
Reviews of The Night Witch


The Night Witch


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



I like this story it has potential. Men are attracted to her but not in a way that it controls them. The important characters have all a bit of backstory to understand them but not enough to know everything, what is nice for me. The background is not really fleshed out much but I don't think that is a bad thing. The here and now we get to explore futher. This story feels for me like it slowly reveals a puzzle something I like. I say slow but it is not really slow, quite fast for what I am used too. Still the feeling is there and that is what I enjoy. I hope that in the futher we will see more what witches and the different types can do. For now I recommend to read it. I'm bad at reviews and to tell why I like it but this story has potential and deserves more attention. So I will still post this in hope I can assist even 1 person.

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