
Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday

"Tring.....Tring.....Tring" the bell signifying the end of the period rang throughout the school.

"Haytham!!" a shout resounded in one of the classrooms.

A young boy with black hair turned around to look at the source of the shout.

"You don't have to shout, you know? I am not deaf." said the black haired boy whose name was Haytham.

In front of him stood a girl with luscious black hair and a bright smile on her face, she was his long time friend of 1 year.....that's right 1 year, Melissa Ashborn. All of Haytham's friendships in his entire lifetime had never lasted for more than 1 month, all because of his family's special status. Melissa was the first person ever, who had been friends with Haytham for this long and the reason being her unawareness of his background.

"What are you so unhappy for? I just wanted to surprise you." said Melissa with a sullen pout.

"Well I am surprised but not the one I wanted. Anyway, what are you doing here?" asked Haytham.

"Well dummy since it's your birthday I thought why not surprise you with a treat in the cafeteria." said Melissa with a smile.

*Sigh* "Mel you know I don't like celebrating my birthday." said Haytham with a sigh.

"I know that, but that doesn't mean that it should not be celebrated. Come on, I will treat you with any dish of your choice." said Melissa "Isn't a free meal a cause for celebration?"

"Fine, fine, let's go. The day I manage to win an argument against you will be the day when the sun rises from the west." said Haytham with a defeated expression.


In the cafeteria

"So what does the birthday boy wish to eat?" Melissa asked.

"I'd like a veg sandwich." replied Haytham in the most monotone voice.

"What? Come on now, I said it's my treat, no need to be shy." said Melissa confidently.

"It's not shyness, it's called being considerate." said Haytham with a frown "Look I know this is your hard earned money and to splurge it on a single meal doesn't sit right with me."

"But you are my best friend, besides I have been saving the money just for this." said Melissa "Look, if you won't get something good then I will buy the most expensive thing on the menu for you."

"Please don't. Okay then, I will get the Mac and Cheese with some chocolate milk." Haytham said after finally relenting.

Melissa is an orphan. Her parents had died a few years ago in some kind of accident that she won't reveal. The only known blood relatives she had was her older sister with whom she currently lived and a few distant relatives. Melissa and her sister had moved into town just a year ago due to her sister's job. With no one else other than her sister to provide for her, Melissa had to work part time to make her wishes come true.

Haytham and Melissa picked up their food and sat at an empty table.

"So how was your day?" asked Haytham.

"Well it started of great with P.T (physical training) but then we were bored to death by the special back to back double combo lectures of Mr. Din and Ms. Pritchett." answered Melissa with a tired expression.

Haytham laughed at Melissa's exaggerated misery.

They continued to chat until Haytham's eyes fell on another student who was sleeping with his head on the table with uneaten food right beside him.

"That's weird. Why would that guy order food if was going to sleep instead of eating." asked Haytham.

"Oh that. That is Fred, he is from my class. Lately he has been sleeping in school a lot. Like an uncommon amount. I know the lectures are boring but to sleep through all of them is just weird. The teachers would wake him up and then yell at him and then boom he would go right back to sleep." replied Melissa.

"Why? Is he ill?" inquired Haytham.

"I asked him the same question and he told me that he has been having nightmares for two weeks straight. Poor guy cannot sleep at all at night." answered Melissa.

After hearing the reason, Haytham's expression changed into a puzzled one.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm, Oh, nothing." replied Haytham "Shall we go back to class?"

"Sure." answered Melissa with a sweet smile.


On their way to the classroom.

"Oh by the way, are you free this evening?" asked Melissa.

"I am. Why? Do you have some plans?"

"Yes well, I have one more surprise for you."

"Mel I have already told you t-"

"I know but it's nothing big. Please Haytham it will be quick and I promise it will be cheap." interrupted Melissa before he could decline

"Fine, then when and where are we meeti-"

Before Haytham could finish his sentence his gaze landed on a familiar woman standing near the door of his classroom. Every passerby would sneak peeks at the peculiar woman. The peculiarity about the woman was that she was in a complete maid attire. With crimson red long hair till her waist, dressed from head to foot in a maid's uniform and standing with an unwavering straight posture. Anyone would stop and admire this personification of everyone's maid fantasy.

The unwavering maid sensed a familiar presence in her surroundings. She immediately glanced towards her side and her eyes fell on Haytham. She politely walked up to him and bowed her head.

"Good afternoon young master Haytham, I have been waiting for you." said the maid.

"Ellie!!, w-what are you doing here?" Haytham asked with an expression of fear.

His eyes were filled with complete fear and dread. In his mind it was the day he hated and feared the most. He wished he could turn back the day but he had no such convenient power. It was the day when his worst fear would be realised. And then he heard the words that he feared the most.

"A very happy 18th birthday to you, young master Haytham. Your grandfather has summoned you."

Hello everyone and welcome to my debut chapter of my first ever novel.

After a lot of contemplation I said F it and just do it.

I have a lot of areas where I could grow and I will need your help in doing so.

So go ahead and feel free to criticize or praise or leave any type of questions you want for me.

But most importantly I hope you all enjoy reading it.

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