
Year 2

After the big fight there was last year. John and his Brother agreed to Erick taking Levi to his house.

John was getting his daughter ready in a... little brusque manner...

Move it! - He says pushing her almost untill she falls - I can't wait untill your in school... One less mouth to feed... - the door rings - Oh! There he is! - He takes Levi by the backpack and starts to push her to the door

When he confirms it's Erick he starts to open the door. The only thing he does is push Levi out and close the door. He pushed her out so brutally that she fell on the floor hurting her knees a little.

When Erick sees this he goes to Levi and takes her in his arms...

So... How are ya?... - he says looking at Levi's unreadable face - Your... As serious as ever... - he says getting a little side smile out of her - Ok... Ok... You don't have to force a smile... - He says patting Levi's head

After that it was a silent smile to Erick's house. When they arrived Erick went to open the door... Though when he went to let you out of your seat you had already done it...

What the... How are you so smart?... Your only Two?... - he says looking at you walk to the door

Shweell... Momma and Pappa Won't let Me out... Sho... I Have to lwearn all of this shtuff... - Responds Levi at Erick with a tiny voice

When Erick heard this his mouth fell to just open. Levi had an almost perfect way of speaking.

Erick ignored it and snapped out of it. He closed the car door and went after her.

Hello Levi... - responded Sara at the door...

While Sara and Levi were talking Erick noticed something. There was a little Blue spot on her arm. When he saw that he ran to Levi and took her inside. Than he started examining her. she had blue spot on her side and on her arm.

What happened Levi? - says Erick without getting an answer

Than Sara and her thirteen years old son walk in on the scene. They both see the blue spots on Levi.

I will ask one more time... - Levi sees as Erick touches his belt than her arm

When leaving see this she starts panicking and trying to get away...

No! Please not the bwelt!... - she keeps on screaming - Pweaae... I-I'll be gwood... - Erick, Sara and their son is petrified listening to Levi - Pwease... - she gives up trying to get away and starts to cry

Erick sees this and notices that all of this happened because she saw the belt he was wearing. Erick than moves slowly so he won't alter Levi. He puts his arms around her in a warm and tender hug...

Listen to me... - says Erick softly in Levi's ear - Nobody's going to hurt you... Nobody... - he than gets a little space between them - Let's do this... When your dad is angry... I'll help you learn the way to here and I'll give you a key so you can come whenever you want... - he starts cleaning Levi's tears away

She smiles at this noticing that they are to good and kind as to hurt her... So she replies with a smile and softly...
