
waking up

"well what do we do now?" said a tall cloaked figure to the woman next to him.

"we are immortal and have slain the man responsible for causing endless pain to the world. I'm retiring from the world you as always can do as you please brother of chance." said the woman.

The two parted ways and disappeared from history. Legends exist of them taking part in world-shaking events only to vanish once more.


"enough stop reading children's stories you're almost a man now!" said a middle-aged man to a tall young man

"sure father once you stop sleeping with the maids I'll take my studies seriously," said the boy

"Caedmon you're named after the best of our ancestor's act it!!" said his father lord of the eastern quarter of the immortal empire.

"Edward, dear, I've warned you before of speaking to our son about his hobby it doesn't hurt anyone and costs far less than yours. leave it or you will be expelled from MY family." said the lady of the house Isabelle.

"you don't have to remind you only agreed to marry me to keep your lands in your hands. I know the new emperor no longer holds males as the only inheritors anymore!" retorted Edward. "the point is our son is magically crippled and is only good at fighting the way street rats fight. he has no honor on the sparring mats"

"but...." started Caedmon

"enough dinner is being served. eat both of you and son you must realize that in a few months the land with a look to you to be a leader and you should start taking the privilege of being noble seriously."

sitting down this not so loving family started eating at a massive table with just the 3 of them.

"boy stop sleeping at the table your only 16." said the father. SON WAKE YOUR ASS UP."

"what's going get the healer!!!" stated Isabelle.


Caedmon woke up to a dark room strangely floating up and down. a white light appeared revealing a tall muscular man with white hair and black eyes.

" who is a good benevolent kidnapper?" asked Caedmon.

"just a cleaner boy haha. some have called me a brother of chance and world breaker but I just clean the mess made by other... gods, playing with the planar exchange system. also, you should ask why you're floaty?" there's a fun answer," said the strange large God.

after a while "fine, why am I floating up and down and can't move my arms?" asked Caedmon.

"you. Are. Deader. Then your cat's last mouse" said the suddenly smiling God. :)

"oh ok that's... what do you mean? dead, I was just eating with my parents and nodded off." said the startled boy.

"hahaha" laughed the God "the man you called father had you killed since you were too weak to and insecure to be the lord of a quarter the empire. oddly enough he did consider all other options first and it wasn't for power for himself. also, your mother just found out want to see what happened?"

"umm, sure I guess..."

"good enough for me lets get the big screen" responded the God

<big screen?¿? I'm definitely crazy I don't even know what that is> Caedmon thought to himself

" now come over here I haven't seen anything interesting in a while had to dust this bad boy off. You should be thanking me." stated the god." let the show begin."


"look, Isabelle, I told you it was for the country, it was to protect the bloodline. please let's stop this duel before you can't walk away from this." Edward pled to his wife.

"I never loved you or your obsession with powerful heirs. I challenge you before witnesses for killing my heir and expel you from my House" declared Isabelle.

"since there is no way to reconcile the differences between the challenger and challenged. I will officiate this duel." announced the emperor.

With a wave of her hand, Isabelle dispelled all of Edwards wards and brought to his knees. then pulling a small stick and a word of power she decapitated him in less than a second. "it's done my daughter is now the successor to my title and I am stepping down from the magic division to fill the leadership hole left by my husband. I apologize as head of my house to your grace for this issue. thank you for your forbearance."


"well then since you have seen what happened we can get on with the next process.... you get a new life" god


" a mistake was made not important now. it happened you didn't get the chance that you deserved now I am going to fix what I *cough* mistakes were made. a glowing bubble doesn't need the specifics." God "you're the bubble"

"Oh, do I get to decide where I'm born? what do i get? or my body shape?" Caedmon.

"short answer no you do not. the longer answer you don't have the kharma for that. you, however, are a new soul thus we have some playing room. I already have a world picked out and will make sure your soul is properly bound to the body this time... not my fault the first time mind you... and you'll have full control over the magic in this world."

"are you really just throwing me back out like that?"

"yup catch and realease." god