
Chapter 7

'You have slept in a bed your HP and EP have fully recovered.'

"Ugh, i'm never going to get used to that am i?" i've just woken up if you couldn't tell, even though gamers mind gets rid of my grogginess i'm still not used to waking up at this time. I just hated waking up in my past life, there wasn't a reason for me to get up. I just wasted my life doing pointless shit anyway i saw no point. Now though i have a reason to get up and that's to train, i want to get stronger, make friends and i want to protect them.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when i woke up, i decided to get a shower and go downstairs for breakfast. And let me say this, the pancakes here are fucking gorgeous. It maked dieing worth it. And the best thing is, it's free.

Anyway i decided to head to the dungeon after getting food, i ran there to get myself ready for the upcoming boss fight. I already beat the mini bosses so all i have to worry about is the boss….hopefully.

Anyway i reach the cave in ten minutes, would have gotten there quicker but this map is hard to read. God i hate maps.

'You have obtained all key pieces

Would you like to fight the boss'


"Yes!" my surroundings change in a flash of light and before me stands a large door with five holes. Each hole has a different shape, one looks like a flame another looks like a teardrop, one looks like a lightning bolt and the last two look like a small mountain and a whirl of wind.

Each where the same size as the key pieces i got off the mini bosses. They were the same size as a badge. I place each of the key pieces into the holes.

I place each one in the order i received them in, just in case it was trapped. As the last one went in the door moved, each key piece moved in a circular pattern until they met in the centre of the door. Then when each of them touched they moved with the door, in a similar fashion to the iris of a stargate.

It opened up to reveal a corridor with a door at the end, the door covered up the entire wall and was made out of metal. It was huge, it's probably five times the size of me.

As i neared the door it slowly opened to reveal four cloaked individuals, they surrounded a large coffin. They were standing in a magic circle chanting. As they chanted pulses of magic flowed towards the large coffin.

One of the cloaked individuals was holding a book, what type i couldn't identify, one of the other three's arms weren't covered and on the arms where tattoos they looked similar to the seals i learned. The last two looked similar, they weren't holding anything and they had their arms covered.

I used an 'observe' on them.

The item maker

A guard of Unaturno the Natural

[info] is a master at making magical items, has lived for an unknown amount of time.

Lvl 25

The enchanter

A guard of Unaturno the Natural

[info] a master in enchanting, has lived for an unknown amount of time.

Lvl 25

The golem master

A guard of Unaturno the Natural

[info] a master golem maker, has lived for an unknown amount of time.

Lvl 25

The seal master

A guard of Unaturno the Natural

[info] a master at creating and using seals, has lived for an unknown amount of time.

Lvl 25

'I'm guessing the guy in the coffin is this 'Unaturno the Natural', he is probably the boss.'

I fucking new it wasn't just going to be the boss, it's just as well i didn't continue yesterday.

I had enough of the hole sneaking crap and decided just to attack them like a Saiyan warrior, which meant a lot of screaming and lots of ki blasts, but i my case some screaming and a variety of hell fire balls, lightning balls and mana blasts. I attacked the enchanter first, blasting him with fire, lightning and mana. The combination of the three caused an explosion on impact harming the other three but only slightly.

When the smoke cleared i seen the enchanters cloak was blown off and he had a few burn marks over his body, but that was it no other damage. He charged at me with a sword drawn, the sword had a slight blue and red glow to it. He swung at me aiming to take off an arm, i back peddled to gain some distance then i pulled out my sword and charged at him. We clashed causing sparks to go flying, whatever enchants he has on his sword, they are powerful, he almost cut through my sword from the initial clash.

We both tried to overpower the other, we were about even, until i activated stealth foot and iron fists causing me to overpower him and knocking him back. I quickly charged up a 'hellfire ball' and slammed it into it's face, killing it instantly.

{there are still multiple enemies, clear out the remaining enemies to receive your loot}

'That kinda stupid, but it's understandable.' the other guards didn't attack me even though i killed their comrade. Right i'll get the item maker next.

I decided to just sneak up behind him and stab him with my last explosive kunai. I quickly jumped back and activated it, blowing the item maker up.

As the smoke cleared i only seen a flash of light as proof that i killed it. This time as i killed it 'the golem master' attacked me, sending out two golems. One of the golems looked to be made out of stone, it was about the same size as a ten year old. It was humanoid with lean chiseled muscles, they were actually chiseled in, in had a completely blank face. The other one seemed to be made out of a metal, it was about the same size as a single floor house, it was also humanoid but this one was fucking jacked, it's muscles were insanely big. It's arm was the same size as my body.

I bet gajeel would enjoy fighting it.

The stone golem charged at me while the iron golem stood as a shield for the golem master, the golem master was still chanting away with the seal master.

The stone golem went to punch me in the face, i blocked it with my forearm with my iron fists still active. I then countered it's blow with a uppercut to it's chin, cracking it's stone chin a little. We both jump back and charge at each other again exchanging blows with one another. Eventually i get bored of our little bout and end it by igniting my fist in hell fire and punching through it's torso.

While i'm starting to enjoy fighting, i don't want to use up to much energy drawing the fight out. So in that mind i charge up a mana-make spear but this time i cover it in my hellfire, creating a mana-make flaming spear.i'm working on that name.

I charge at the iron golem, who know has it's arms around it's master to protect it, and i impale it and it's master in one move, slowly burning their insides, killing them.

The seal master turned to me with, what i think was, a smirk on it's face. Behind it the coffin lid was off and smoke was coming out of it. I quickly charge at the seal master with my sword at the ready and i impale him. He just smirks at me and back hands me, causing me to stumble away, he then removes the sword from his body and throws it at me. I dodge to the right and shoot fireballs at him. His arms then start to glow and transform. At first they looked slightly human but now they are completely different, his right arm is scaly and reptilian like while his left arm is larger than the other and covered in red fur, it looks similar to an ape's arm.

He swings his left arm at me trying to hit me, i fly into the air using my flight ring and use my mana-make arrow, from the air i launch arrows at the seal masters libs trying to slow down his movement. I got him in the right knee and his right arm, unfortunately the scales on his arm are too thick for me to penetrate. So i aim for his torso, i launch five arrows in quick succession, thankfully to his busted knee he couldn't dodge. I got him in the left shoulder, just before his arm becomes the weird monkeys arm, and i got him in the chest. I then used mana-make knuckle and hit him in the ribs, hopefully breaking some.

To make it a quick death i slit his throat with one of my knives. It was a similar end to that monster i fought when i first got here.

My attention is swiftly drawn to the mad cackling, from what sounds like multiple beings at once,almost like an overlapping echo. I turn towards the coffin where the boss was. He had five heads each one with a crown styled differently. The middle one was made out of stone and was made to look like a rocky hill side, the one on the far right was gold and styled to look like a thunderstorm, beside that was one made out of a red metal styled to look like a blazing inferno. The one on the far left was styled to look like a raging hurricane while the one beside it was made to look like a tsunami.

Each heads eyes were different colours, they represent the elements on their crown. They each spoke in unison, which while it was kinda creepy it was actually pretty cool.

"So you are the reason i have awakened from my slumber!" the heads boomed at me in unison.

"I guess i am, and who are you." i asked neutrally, i wasn't trying to display any emotion towards the boss.

"I am Unaturno the Natural, i am the lich king of this land… how have you not heard of my name. I have been feared my man and beast alike for almost a century." he asked me in hidden rage and slight confusion. So i decided to take a page out of luffy's book.

I stuck my pinky up my nose and said "really? You don't look that though."

"You bastard…. How dare you mock me!" yeah he's pissed. I don't really know what i was thinking like seriously he looks really intimidating five heads on a large boney torso that's floating a few feet from the ground. Hes like the wither from minecraft except actually intimidating and has five heads and isn't black.

Two of his heads glow in light, one was yellow/gold and the other one was blue. He was charging up a combo attack at me. I quickly put up a mana-make shield pumping about a quarter of my remaining magic into it, just in time to as he fired the attack right at me. It was a large stream of water that had lightning flowing through it. The power behind the attack was insane, i was pushed against the wall just from the power. I dropped my shield and flew, i picked up my sword and made another using mana-make sword, the lich flew up as well trying to get me inrange of it's attacks. I circle around him, zooming past him and slashing him with my swords. The become even more enraged and uses a type of aoe fire attack. It made a circle around him and pushed outwards.

I pull out a knife and charge it with lightning magic and quickly throw it at the boss making an undodgeable attack.

He then attacks by launching large boulders at me and increasing their speed using his wind magic. But since they are large boulders they are easy to dodge, i've found out from our battle that i have more speed and intelligence than him but he has more power and magic power than i do. While i'm at a slight disadvantage i could probably win this. I land on the ground and he follows me.

I decided to be a bit ballsy. I'm going to try and copy some moves from some different animes, hopefully i can use these to my advantage. So in this mind set i light my legs on fire and spin…..



"Diable Jambe"that's right i'm copying sanji. What did you expect me to use the Kamehameha or something, actually i might try that next my mana is similar to Ki so it might work.

As i spin on my leg i coat it in my hell fire and i activate my stealth foot combining these i create something similar to the diable jambe. Although it's not the same as it it should do for now, the flames that coat my legs are black almost purple with a flicker of red in there. While my legs are nowhere near the same strength as sanji's or do i have enough skill in fighting with my legs i have the amateurs version of it.

Using this rip off version i aim high kicks at the Lich's i don't reach that high i do kick it in the shoulder blades. I can see the burns forming on the liches bones, they were turning black almost as if they were turning into charcoal.

"Arrgggh you bastard! I'll fucking kill you!" he roars at me and forming a large ball of swirling elements using wind magic as it's base, it's almost as if he is copying that move Naruto uses i can't remember the name i never really watch Naruto…...not after.. Anyway i jump back gaining some distance and decide to try it. I will admit now that this isn't the first time i tried to use the kamehameha…...what i was young, i bet everyone of you have tried it at least once in your lives.

I get into the stance, cup my hands and channel my mana into my palms.


"Ha you think something of that level would compare to my ultimate attack!"

"haaaa…..Meeeee…..HAAAA!" and with that we both launched out attacks, each colliding and causing a giant flash of bright light as the we battled for dominance. His attack was slightly overpowering mine and i was losing power fast, i focused on my attack and i quickly grabbed a potion of magicka from my pocket and chugging it down as fast as i can.

With my magic refiled i poured as much magic as i could into my kamehameha, overpowering his attack and hitting him with his own attack and my attack.





{congratulations you have cleared this dungeon}

{loot obtained}

Book of enchanting: a book filled with ideas on enchanting

Book of golemancy: a book filled with theories on how to make and use golems

Book of seals: a book of seals, has seals for almost everything.

Bracelet of the mind: protects your mind and memories from outside sources.


{loot from boss fight}

Special reward: cloak of the elements


Cloak of the elements: a cloak made to protect the user from the elements, protects the user from lightning,fire,water,earth and wind. Also increase damage dealt with these elements

{quest complete}

You put a deposit on a house/shop, to actually own it you must come up with 225,000J in two weeks.

Success: keys to new home, increased reputation with Hargeon, 10,000xp.

Failure: decreased reputation, title untrustworthy.

Bonus objectives: find a natural dungeon, defeat boss of the dungeon, return money at least 24hrs before deadline.

Bonus rewards: 50,000J, random skill book, random magical item, skills [ID Create],[ID escape], 15,000xp, 50,000xp, 20,000xp.

You have completed this quest, please return to the mayor's office in hargeon for the remainder of the rewards.




Random skill book

Random magical item

Skills [ID Create], [ID Escape]

After i closed the popups i was blinded by the bright light as i was teleported out of the dungeon. I check my clock and see it's 2:30 in the afternoon, so i went to the mayor's office to pay for my house. After i completed the mission and defeated the boss and it's guards i had 450,000J. That's just from today, before i went to the dungeon i had 409,750J. I doubled my money in a day. So in total i had 859,750J but after paying for it i have 634,750J. While i was at the mayor's office i ask the secretary if i could use it as a shop to sell magical item. She said it would cost me 30,000J a year to use it as a shop which is really cheap so i paid the money up front.

I haven't gone to the house yet, i went to the inn first.i just feel really tired after using so much magic, i pretty much poured my entire magic container into that kamehameha. I just went straight up to my room and fell asleep. I didn't even bother to change or get under the blankets.




Next chapter