
Chapter 6

"Ha…...pant….pant, this is complete bullshit. It's just the same shit over and over again with different enemies and loot." if you're wondering what i mean well it seems who ever designed this dungeon was lazy, it's just the same two rooms on different levels. The first level was the fire level it had four soldiers at around level 12 and three mages at around level 15. The mages specialise in fire magic and dropped fire related items when they died. I killed the four soldiers and one mage before fighting the two other mages. The mages were in the coffins. After i killed them a door opened and there was stairs going down, which lead to the exact same thing but with wind mages who dropped wind related items, not all the mages drop items but they all dropped jewels.

After the wind mages where the water, then the lightning then earth and then finally was the masters. This level was much more difficult there is no soldiers just five images each were level 20. I already killed the fire mage and am on my way to the next one. All the masters have a room to themselves, decorated to represent their element. It was kinda like fighting the elite four from pokemon except their was five of them and they wanted to kill you. And unfortunately i didn't have a fire breathing lizard that looks like a dragon but isn't a dragon type.

Anyway it was a tough fight, he used something similar to that phantom lord member. What's his face…. You know the guy with the fire?...there was diferent kinds and each did something different. Whatever i don't care. It was similar to that guy's magic, the fire mage had three different kinds of fire magic. He had ice fire(light blue flames, they were cold), hell fire (it's black, and very very hot. Almost as hot as my imaginary girlfriend) and he had a very acidic fire, it would burn through anything i lost two swords to that magic thankfully i had plenty from getting at least one per every four soldiers and i fought twenty soldiers. So yeah, swords for days.

After clearing the five flours and a mini boss i got a shit ton of loot.

{loot obtained}

Black iron sword x4: a one handed sword made in an unknown time. Made out of a substance similar to iron but black in colour.

Black iron great sword x6: a two handed sword made in an unknown time. Made out of a substance similar to iron but black in colour.

Ring of fire x1: a magic ring imbued with the power of fire. Channel your magic into it to use.

Boots of the wind x2: boots enchanted with wind, makes you as light as a cloud. increases speed and jump height.

Mask of water breathing x2: a face mask that prevents water from filling you lungs, allows you to breath underwater.

Cloak of lightning x1: strengthens your connection to the element of lightning, increases your speed and resistance to lightning.

Ring of lightning x1: a ring imbues with the power of lightning. channel you magic into it to use.

Chest piece of earthen strength x1: a chest piece made to be as strong as the earth. increases your damage resistance.

Ring of hellfire x1: a unique magic ring imbued with the power of hellfire. Channel your magic to use.

Potion of fire resistance x4 : a drinkable potion that makes you immune to fire for eight minutes.


You have learned the 'healing seal'.

Draw this seal onto an object and channel some magic towards it to activate, can be drawn onto a living being to heal.

You have learned the ' regen seal'.

Draw this seal onto an object and channel some magic towards it to activate,speeds up magic regen.

I also looted from the little storage rooms on each floor two new enchants and six health potions and eight potions of magicka.

The mini boss also dropped a piece of a key, how do i know it's a key well i cast "observe" on it. Apparently all five have a piece and when they are together they join to create the key to the boss room, or maybe it a key to a treasury. I don't know it wasn't specific.

Anyway it's time to continue, i walk to the door that has been opened. It leads to the wind mages room, the mage is floating in the middle of the room and as soon as he/she spots me their eyes glow an ominous red. He immediately charges up a spell and launches it at me, i dodge to the right, i'm wearing my boots of the wind so i'm able to jump high and move fast, on top of that i'm wearing the cloak of lightning increasing my speed even more, i didn't activate stealth foot because if i did i would get tunnel vision or i would over work my muscles, plus it saves magic power.

The spell it launched was a type of wind blade that cut through a pillar in the wall. I retaliate by using my ring of hellfire, it turns out that by channeling magic to the ring i can use hellfire magic. It isn't as powerful as learning it and using it but by using the ring i save time in learning the spell and how to control it. I launch a large fireball at the mage , it wasn't as hot as when the fire mage used it but it could still melt through stone. I landed a hit on the mage causing it to be stunned, so i quickly leaped into the air and using mana-make sword i slashed at the mages vital areas, using my superior speed i 'wall jumped' gaining speed and power into my attacks. Unfortunately that didn't last for ever as i gained too much speed to control and i missed smacking myself into a wall.

This gave the mage enough time to recover, he charged up what seemed to be a large scale spell. It came at me fast, almost too fast to react to, i tried to dive out the way but i got sucked into what seemed to be a large tornado. I was being thrown around the room, rubble being smacked into me from all angles. The tornado was powerful, the only way i could think to get rid of it was by taking out the mage.

I charged up a fire ball, i wasn't concentrating on size but rather on heat, i sucked at physics soo i don't know if this will work but my idea is to make the fireball hot enough to burn away the air and throw an explosive kunai at the mage using the fire as a cover.

Lets hope it works, the fireball was about the size of tennis ball, possibly larger, it was almost glowing white but it somehow retained that black tint to it. I launched it with all my strength willing it to pierce through the tornado. I prepare my explosive kunai, and waited. It turns out i failed, the fire was sucked into the tornado and combined, i kinda forgot fire needs oxygen and in a tornado there is a lot, but in the fire was my magic so i focused on my magic and i tried to fight against the wind magic causing the fire and wind to clash. It was like watching to beings waging war against one another, it was beautiful yet terrifying.

"I have the weirdest boner right now." yep i did not mean to say that out loud but it's a bit late now, plus this caused the mage lost concentration for a second which gave me a chance to overpower the tornado. I was a bit tired from using so much magic power but thankfully so was the wind mage. He didn't have enough magic to even float in the sky anymore. I quickly chug down a potion of magicka and charge at the mage with my sword drawn, i decided to channel my magic from my ring to my sword causing the hellfire to surround my sword heating the blade and adding burning damage to it. I stabbed it through the mages neck burning the cauterising the wound and killing it instantly.

{loot obtained}

Ring of flight x1: a unique magic ring imbued with the power of flight, to use channel your magic to the ring and wings will appear.


I equip the ring as soon as i can. Thankfully i can wear more than one so i decided to wear my ring of hellfire, ring of lightning and my new ring of flight. I decided not to wear my ring of fire because i already was wearing my ring of hellfire which seems better.

The ring of lightning is the same as my ring of hellfirein which i can use lightning magic, the ring of flight softens my landing considerably and it obviously gives me the ability to fly. It works in a way similar to aera magic. Because it creates wings on my back instead of just allowing me to fly without them. The wings are similar to angel wings, beautiful white feathers and a three or four metre wingspan i think i can't really tell.

Next boss time, i make my way through the door and enter a large open room with the water mage in a lake in the centre of the room. It was standing on top of the water, it's like it thinks it's a fucking shinobi. As soon as it sees me it's eyes glow the same ominous red as the last two. It must be a sign of agro or something.

Anyway i have a slight advantage because i can fly, but i'm at a disadvantage because my rings aren't good against water. Luckily i can still use my mana-make.

The mage charges at me, not even causing a ripple on the water, and makes a spear made out of water and tries to impale me. I block it with my mana-make shield and swipe at it with my mana-make sword. Fuck it i'm just going to call it a he, it's getting really annoying calling it an it. He blocks with his spear, he jumps back and throws the spear. I hold up my shield and bash it away. The mage makes a two handed sword out of water, seems like he is a water-make mage. I drop my shield and use my sword, my normal one not my mana-make sword, i charge lightning magic from my ring into the sword increasing my speed with it and hopefully making my attacks more powerful. Because i remember water is a conductor for electricity, so hopefully my attack will at least stun him.

I charge with my lightning empowered blade and swipe at the mage, he goes to block it but when our blades collide he gets shocked, literally and figuratively, the water blade amplified the power of the lightning and past straight through him into his body, and the fact he was standing on water made it even more powerful causing the mage to die.

It was quite the anticlimactic fight but i don't care i'm alive and that's all that matters.

{loot obtained}

Boots of waterwalking x1: these boots allow you to walk on water, once you channel magic to them.

Skill book: water-make magic


Right time to fight the lightning mage.

I walk in the door and see an open room with electricity falling in random areas, the mage was standing in the middle he looked at me and …

"Pppffff hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA…..HAHA ….haha heh, oh my fucking god you're a haha.. A pikachu , you're a pikachu hahahaha. Oh … god i …. I can't breathe heh….heh." he kinda took exception to that, he charged at me his cheeks sparking and he unleashed a thunderbolt at me. I countered with my lightning ring, we were about even. I was shocked, pun intended, you would think a pikachu would over power me considering i'm still a noob when it comes to using lightning.

The pikachu charged at be using an iron tail, i parry with my sword knocking him into the air, he spins gaining momentum and speed and launches another iron tail, but this time he has an electro ball on the end of his tail. I wasn't quick enough and ended up taking the full brunt of the attack. Thankfully i lightning damage was lessened because of my lightning cloak but the power behind the iron tail dislocated my left shoulder. I charge up a fire ball and coat it in lightning combining them into one attack, i run at the pikachu and he meets me head on using an electro ball, both attacks meet causing an explosion, knocking me back a few feet. I get up quickly, staggering a bit, and as the smoke clears i see small sparks coming from the electric mouse pokemon, he's looking at me with a smirk, which i return. He justs looks at me with tired eyes and collapses to the ground.

"Christ i hope i didn't just kill the little fucker, he's to cute to kill. How the hell did a pikachu get here anyway, did anabella make this a slight crossover world or something? Or maybe it's something like edolas, in which pokemon is a universe parallel to earthland? I just hope i don't run into anymore. Although i kinda want a lucario or a riolu, that would be cool my mana-make magic does kinda look like an aura sphere anyway."

I watch as the unconscious pikachu disappears in a slight glow, although i did kinda want it as a companion i didn't know if i could heal him or if he would attack me if i did, oh well i guess there's always a next time.

{loot obtained}


"That's a little disappointing but at least i didn't get a pikachu corpse."

Next boss, this is getting boring, i quickly pop a health potion which thankfully heals my fucked up arm. Although pikachu's look cute and cuddly the are dangerous little shits.

I already have enough for the house, but i will need more for furniture and i will probably need more if i turn it into a shop. I might even need to register as a citizen of Hargeon to own the shop. Even though i only plan to use it for three to four years it's worth it.

I step into the next boss room, thankfully it's not a pokemon or something from another game, well any game i've played, it looked like a rock golem it was pretty big and even bulkier.

It quickly comes to life with it's glowing red eyes staring into my soul, and launches large spikes from the ground. I quickly jump and make a mana-make shield at my feet, blocking a earth spike and launching me even further into the air, i take a leaf out of the pikachus book and spin in midair with my sword drawn, i coat the sword in fire to give it even more power, i strike the golem in the arm taking it off.

By the looks of things it doesn't have any regenerative capabilities, i also fuck up my landing and nearly stabbed myself. I ended up dropping my sword as i dove out of the way from an attack from above. I decided to do without it as i used iron fists and attacked the back of it's legs, but only putting slight cracks into it's earth body. I dove out of the way again, and tried something new mana-make arrow, i decided to make a bow first and then launch the arrows from the bow this way i can put more power into the attack. I could probably work on my aim though, i was aiming for it's chest but i some how got a headshot. I'm not complaining but if that went a little more to the left and i would have missed.

And with that another anticlimactic ending to another anticlimactic battle.

{loot obtained}

Skill book : earth armor


'You have obtained all key pieces

Would you like to fight the boss now or later'


I decided to fight it later, i don't want to waste potions on my magic when i can just sleep. I also want to upgrade my gear, i have some new seals and i want to try training with my magic so i don't use to much on accident.

"later ." as soon as the word left my mouth i was surrounded in a flash of light and my surroundings changed. I was outside the cave, just as the sun was setting. I make my way back to the inn but on my way back I stopped of at a bar for a drink. The bartender was a man about twenty, he was constantly flirting with female customers. He reminded me of Sanji from One Piece, but he wore black pants and a gray t-shirt , black dress shoes and an apron, he had brown hair and black eyes. His hair was darker than mine and styled similar to Stings.

"Hi there how can i help you?" he greeted me with a kind smile, but kept looking out for female customers.

"Can i get a drink? Cider preferably." while i may be sixteen in this world the cloak i'm wearing covers my face and i'm still my same height from before i died, just under six foot.

"Sure that will be 250J." i hand him the money and he pours the drink. He starts making small talk. "So are you new to town? Haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah i just arrived two days ago, i plan on buying a house and maybe set up a store." might as well be friendly seeing as i will be living here for the foreseeable future. "Oh thanks." i say as he hands me my drink, and as i take a drink i was taken aback. The flavor from the cider was very strong, but it was nice.

"So i'll be seeing you around more often so?"


"What kind of store is it ?"

"A magic shop, i plan on buying and selling magic items, books on magic stuff like that. When i get enough money i plan on making my own items to sell."

"Huh, that's a good idea. There isn't any magic stores in hargeon, you will probably get plenty of business."

"Suppose that's good, i originally planned to open it so I could get magic items to use for when i join a guild. But it's enjoyable to make magic items so i decided sell them if i get enough money to buy materials."

"Well i wish you good luck man, bye the way names Barry what's yours?"

"Rinji, nice to meet you barry but i gotta go, i'm getting hungry."

"No problem man, see ya around." as soon as he said that he went back to flirting.

He's a nice guy, might come bye again sometime. The drink is cheap to, fucken perfect.

What I'm Irish, don't fucking judge me. Wow it's like I'm a stereotypical Irishman. At Least I'm not three feet tall and ginger.

Anyway i head back to the inn, get some food and sleep. Yep very interesting.





Next chapter