
The Visitor

The more I think about it, the more I believe I was right to trust no one. It was that man that brought disaster to our town. Burning up everything my family worked so hard to accomplish. It wasn't because I was smart that I escaped. No...it was because I had to do it. I didn't mean to do it but it happened anyways.

"Sofia, what are you doing in the open?" I heard interrupting my thoughts.

As I turned around I saw her.. my only family that was left.

"Lafy, it is not that dangerous here.. besides no one can see us" I said with a smile.

"Phew, you know what would happen if they saw us right", she said angry.

"Mom and dad.."

"Stop it"

I didn't want to hear it because it reminded me of the smell of burning flesh. The mark that was left on their foreheads. The organization of those... it was a nightmare.

"I am sorry Sofia, I didn't mean it" she said with wide brown eyes.

I know she didn't and that made me feel guilty.

she looked so miserable, her tiny arms and legs. she was so pale like she hadn't eaten for weeks. Her brown hair glowed against the sun as tears rolled down her bony face. I know it was not her fault but I couldn't help getting mad. the accident was so clear in my mind. It was like it happened yesterday but it was five years ago.


"Mama..mama, why are we hiding?"

"Sofia, we need to get home as soon as possible", Mama said.

She was shaking and her face was pale. I looked over her shoulders pushing her curly hair to see the man across the street following her. He smiled when he saw me and that made tears come out. I was scared so scared that I dared not look back again. I grabbed my mother tightly not letting go as she ran. That was the beginning of the nightmare.

That night my mother and father stayed up talking. I heard hushing noises and cursing between them. I wasn't normal for my parents to fight. I tried my best to listen a little more but sleep took over and their voices started to fade in the background. That night I had a nightmare of the man chasing me. He grabbed my rams and legs, and threw me out the window. I woke up screaming. The only peraon who heard my cries was my younger sister Lafy.

"Sofia are you okay" she was banging on the bedroom door but I was too scared to answer.

"Sofia I am coming in"

"What's the matter? Should I call mama"

"Nooo" I screamed. Mama would not like my dream. She would tell me to not speak of it. Because if I did, the doctors would come again. Lafy knew that and quickly went quite. She stayed with me and help me dress and comb my hair.

"Sofia" she whispered as she combed through my hair.

"Did you remember anything yet?"

"No" I lied bitting my lower lip

"Okay but remember to not lie or you will be sent away again" she said as her hands shaked a little.

"I know or the bad guy will come again" I whispered.


I should have told her what I saw that day because if I did, we wouldn't be in this mess. I remember the tears as the mark appeared but I refused to tell anyone. Little did I know that the man was coming for me. They are what people called doctors but it was a secret organization experimenting on humans. I was subject 888, the most valuable weapon.

At first I was not sure how I could understand people when I was born. It was like I was under water and came up to discover that a whole other world existed . The more grew, the more I descovered that I wasn't mama and papa's little girl.

"Loli" my sister said as I jumped coming back to myself. I remember she would call me that whenever she was terrified.

As I sat on top of the mountain staring where she was pointing. I saw fire in our little town and I knew that we had been found out.

"Lafy run run" I screamed on top of my lungs as though it was my last breath.

"Loli" she cried and I picked her up. I ran through the forest without looking back. She was stiff in my arms as I jumped from branch to branch. They hit my face and I felt cuts all over but I continued to run.

"Sofia...Sofia" the voice was calling me again and I knew they were closer.

"Activate voice control"

"beep beep"

"Sending location master" the voice said.


A few years after the incident, I was not ready to face reality. The house was quite because bith my parents went out again. They never told us why they always leave at the end of the month but I knew. They wanted to know more about me and how I came to be at there door that year.

"Sofia" Lafy was shouting my name as she slowly came downstairs.

"What are you doing, you promised to go shopping with me"

"I know" I said.

"Then why are we still here at noon"

"come on please" she pleaded.

"okay okay"

We left our little house not knowing that it was the last time we would see our parents. The whisper of the voice inside my head was telling the truth but I refused to listen.

As we got to Beaver street, i heard a whisper

"Master...master fire fire"

I flinched as shivers ran down my body. I looked around to see who was calling. Lafy was still dancing around the sidewalk as she picked through the thick glass of beauty stores. she span round and round humming a faded tune. She didn't seem brothered at all. Then I heard it again.

"Fire.... fire"

"Hello" I said back

Lafy turned around and had a confused look on her face.

"Loli who are you talking to?"

"Nobody...I thought I heard something that's all"

she fiercely grabbed my hand pulling me to go into the shops. I was worried because the voice was silent. I continued to shop with Lafy, not knowing that our house and parents were slowly burning away.

It was getting dark so we started heading home.


I quickly turned around but nothing was behind us. I felt a sharp pain inside where the chip was initially inserted. It is now part of my flesh and every time Iblooked at it, it was if it was reminding me that I was just playing house. I wasn't part of this town because I wasn't normal.

After the voice the pain slowly went away but I had a bad feeling. I saw smoke as we got closer to our house. Lafy seemed to have noticed too and shock filled her baby face. I stood their helplessly. I grabbed Lafy and ran to our house. The smell was getting stronger. With my improved sense of smell, I knew what I was smelling. Burning flesh...

I heard a cry escape my lips. I bit into it to stop myself and blood dripped down my chin but I didn't care. Mama and papa were inside and I knew because I saw the door was wide open and a trail of powder was going inside. I covered Lafy's eyes and slowly but intensively hit the back of her neck to knock her out. I didn't want her to see this. I went inside not caring about the fire. People were lining up and pointing. I heard someone saying

"She must have done it, I knew she was a cure upon our town"

I didn't turn around because all that ran inside my head was that I needed to see who else was inside. I smelled a rat. My eyes became yellow and my iris a deep purple when I crossed the mirror in the living room. I saw them laying side by side and something was in mama's hand. I felt tears coming but I couldn't shed any. How cruel they were to set these people who cared about me on fire.

"But why why why" I shouted as loud as I could. Nobody dared to come in. I felt that I was losing it. I heard a squeeze on my shoulders. The one person that I knew who also cared about me was looking down at me with such pain on his face. Eyebrows crossed, making him look old. I pushed him away because afterall, he was human and shouldn't be in here but he grabbed me more tightly. I felt relaxed and finally the tears came.

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