +50% EXP gained in combat. -25% EXP to non battle based skills and ninjutsu, -50%EXP gained for non battle activities.

Ice Cold - You are a member of the nearly extinct Yuki clan, hunted and hiding you are helped by the fact that you are able to use your clan's Ice Release Jutsus. Ice Release available for use. You start with Natural Water and Wind Chakra Affinity Perks.

Boiling Water - It really shouldn't have surprised anyone that the clan that was gifted with the Boil Release resided in Mizu no Kuni, everyone will be nervous about getting into the water with you. Boil Release available. You start with Natural Water and Fire Chakra Affinity Perks

A Killer Personality - Your village is called the Bloody Mist for a reason, your past has been steeped in blood from even before you started at the Academy, killing people to survive is your legacy, but it will always make people nervous when dealing with you. Start with the Silent Killing perk, +100% EXP Gained to Silent Killing and Hidden Mist Jutsu, -100% to all reputation gains, start at 'Distrusted' Status with many factions and individuals

Fun with Swords! - Your village is very well known for it's Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, so much so that you wish to emulate them, but your zeal in imitating them has led to certain deficiencies. +250% EXP to Sword based skills, -50% EXP to all non sword based skills.

Eventually I dismissed the screen, there were some tempting options in there, to be completely honest, but trying to survive the Civil War? FUCK THAT SHIT!

The next entry I selected was Kaminari no Kuni.

Kaminari no Kuni, Home of Kumogakure, one of the more militarized villages of the Great Five Nations, be ready for cold weather, falling hazards and rapping Jinchuriki's, you have been warned

Related Perks

* - Will be forced upon you

Stormy Skies - You were chosen in the Academy to learn a specific type of jutsu by the Raikage. Storm Release available.

To Swiftly Flee! - Your clan has always been fleet footed with their hidden technique, you have been no different, although for some reason people seem to think that you like to run from fights. Swift Release Available, people will have a tendency to taunt you.

Thunderstruck - Living in the land of lighting has given you a profound understanding of Lighting and Thunder, the constantly noise does hurt your hearing. Thunder Release available, hearing checks will all be at a disadvantage

Sagely Weapons - Not many receive the honor to learn how to use the artifacts of the Sage of Six Paths, but you have, and with it, came the attention of those with… Less than helpful means - Access to the Tools of the Sage of Six Paths, you will experience a constant stream of thieving and assassination attempts

Ride the Lighting! - The Sandaime Raikage made his name known when he went untouched by all save the Hachibi, many are hoping you can do the same when they start you training in his technique. - Start with Natural Lighting Affinity Perk, you will undergo intensive training in Lightning Release Chakra Mode, failure will result in permanent crippling injuries or death

Blinded by the Light! - With it's frequent storms and cloud cover, light is a commodity in Kumogakure, something your clan always had in excess thanks to you Hidden Jutsu. - Start with the Light Release Perk.

Well… tempting choices to be sure, especially the 'Ride the Lightning!' perk, but the permanent crippling injuries and death turned me off from it. Shaking my head I closed the screen and moved along the list before selecting Kaze no Kuni.

Kaze no Kuni, home of Sunagakure and dominated by a massive desert, the people are hardy and unfazed by the sandstorms that frequent the area.

Related Perks

* - Will be forced upon you

*Sandwalker - considering your village is in the middle of the desert, is it really any surprise that you are able to easily move through the desert? It would be stupid to live here otherwise! You have no movement penalties when moving through the desert and won't get lost amongst the sand, you also know where to find oases for water.

Scorching Winds - Your clan has always been a smaller one, but none can deny that their jutsu is frightening, especially in the desert where hot winds blow on a daily basis. Scorch Release available. Start with Natural Wind and Fire Affinity perks.

A Magnetic Personality - Being able to move particles of iron will definitely get people's attention, especially considering how strong the Sandaime Kazekage was. Magnetic Release(Iron) available. Additional attention to your career

How could a bolt of cloth hurt me? - It doesn't look impressive at first glance, but as with all ninja, appearances are deceiving as you can do a lot of things with some cloth and a bit of fuuinjutsu. Cloth Manipulation Technique available. +15% EXP gains to Fuuinjutsu skills

Not Dolls, PUPPETS! - Puppetry is a well respected tradition in Sunagakure, although some people are prone to tease you about it sometimes. Puppet Technique available, will often be taunted for playing with dolls

Yeah… not sure about Sunagakure to be honest, would be nice to try and give Gaara a friend, but… well… GAARA. So… next!

Tsuchi no Kuni, home of Iwagakure, a hard place to grow things, but somehow people survive in a place where stone rules.

Related Perks

* - Will be forced upon you

*Conscripted - Iwagakure has always been militant, and within the village, if you aren't useful, you're cannon fodder until proven otherwise - You are drafted into the Shinobi Corps unless choosing Merchantborn perk.

KABOOM! - Welp, explosions are awesome, and right at your fingertips, LITERALLY! - Explosion Release available, you have mouths in your hands

Made of Stone - Your body is as hard as the stone you live on, making very difficult to harm you, but it is also hard to feel subtle sensations. - Stone Body Release available, sense of touch is diminished.

Like a Mole! - You always felt more comfortable under the ground than above it, who knows what may come falling out of the sky! So much so, you pretty much are blind as a mole - Hiding like a Mole Jutsu available. Blind.

Sticky Fingers! - Sometimes things appear in your pockets without your knowledge, sometimes they appear in other people's pockets, all you know is some of this stuff is pretty cool - +250% EXP gain to Pick Pocketing and Sleight of Hand skills, but people are always blaming you for their missing things

Dust is dangerous - Yup, you got the Sandaime Tsuchikage's attention, and with it Dust Release, but fuck up, and he will have your head - Dust Release available, but one mistake and you will die

Huh… well that's going to be a big hard nope! Iwa would be rough to work with already, let alone living there!

Hi no Kuni, home of Konohagakure. A fairly moderate nation when compared to others like Mizu no Kuni. While not a military powerhouse like others, they are arguably one of the strongest economically due to the sheer size of their territory.

Related Perks

* - Will be forced upon you

Jutsu Thieves- Member of the Uchiha Clan, and wielder of the Sharingan Bloodline. Capable of learning non-bloodline Jutsu +50% quicker and Sharingan EXP growth is increased by +50%. But be careful, Uchiha have been shown to be mentally unstable in some way. -1CHRM/+50 Chakra, +1 DEX and WIS per level

Eyes in the back - Member of the Hyuga Clan and wielder of the Byakugan bloodline. Gives the user the capability of 359 degrees of vision when active. Unlocks Hyuga skill/Jutsu tree, people will always wonder if you are peeping on them with your eyes. +2 DEX and INT per level

Man's best friend - Dogs are awesome, who needs cats! At least you'll never be alone with your buddy at your side! Member of the Inuzuka Clan and user of Ninken. - You have a Ninken partner until they die, +50% EXP gain and access to Inuzuka techniques. +2 DEX per level, you will behave more animalistic and have dog like instincts, so watch out for squirrels!

FOR THE SWARM! - Bugs are dangerous creatures that many don't really think about, but you do, not surprising considering they live inside of you. Member of the Aburame Clan - +50% EXP gain and Access to the Aburame Clan techniques and abilities, people are often grossed out by you. +2 WIS per level

Mindwalker - The mind is a fragile thing, and you call the minds of others your playground! Member of the Yamanaka Clan. - +50% EXP bonus to Yamanaka Jutsu and techniques, your body will be vulnerable when using them. +1 DEX and INT per level

Troublesome - Member of the Nara Clan. People always see you as lazy, but your mental acuity is the best in the village, and your skills in the family's signature Shadow Possession Jutsu are nothing to sneeze at. - +50% EXP bonus to Nara Jutsu and techniques, +25 to INT score on creation, but not motivated to do much of anything. +2 INT and WIS per level, -.5 STR and VIT per level unless regularly training

Big Eater - Some people have bigger appetites than most. As a member of the Akimichi clan, you have one of the biggest appetites in the village, and are sometimes called fat, but you certainly know how to throw your weight around. - +50% EXP bonus to Akimichi Jutsu and techniques. +1 STR and VIT per level, will alway be on the large size

Uzumaki Descendant - While the clan was scattered, some made their way to Konoha and set their roots down there, hopefully some people will get the hint not to try anything with your ramen. - +100 Chakra, +3 VIT per level. 50% EXP Bonus to learning Fuuinjutsu, will have the attention of some people.

Clanless - You are civilian born, your parents, while successful merchants, have never learned how to use chakra, nor do you have a repertoire of exclusive techniques for you to learn, good luck buddy, unless you make very good clan friends, you're on you're own. - No Clan techniques of your own, more money to work with though!

I let out a sigh as I look through the assorted perks of Konohagakure, hell, it probably was the best place for me to start if I was being completely honest with myself, Naruto was there, and he freaking changes the world. Sasuke was there and he tries to rule it at one point.

Letting out a groan I look through the choices more carefully, considering my options before landing on the Uchiha clan one. "Fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound," I growled before accepting the perk, a wave of something passing through me before a new screen showed up.

[Congrats on belonging to the clan of Jutsu Thieves! - I roll my eyes at the message - Now, you start with four perk points to choose from the following choices, these may end up being temporary due to circumstances, but you will not get any points back if they are lost, so be careful!]

Closing the screen a new one popped up with a varying degree of choices before me, ranging from chakra affinities, to specialization choices… okay… let's do this then…

[]Fangirl (Female Only) - You are a member of a Fangirl Horde. Your skills at stalking your target are second to none, but you give Kunoichi everywhere a bad name. - +50% EXP gain Bonus to stalking-related skills, other Kunoichi look down on you for giving them a bad name.

[]Angsty Avenger - Your family is dead, and now you're going to find and kill the one responsible, no matter what! - +100% EXP gain bonus to combat related skills, -100% to social related skills and are easily manipulated by others, +2 STR and VIT, -2 WIS per level

[]No Jutsu - Your Chakra coils are damaged such that you cannot use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. However, you have trained your skills in Taijutsu to make up for this. - Unable to use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, +100% EXP gain bonus to Taijutsu.

[]Duck and Cover! - Sharp and pointy things have always fascinated you, and throwing weapons like kunai and shuriken have always felt at home in your hand - until they were thrown anyways, so it was no surprise when you grabbed up as many as you could. - +50% EXP gain to Throwing Weapons skills, but you will always have to buy new stocks of them compared to others.

[X]Feel the Burn! - Fire has always warmed people in the cold nights, chased predators away with its light, and burned your enemies to ash! You little pyro you, fire is your go to weapon of choice when it comes to dealing with your enemies. Start with Natural Fire Affinity, +50% EXP Gain with Fire ninjutsu and nature manipulation

[]Make a Splash - Not much can stop a rushing tide of water, and no one complains about a source of freshwater, just make sure you don't drown yourself in your own technique! - Start with Natural Water Affinity, +50% EXP Gain with Water ninjutsu and nature manipulation

[]Blow them Away - Even the greatest of mountains are laid low when it comes to the wind, You will blow people off their feet when you enter battle. - Start with Natural Wind Affinity, +50% EXP Gain with Wind ninjutsu and nature manipulation

[]Strength of the Earth - Being buried alive is a fate nobody wants, and you can impart that fear into your enemies! Just remember, you can't breath earth yourself! - Start with Natural Earth Affinity, +50% EXP Gain with Earth ninjutsu and nature manipulation

[]Shock and Awe - No one can miss your techniques on the field with the light and noise they generate, hopefully your enemies can keep their nervous systems intact when you're through with them! - Start with Natural Lightning Affinity, +50% EXP Gain with Lightning ninjutsu and nature manipulation

[]Illusion Master - Reality is an Illusion all of it's own, make your enemies question that with your Genjutsu skills and confound them all, but you better not get caught up close with people, you are frail after all! - +100% EXP gain to Genjutsu techniques, -50% to taijutsu skills

[X]Medic Nin - 'You don't FUCK with the white mage' you heal your friends and destroy your enemies' organs, now you just need to remember where you left your watch! - +100% EXP gain to Iryojutsu, but enemies will try to target you first

[]Too Much Chakra - You possess Chakra reserves greater than most of your year. On the plus side, this means you can power up your Ninjutsu to devastating levels, and might be able to use Shadow Clones. However, you have always had Chakra control issues, and you tend to overpower your Genjutsu, meaning that illusions are practically worthless to you - +300% Chakra Reserves, allows learning Shadow Clone Jutsu, +100% Ninjutsu Strength, -50% EXP Gain to Chakra Control Exercises, -95% Genjutsu Integrity.

[]Wait, who was that? - You've never really stood out from the crowd, your face blending in with others easily making your infiltration missions much easier. - +50% to stealth, you don't stand out in a crowd, for all the positives and negatives

[]Cool Guys don't look at Explosions - You have always felt the itch to use it ever since the first demonstration of an explosive tag, the urge to just blow your problems up with high powered explosives, hopefully your allies aren't nearby! - +250% EXP gain to Fuuinjutsu (Explosive Notes), but your explosions have a large splash radius and can harm allies if not careful

[]Flicker - In your opinion speed is the greatest thing for a shinobi, and the Body Flicker Jutsu is the greatest ninjutsu ever created. - +100% EXP gain to Body Flicker Jutsu, you have a hard time sitting still

[]Attuned to Nature - You always felt a piece when amongst nature, it leaves you feeling at peace and calm. But as everyone knows, Mother Nature can be a real bitch to those who piss her off! - Starts Natural Senjutsu perk, but you have trouble living in 'civilized' areas

[]Prankster - Hey, it's training! Your skills with pranks earns you the ire of everyone you target either directly or inadvertently, but hey, it makes you good with stealth and trapmaking! - +50% EXP gain to Trapping and Stealth skills, but when you prank someone you lose reputation with them.

[]Pervert - You read the Icha Icha series, and do so openly. - +25% bonus to stealth skills when peeking on your sexual orientation, but will take a loss to your reputation when caught

[]Super Pervert - You aspire to be the next Jiraiya, and write your own Icha Icha books. Just be careful you don't get caught peeking on the Kunoichi at the Hot Springs! - +50% bonus to stealth when peeking on your sexual orientation, but if caught you will take a massive hit to reputation

[]Good with numbers - You've always been good with numbers, and money hasn't been much of an issue when you started taking control of it personally. - You can find bargains easier and are able to find good investments

[]Truthseeker - You've always hated lies and deceptions and pursued the truth no matter what the cost! - +50% EXP gain to Interrogation skill, able to find the truth, for all it's good and ill

[]Knife to meet you! - Shinobi are good with knives, you've turned it into an art form, don't slip up and lose your fingers!- +50% EXP gain to knife fighting skills

[X]With this sword of mine - You've always enjoyed the way the light dances off the edge of a sword, some even think you like it even more with the blood of your enemies coating it. - +50% EXP gain to Kenjutsu skills.

[]Packrat - Hey, you never know when a five year old newspaper will come in handy, shinobi never know where their mission may lead to after all, at least you have access to some good storage seals, right? - +150% EXP Gain to Fuuinjutsu (Storage Seals), but you will always keep everything you pick up

[X]Sealmaster - Hey, they use Fuuinjutsu to seal Bijuu, would you really want to fuck with someone that has turned that art into an art of their own? - +50% EXP bonus to Fuuinjutsu

My nonexistent eyes began to ache as I looked through the choices, dear god there were so many of them! Shaking my head I finally selected my four, With this Sword of Mine, Medic Nin, Feel the Burn! and Sealmaster. I wish I could rub my eyes right now… they nonexistently ached…

[Thank you for completing the Character Creation! Now beginning reincarnation process, have fun!]


My new life wasn't a bad one. I had a mother and a father who loved and raised me as well as a twin sister who seemed to want to spend every waking moment of her life making me do some form of activity with her or another. Though my life did get a bit more unusual from there.

I held a great amount of respect for my mother of this life. She was a beautiful woman, she had high cheek bones, good facial symmetry, and always kept her long black hair expertly styled (in fact she seemed to change her hairstyle at least once a week). She was kind to her children and fierce when she felt my sister or I weren't being treated fairly. She did much of the housework and made wonderful home cooked meals. And she did it while in a wheelchair. How she ended up in the wheelchair and how it inconvenienced her life was never talked about.

Whenever my sister or I would ask what happened she'd give us a stern look and tell us it happened because she didn't listen to her mother.

If we asked our father we'd get the same answer, though he seemed to say it with a slight bit of teasing and small smirk at the corner of his mouth.

I could be wrong though. My father was a very difficult man to read. He didn't seem prone to shows of emotion and almost always kept his face passive. I'd honestly think he didn't love his family if it weren't for the fact that his eyes always seemed to soften whenever he looked at one of us, that whenever he passed one of us by he'd gently place his hand on our shoulder before moving away, and whenever our mother was having trouble reaching for something from her wheelchair he'd seem to appear from nowhere and hand it off to her with a peck on the cheek.

I am part of a good family, better than most in the Elemental nations, and I love them greatly. I always felt truly safe with them. Like nothing could go wrong.

Until one day, when I was three, and I wouldn't be alone in my mind.


The Voice in my mind spoke slowly and in bits and pieces that didn't seem to actually make much sense in connection with each other, which was really rather annoying. When I turned three I could quote, from memory, half of the history of something called English.

As one might guess that isn't particularly helpful when you are in a country where no one speaks said language. It wasn't even particularly helpful even if people understood what I was saying.

Regardless, most of the information I was receiving wasn't particularly helpful.

That is until one day, when our father had taken my sister and I out of the house to give our mother a break, and I looked up to see four faces overlooking the village.

I had seen the faces many times in that life before, I had glanced at them and not thought them particularly special, they'd always been there.

But this time. I looked at them and the voice started to speak like it never did before it spoke long and hard about stuff i wouldn't know about till later in my life.

{This world so i wasn't lied to i actually did make it}

And a cold shiver wracked my body. For as long as I was with this voice...I would never really be safe.

This was the Elemental Nations. This was Konoha. And I'd experience at least one war in my lifetime if I wasn't killed by someone else before then.

There was a clock on a countdown to a fight that would rock this entire world, and I had to try not be collateral damage.

I was in the Elemental Nation.

A place of death and war. A place that the idea of cooperation and peace had only seriously been considered within the last seventy years.

A place where a single man could wave his hand and wipe out the entire village with only his mystic wizard-ninja powers.

I could feel my skin turn hold and start to sweat, my arms shaking at my side as my breaths started to come in and out quickly.

"Mitsuni?" My father's voice came, he was kneeling down infront of me. (When did he get there?) His face had more worry on it than I think I'd ever seen, he got those little wrinkles next to his eyes.

"Was' wrong?" Atsuko, my sister, asked as she grabbed my left arm with both her hands. My mouth felt dry but I kept it closed and said nothing. I didn't even have the words to say what I wanted to. It was one of my biggest embarrassments right now.

Atsuko had started talking before she was two years old and could already put together complete, though mispronounced, sentences. I barely knew which words to say. At this point I think my parents might think me rather stupid. I should be a chatterbox at this stage of life, Atsuko certainly was, but it was rare for me to ever say anything.

I blame the fact that what to say in English is always the first thing that popped into my mind.

{Look towards the hokage}

Ghost no wait how could their be ghosts here in the mountains gotta think I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head, pulling my arm away from Atsuko. I take a deep breath in and try to calm myself. To give me time to think logically about what i just heard.

{Four heads.}

It Was Real! there is a voice in my head even though i swore it wasn't there a moment ago it's saying something about the weird faces on the mountain over there but i really have no idea what it means.

{Meaning there have been four Hokage's. Which means...I'm currently in probably the most peaceful time this world has seen in a long time and it will probably stay that way for several more years.

There were only two things to worry about right now then. Kurama's attack and Orochimaru's play to kill the Third.

Orochimaru's play I think I could avoid but Kurama's attack...what could I possibly do to make sure my family and I are safe from that? Maybe I could...}

The Voice words are cut off as my father picks me up off the ground, saying something. The only word in the sentence I caught was "Home".

Yeah....yeah...being home...would be really nice right now. I've always been a stay-at-home sort of person.

I grip my father's shirt and lean into him, the smell of charcoal and fire wiff into my nose. My father always smelled that way...but today it just didn't seem comforting.

"Yes. Home. Home." I muttered. I REALLY have to work on this language thing.

We begin moving again. I'm not very familiar with the world outside our house but I'm fairly sure that the landmarks we're passing means we are headed back, likely without having completed our shopping trip.

{I didn't have it in me to feel guilty right now.

I was more concerned with how I could keep my new body'sfamily and myself alive in a world of death and bullshit magic voices inside my head(And I don't use the word bullshit lightly or often.}

Next chapter