
First Encounter

"Breaking New, it has been reported that the Global Star 'Alyssa' has broken up with her boyfriend 'Changmin'. The Nation Couple have decided to end their 3 years relationship in a good term, it has been said that due to their busy schedule, which make it hard for them to spend their time together".

Wu Corporation

A man in his late 30s led a woman who is in her early 20s into the elevator. " I heard the News" said the man. " So you still working for my brother" continued the woman. " I have no intention of quitting. Xiao Wei- ah you can't said that when you're still working as his consultant". " I'm only here for distraction tho hahaha" Liwei response.

"Speaking of the devil, he just ask me to bring him more paper work for the meeting, I gotta go now."Said Ly Zhang.He rush out as soon as the elevator door open, Liwei just scoff, as the door was about to close, a man in his business suit walk in.He stood at 6'2, straight nose, define jawline, his black hair was neatly parted and those black orbs eye which seem to be so sucking her in the more she stare at them. Their eyes met but no word was spoken. she goes on her phone to avoid the awkward situation.

Liwei felt like he was sneaking glance at her so she turned to face him, she was about to speak but the man beat her to it, he glared at her , " If you follow me here to get my attention just like the others then you have failed miserably miss, I have no intention in marrying you so keep on dreaming about wanting my wealth. But I will be nice and have my secretary bring you a paycheck later, have a nice day miss". He left the elevator.

' Is he stupid I was in the elevator before him, how does this psycho man brain work', she sigh and walk out of the elevator too.

Inside the meeting room

Everyone is here and same goes for Yi Feng, but a certain someone is missing. " CEO Wu, why aren't we starting the meeting since CEO Li is already here" an old man spoke. Everyone nodded except for Yi Feng, who remained cold. A sound of heel clicking can be heard, Liwei walk into a room full of man alone fiercely giving off a powerful vibe, everyone was shocked as to why a celebrity is attending this meeting except from her brother Wu Li Kai. Yi Feng on the other hand remain calm.

" Young girl, you shouldn't be here, this isn't a place for a mere celebrity", said one of the board director. " This isn't a place for a woman, us businessman is working you should leave quickly" said the other man. Liwei brows twitched. "Sir it was never a rule that woman can't attend the meeting or work in the business world" then she went to her seat. Li Kai give the sign to start the presentation.

Liwei sat there looking at the presenter, she frowned. Without waiting for the presenter to finish his presentation, she raised her hand " permission to speak ", everyone in the room look at her some even stare at her annoyingly. Who does this woman think she is, she should just be happy that she get to be here now she has the audacity to interrupt the meeting, unacceptable. " Speak, Xiao Wei" Li Kai said with a straight face but he was internally smiling, he was trying his best to not smile at how proud he is of her. ' That is my sister' he thought.

"I don't mean to be rude Gentleman but this project is plain stupid".

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