
Chapter 9

"knock, knock"

"Mr Hearthfire,Mr Hearthfire please open the door!" some rude arsehole shouts at me making me wake up.

"ugh what do you want at this time, its my day off and I will not open the store." I say slowly losing my control over my anger.

"please Mr Hearthfire it is of the utmost importance!"

"alright Christ don't get your panties in a twist." I get out of my bed half dressed in my pyjamas bottoms, showing off my four pack abs and my athletic body. as I walk to the door I grab a tank top to at least look appropriate. as I open the door I see a short man, about four to five foot tall, wearing suit and a panicked expression on his face.

"sigh what do you want mayor? is there bandits attacking? or maybe some dark mages? oh, maybe your wife caught you cheating on her?" I say just to piss him of. I always hated people who cheated on there significant other. and his wife definitely deserved better, she was an angel always helping others and not expecting a reward for it. not to mention she was extremely beautiful.

"NO! You ignorant fool multiple fishing boats have been going missing in the past month. Our stock on fish is rapidly declining and people are afraid to trade with us encase they lose their boats. please I beg of you, can you at least try and find out what the cause is of course you will be rewarded."

"okay, first of all insulting people is not a good way to get them to do you favours and secondly I would do it even if I wasn't to get a reward. I'm not some mercenary or an insensitive prick who only does things for others if it benefits them." my anger is slowly slipping away from me. "I'll do it, now please leave. I'll come to your office when its done."

"oh, thank you Mr Hearthfire." he says as he leaves.

"dick, first we wakes me up then he insults me, Christ its people like him that make me want to join fairy tail early."

right time to get ready, I equip my new outfit. its almost the same as my old one but its upgraded. its a pair of black cargo pants and boots with a white sleeveless shirt. each of them are enchanted with extra durability and resistance to different elements similar to the cloak I got from Unaturo the Natural. speaking of that cloak, I only wear it when I am doing jobs and if I have to travel. if I am in the shop or am just traveling around town I would just wear a hoodie.I still wear my chain and the bracelet.

I have yet to have a look at the random skill book or the random magical item. but I think now is a good time. I pull both of them out of my inventory and I seen that they are wrapped in paper. I start to peel it off the skill book when a pop up appears.

would you like to uncover this random skill book?



you have found the skill book 'Gillman'

would you like to learn this skill?


"Might as well, it might help me with looking for the ships. Yes."


allows the user to see, breath and move underwater like a fish

"that can be very helpful. its almost like I'm a fish man now." okay time to investigate, I decided to check the docks and ask the fishermen who lost their fishing boats. some of them say that they saw monsters shadows from the depths and that they are cursed to never travel by sea again, other say that Poseidon was angered by them catching and eating his children.

honestly I think they are just crazy, but this is coming from me I am literally from a different world. there was one helpful fisherman who said he saw what attacked him, he said that a Merman attacked him and sunk his boat while it was shouting about him being 'filthy human scum'. it sounds like Arlong is in this world or maybe its one of Arlong's or Hody's lackeys.

I don't know whether to believe the next guy because, well here's why.

"um, excuse me sir do you know anything about the disappearances of the fishing boats."

"hehe, yeah dude. it was like fish dudes man. don't believe the bullshit that does idiots over there are saying." he takes a pause and then takes a puff of what I assume is this worlds cannabis.

"and why is that?" I say genuinely confused.

"its because their apart of the system man."

"what system?"

"the system dude."

"okay, are you high?"

"its to keep the man from making me apart of his system."

"what is it you are smoking anyway?"

"its called 'The dragons ball sack', its some strong shit man. but you look like the kind of guy who would go for some 'unicorn queef' its stronger but that after taste man."

"okay thanks for... that, I'm gonna go over there, I swear I'm not running away from you I'm just very busy. ill see you around" I say trying to be nice but I don't need to be doing drugs, especially drugs from a world where there is already magic and shit just imagine how powerful it would be compared to the stuff from our world.

after asking around the docks for about an hour I got bored and decided to try out the 'Gillman' skill. I wasn't very good at swimming in my past life but with this skill its as natural as walking no its as natural as breathing. I can see everything so clearly so brightly and I can breath and smell underwater. its weird, I think my enhanced senses and the fact that I am able to breath underwater are combining and making everything awesome.

i start swimming down to the bottom and I start to spot, you will never guess, sunken boats and ships surrounding a deep hole to the abyss.

it looks like it continues on forever, but that could just be my imagination. I decided to look in the ships first, might find something useful or valuable.

the first one I look in was just a normal fishing boat, by this worlds standards, it was pretty bare apart from the floating skeleton and the lone shark. the looked right at me and just charged with its jaws ready.

I swam, jumped, back and prepared to attack it when my foot got caught in rope. the shark took this as time to attack. charging forward and taking a bite out of my arm, ripping through flesh and bone. thankfully it didn't tare off my arm, it just bit down on it.

I charged a small amount of lightning magic into my fist and punched the shark in the nose, giving it mild paralysis, I'm glad I was wearing my cloak because if I wasn't I would have shocked myself also.

I pulled out my sword and decided to end this quickly, and I rammed the sword into the sharks throat.

I took a health potion to fix up my arm and I continued searching.

you have found a dungeon

shipwreck cavern

would you like to enter?





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