
Loyalty Training(Old)

Day - ???

Time - ???

Ormr's eyes fluttered open. His mouth was gagged. He tried moving his arms and legs, only to find he was restrained. His breathing sped up as he was reminded of the previous time he spent chained.

'Fuck! Fuck!' he thought in a panic, struggling in his bindings. But he froze as he saw a familiar pale figure out of the corner of his eyes.

"I heard you're being called my dog," he heard the freak hiss.

"Except." The sudden pause shot fear in Ormr's heart. He absolutely hated how scared he was of this man.

"No proper dog should bite the hand that feeds it," he continued. "And yet, Ormr, that's exactly what you did to Kabuto. Such insubordination..."

"Truly, that disobedience needs to go. Don't you agree?" Hiding his fear, Ormr flipped him off with a fierce glare.

"Kukukuku! There's that attitude! Let's see if you can keep it after this, shall we child?" Ormr wanted nothing more than to hit that patronizing grin.

"Kabuto, blind fold him." Then, darkness, as his vision was covered.

He could hear them move, the clattering of metal, distance voices. Dread began building in him as anticipation for what was to come. He was constantly tensed, waiting for the pain to come.

And yet... it never did.


Eventually, he stopped hearing noises. Nothing sounded out except for his breaths and the absolute silence of the room he was in. Time passed slowly.

'Starvation and dehydration torture?' he wondered to himself. It wasn't as bad as some of the possibilities he had conjured up in his mind.

Ormr had endured starvation before. The constant gnawing hunger, his stomach growling for something to fill it, anything. Yet that hadn't broken the seven year old before, so why would it break him now that he had the mental capacity of a twenty something year old man?

Dehydration was a bit of a different story. He had went without drinking for a few days, the dryness, the swelling of his throat. The constant swallowing and gathering of what little saliva he had left in attempts to get any sort of liquid. But eventually, even the inside of his mouth will dry.

But Orochimaru wouldn't kill him. So he only needed to endure. And he could do that, he would do it.


"Well, Ormr, how has the past few days been?" Kabuto asked, amusement radiating from his tone.

"T... they've... been... great... asshole," Ormr said as confidently as he could with his deathly rasp voice, keeping up his bravado. It's the only thing he had in this horrid place, aside from The System.

"It seems you need some more intensive conditioning, Ormr. But I wouldn't have expected anything less, I'm proud," Orochimaru stated.

Ormr weakly smiled. 'Continue to be interested in me fucker. I'll pull that tongue out of your damn throat, just wait!' As long as The Snake Sannin was interested in him, he probably wouldn't kill him. And Ormr would take whatever advantage he could get.

While the boy had no actual way of knowing what went through a person like Orochimaru's head, he could get an idea. This guy was a mad scientist through and through.

"But before that, get him to proper health Kabuto. I don't want him to die," Orochimaru ordered.

"As you wish, Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto obeyed.


For the next few weeks, Kabuto had him in a chamber. The only thing he did was feed him and give him drinks, and Ormr continued to train. He needed strength if he ever wanted to kill them.

Before he knew it, it was time for him to continue his torture. As he walked to the room, he prepared his heart and steeled his will. Whatever the freak sent his way, he would endure it.


Torture. This time, it was actual torture. Orochimaru wasn't here, neither was Kabuto. A person in a gimp mask with all sorts of tools covered in dry, flaky blood, here in their stead.

"You got a name man?" Ormr made simple conversation, whether he was trying to delay his pain, or he wanted something to take his mind off of what was coming, he didn't know himself.

The gimp didn't respond. "Of course I get stuck with the dullest bastard around," Ormr sighed.

"Whatever dude, let's just get this over with." The gimp shrugged and began inspecting his tools. Ormr instantly regretted saying those words.

Him and his big mouth...

And when he first started, the gimp man, Ormr realized he wouldn't be getting any rest.

"Oh my-"

"You're a fucking med-nin! Of course. God, I'm fucked..." Ormr paled as he felt the Chakra healing his flayed skin. Thankfully, he has had some prior experience with his skin being flayed.

'God, that sounds so fucked up. What seven year old has experience with being flayed?!' Ormr thought to himself. Well, aside from him and Orochimaru's other experiments.

He really needs to kill that bastard, doesn't he?


Ormr felt his toe nails curl tightly up into a ball as he experienced a nail being torn off one of his fingers. After hours of flaying, it finally got to denailing.

"Ahh... what a... classic... method... aye?" Ormr asked between gasps of pain, tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried to keep his mood up.


Ormr struggled desperately against the metal cuffs keeping him strapped to the nearly vertical table. He tried to raise his feet as high as he could, which wasn't high. Pain continously came from the burning on his soles.

"Fuckfuckfuck!" Ormr cursed, which only slightly alleviated the pain. His feet were pressed against burning coal.

The gimp man seemed to be taking a break. If it was for sleep or the bathroom, Ormr didn't care. He just wanted this to stop.

He could only watch as his feet continued to burn, and even heating up. He could see some of his skin on the top of his feet puff up due to his boiling blood, which evaporated and the hot air which rose forming the pustules.

It was so disgusting. His feet would never be the same, would they?


After what seemed like days of mind-numbing torture, and mindlessly eating and drinking whatever they fed him, Ormr didn't think it could get worse. And he was right, as it didn't.

Instead of gimp man which he had gotten used to, Orochimaru appeared from the open door. His heart sunk with fear, but he faced him with whatever fierce determination and snark he had left.

"It's been a while," Ormr said with a glare. His voice was unfamiliar to him. It had torn so many times and been healed by the gimp just as many times from his screams of pain.

"I could make this pain stop, Child," It was tempting. Very, very, very tempting.

"Sorry femboy, but I like my freedom of speech, thank you very much." Yet despite the temptations, he refused.

"Femboy?" Orochimaru tilted his head in confusion.

"Yeah, gimpy taught me that word," Ormr explained with a shit eating smirk.

"Did he now? I may need to have a word with him."

"He doesn't talk that much," Ormr advised. Orochimaru smiled.

"I'll make him talk. But enough about that, I want to talk about you, instead, Ormr," Orochimaru uttered as creepily as always.

"Oh yeah? What about?" the boy in question asked casually.

"Do you think your attitude has been sufficiently adjusted?"

"Only you can talk in such a creepy and untrustworthy way, Lord Orochimaru," Ormr replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"You are truly admirable Child, keeping an attitude in such a precarious position... but, again, you always have surpassed my expectations. It's my fault for expecting any less."

"I am pretty awesome. Also, thanks for allowing gimpy to give me so many good ideas," Ormr chirped.

"?" Orochimaru looked at him questioningly.

"What better way to learn how to torture someone aside from experience yourself, amirite?" The Snake Sannin could tell a few screws had probably been knocked from the poor boy's head, but that was of no problem.

"Well then, Ormr, let's see if you can handle this," Orochimaru announced.

"Wait, what do you-"

Ormr couldn't finish his sentence, as everything went dark. It was dark, a void of absolute sightlessness. Yet sight wasn't the only sense that was voided. He couldn't hear, smell, taste, or touch...

Moments felt like eternities, and eternities felt like mere moments. But this contradiction didn't bring any conflict in his mind, as though it were natural.

'What is this?' Ormr thought. But he soon realized what it was.

'Oh. This... this is what's it like to be dead.' He only had his thoughts to accompany him in this total lack of everything. Despite those harrowing thoughts, he wasn't scared.

In fact, this nothingness felt amazing. Only being able to think, and yet he had no worries. He had all the time in the world do to just... nothing.

He understood what Orochimaru was doing. The carrot and the stick, the oldest method in the book. Give someone unimaginable pain, and then simply... take it away. It was ingenious.

Emotionless. This is how Orochimaru made Kimimaro completely emotionless. The Kaguya Clan member was probably in this state constantly. Orochimaru could truly take the pain of life away from someone. Is that why Kimimaro didn't care even as his death approached?

Ormr didn't know. He didn't know much of anything, at this point. His sense of time gone, it felt like eternity passed, yet he knew logically that it couldn't have been that long.

The constant lull of blissful silence constantly tempted him to fall deeper into it. To just stop thinking entirely.

Existing was painful, so why exist? This was so much better, wasn't it? But... was it, really? Was this any better than being dead? Ormr didn't want to die, he didn't want to be like this, either. But when he really thought about it, he didn't have anything to live for aside from just wanting to survive.

'My life... was pretty meaningless anyways,' Ormr thought.

Yes. He had a System. If he tried, he could do anything, easily. He's destined to be great, but... he never wanted to be that great in the first place.

He didn't know what he wanted. 'Do I truly want revenge on Orochimaru?' Ormr found the answer with surprising ease.

'Yes,' he hissed it with such venom and spite he didn't know possible. Even this vacuum of space, where time and sense distorted couldn't get rid of his undying hatred towards that man.


Hate wasn't enough to live on. Ormr lingered on his thoughts about his System.

He remembered reading books and web novels, about the main character getting one, a System. But he all became bored of those before they ended. Because the power creep was seemingly endless, the training and fights as well.

That wasn't what he wanted out of life either. Yes, it was fun, intoxicating to see himself improve numerically, but...

This void was just as equally addictive. It may have only actually been a few minutes, but he was already forgetting how it was to actually do or feel stuff. Like walk, breathe, work out, pain.

Hate nor grinding wasn't enough for him to persist. So... what was? Was Ormr destined to become another cog in Orochimaru's machine?

Life was meaningful to him because it was hard, but the system made it easy even if he had a rough start. He could do anything he put even a little bit of effort behind, that's boring, isn't it? Flexing, feeding your ego, and beating those lesser than you could only give you so much Dopamine and Endorphins. Once it became ordinary, it'd feel ordinary. So... really, what was the point of living with or without this void? Both equally easy paths.

But... that just wasn't what he was meant for. He didn't know how, but he could tell, his entire mind telling him that.

This. Was. Not. What. He. Wanted. To. Do.

The sensation was vague and illusionary, but it was there. His mind wasn't making it up.

Yes. Fuck the System. Fuck Orochimaru! FUCK THIS VOID!

If his life was meaningless because it was easy, then he'd just need to make a goal harder than anything the System could offer! If everything was easy...

Then why not do everything? Experience everything this world has to experience? Even with the System, that wouldn't be enough to complete within tens of lifetimes.

This feigned or even actual death wouldn't stop him from completing his goal, because it was the hardest goal out there. One worth living and fulfilling.

Yes. This was what he wanted out of this new chance he had. Though before he could do any of that...

He had a snake to behead. And he wouldn't lie, he would enjoy doing it. Because while revenge wasn't worth living for entirely, God, if it wasn't satisfying.

Ormr would destroy everything this Snake had built. He promised himself that.


Ormr's eyes fluttered open. The first thing he saw was the torso of Orochimaru. The man was tall, towering above his young self.


"Well, Ormr? Are you ready to be a puppet, Child?" The Snake Sannin inquired. Ormr's eyes snapped up to the pale man's face.

"Haha! I quite like how I am. So how 'bout no old man? And take it for an answer this time," Ormr boldly proclaimed.

For the first time since Ormr met him, Orochimaru genuinely looked shocked. His reptilian eyes wide with shock, his mouth slightly parted. No one would ever know how smug he felt right there and then in that moment. It couldn't be described with words.

"While you're at it, tell Kabuto I'm coming for his tattletale ass!"



They locked eyes, as it took the Snake a few moments to process what was happening before his eyes. A child actually resisted?

"Kukukuku!" Orochimaru was the first to break eye contact, laughing loudly for all to hear. How interesting!

Where would anyone find a child with such an unbreakable will? Was only Ormr like this, or were all members of the Chinoike Clan this strong-willed?

It took a minute for the Sannin to stop laughing, and once he took, he examined Ormr's eyes with unbidden curiosity. Such fierce eyes, such strong hatred only an Uchiha could have matched, and those... rectangular blood red pupils, black irises, and red sclera.

Despite his attitude and insubordination, Orochimaru knew the boy wouldn't be going anywhere. He could use him freely. Not only that, it seemed such intense experiences had unlocked his Dojutsu...

How fun.

Orochimaru decided it in an instant. "Child, I believe you are ready for your first mission, you are now, officially, The First Shinobi of Otokagure, by my decree."

"Wait, wut?" The look of disbelief and confusion on the boy's face was priceless. It prompted another bout of laughing from Orochimaru.

Yes. Ormr was by far his favorite experiment, and the most successful, and surprising as well. It would do him well to keep the boy around for a long time.

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