

A thunderous lightning striked horridly in the sky. It wasn't raining, but it was all dark as the night. Somewhere in the dark at an unknown location, a strange figure appeared, wielding an usual knife in the air. It was a figure of a woman. A woman wearing a white garment, more like a uniform. She was petite and fragile, but eyes carried both fear and destruction. Then, lightning striked again and we could see her clearly as tears trickled down her small looking face. She was afraid of someone, or something. An horribly looking monster was starring right back at her. It was tall, beastly, had fangs as teeth, and sharply pierced finger nails that was unappealing to gaze upon.

It then began to thread slowly at the Woman's direction, gently and slowly, but she was ready to protect herself with the knife that was engraved in words written as curse.

Thunder roared again, and the woman became more frightening. Her hands shook in fear, and she almost peed herself. Several thoughts flooded her mind, one being that she was planning on running away if an opportunity arose, and another being that she would just close her eyes until the deed would be over. But at that moment, she wasn't able to do anything but held onto the knife she had found.

In a jiffy, what was heard was a loud cry, the cry of the Woman. No one knew what had taken place, but surely it was recorded that a shift in one's destiny might occurred that very night.

"The Night Nurse"

It was seven in the evening when Anika rose from a nap she had taken so to prepare herself before her night shift. She woke up in distress, felt moody, and tired. Even after the long nap she still couldn't bare moving an inch away from the bed that gave her comfort. She had thought of many reasons why she was feeling unenthusiastic to resume work, and one of it being that she was on her period and would want to be left alone. But deep down, it was because she was generally lazy. It had become part of her since she was little, and hadn't left her now that she had grown into a Woman of her own.

Although she hadn't lived a well pampered life or born with a golden spoon, one could say she was someone many loved to protect. Judging by her frail appearance, she could be mistaken for a teenager. Her oval shaped face fitted the body that most of her peers had admired. She was pretty, extremely pretty, too pretty that it became a privilege for her to use. Anika knew she could get any man of her interest with that kind of beauty, but had lost in the battle of possession when she resumed working as an intern Nurse at a private hospital. There was a Doctor that she crushed on when she first arrived, but that Doctor wouldn't even look her way for a second or pretend to had fancy her like the rest of the male workers at the hospital. Even if she get to work late, she would mostly be pardoned for it, and it was all because of her physical appearance.

It was time she resumed work as her night shift had even begun. As she sat on the bed, holding her face in her hands, she let out a deep sigh as she frowned her face. Her phone vibrated indicating a message was sent to her. She glanced through, then let out a gasps. In a hurry, she flinged herself out of the bed, ran to the bathroom to freshen up, and she did that in a haste. Her biggest critic and crush was the one orchestrating the shift, and he had never liked her nor would he pardoned her lateness.

To be cont.

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