
Chapter 5

"Huh so this is the dungeon?" jee i wonder how i figured that one out?

You have discovered a natural dungeon

Would you like to enter


Minimum level requirement lvl10

"Oh that's how i found it, if this didn't pop up i definitely wouldn't find it." 'note the sarcasm in my voice'. It's a typical dungeon. I massive cave, dark as the fucking abyss and the entrance is littered with skulls and bones. I actually passed by this once or twice thinking it wouldn't be this obvious. But it was, and if that i had walked closer to it the first time i would have realised it was it and i wouldn't have spent an extra FOUR FUCKING HOURS! Searching for the fucking thing. In total i have spent six hours,SIX HOURS, looking for it and that's since my attempt at learning magic. It is now 17:30, for your retards out there (me) that's half five in the evening. It's been almost twelve hours since i've left the inn and i only just found the dungeon.

Sigh, now i may be stupid but i'm not stupid enough to go into a dungeon unprepared, i eventually learn from my mistakes after going through three keyboard, so what i'm going to do is set a waypoint, if i can, train my mana-make and my other skills for about an hour and a half, then i'm going to attempt to sharpen my sword and my remainder knifes and if i can make some new ones with the drops i got of that…...thing.

1 hour and twenty minutes later

"ha…..ha…..ha , ok,..ha..i know i'm unfit but pant fuck i'm not this bad am i. I taught having a gamer's body would make this shit disappear." if i had even half a braincell i would know that this wasn't just physical exhaustion it's also magical exhaustion. If i bothered to check my 'hud' ,that i somehow disabled, i would see i had barely any mana left.

I was still just outside the cave, maybe about fifty metres away, it was a small clearing was. Now it's pretty spacious, it could probably fit a dragon in it, i kinda got trigger happy with my new 'mana-make' magic. I learned five new spells that i trust to use in combat, but i also have ideas for some other attacks to use if i can pull of the control.

Now i see why fairy tail are known for its destruction, its so fucking fun. The spells i trust to use are based off of Gray's ice-make magic spells. I learned a spell similar to his ice make lance. The reason it's similar as instead of his spell where he can fire multiple at once, mine only fires one 'lance'. I just can't fire multiple, well i can but if i want to actually want to hit something i should just stick with firing one. I called it manna-make spear. I also made a mana-make knuckle , mana-make shield, mana-make sword and a mana-make eagle.

The mana-make eagle wasn't as difficult as i thought it would be, it's similar to the mana-make spear but shaped like an eagle and it follows its target. That part was difficult but it just takes a bit more focus, i can only make one of them as well but they do a good bit a damage by themselves that i feel if there was more the damage might become lower. The best thing about using mana instead of ice for make magic is that it doesn't have a elemental weakness like ice does. It isn't actually a element it's pure magic power, i have a feeling this would be classified as a lost magic if it was made hundreds of years ago. Not only is it powerful but i don't know if it has any drawbacks with me using it.

I'm pretty sure a mage's magic power is like their life force or something, and since this is pure magic power i might be causing more damage to myself than i realise.

Think of it this way, a mage uses magic power to do spells or magic items. Mages channel their magic and turn it into an element or they use it to alter their body. This way they use less magic and it drains slower, i think. I'm pretty sure thats why nobody in fairy tail use raw magic power. I'm only beginning to use magic so until i find a skill book or i figure out how to use this more efficiently i'm kinda fucked.

Anyway it's time to try and make myself some knives. I open my inventory and take out all my monster hide, claws and fangs. I the take my 'common kunai' and cut two pieces of hide into strips, it actually was really easy they were all the same length and thickness, probably because of some game mechanics. I then try and sharpen the claws, the claws were about the same size as the kunai knives, there already suitable for stabbing just not for cutting. I sharpened three of them to ok standards and the other two i left the same, i might need them for later, i didn't need to sharpen the fangs just clean them up a bit. When i was done i care took one of the claws and slowly wrapped it in the leather strips.


You have learnt the 'crafting skill'

Combine two things to make something more useful.

You have created a 'makeshift knife' quality:common.

That was easier than i thought it would be. Might as well make as many as i can.

10 minutes later

"Okay now how do i sharpen a blade?" I pull my sword from my inventory and lay it on the grass beside me. Lets try something.

"Computer search how to sharpen sword on google." i wait for a minute then two….


"Okay guess that didn't work, i wonder if this would class as crafting?" i take a guess and i pick up my sword and walk over to the rock a couple a feet behind me.

' i know in skyrim they use a grinding stone to sharpen a sword, maybe if i use this rock i could do something similar? Sure it might take a while or it might ruin the sword but i am not going in that dungeon with a blunt was fucking useless against that ….. Thing'

So i start 'grinding' the sword against the rock in an attempt to sharpen it…..and the thing is i think it's working.

15 minutes later

Ok if there is anyone out there who is good at sharpening swords or smithing i'm sorry. You guys put hard work and effort into your work. You put your heart and soul into making a weapon deadly.. But i just spent fifteen minutes rubbing a sword against a rock and its sharp. And i don't mean it's slightly sharp no it's sharp. Almost as sharp as the fangs that ….thing had in its mouth. I was probably doing it completely wrong too. But i guess it's because of my crafting skill or it's another weird game mechanic. If my sword was this sharp when i fought the monster of hargeon then it wouldn't have gotten stuck in it wrist. No it would have went through it. …. Wait ...thats its fucking name the horned monster of hargeon. God that was pissing me off.

Right so now let's do an item check. I have two kunai, seven makeshift knives and a sharp sword. I should probably make a sheath or a holder thingy for my sword. I have enough hide for it.

Twenty minutes later

So i decided to upgrade my gear while i was at it. I reinforced my old clothes with the remainder monster hide i had and i made the holder for my sword which is on my left hip.i have my knives and kunai in my weapon belt that is around my waist. While i am ready for the dungeon i should probably so back to the inn and get food and rest to recover my magic.

But first i need to make a marker.


A small map appeared in my hands, it was made out of paper and looked as if it was just made. I guess because my 'hud' is now gone for some reason that it decided to give me an actual map rather than a floating map. There was an arrow in a clearing in a forest near a cave,guess this is me, and about a five minute walk south is hargeon i think. The map only uncovered as much as i have already discovered. It's kinda like the shitty maps in so i make my way to the inn.



Turns out it wasn't five minutes it was fifteen. Fuck maps, i really hate them. I mean sure they are useful but they can be so misleading sometimes.

I don't care anymore. Remember how i enhanced my senses with that syringe? Yeah that one, no not the heroin silly, no the one i got as a mob drop. Anyway it turns out it did enhance my sense of taste. And boy was it good, it's how i imagine food from a four star restaurant. I can't wait to try Mirajane's cooking. I can just imagine it taste like that s-class rabbit from Sao.

Anyway after my meal i just went to bed, nothing interesting happened, just ate then slept. Okay i may or may not of had a wank, but you have no proof that i did or didn't so don't fucking judge me.

Anyway i woke up at six this time, so i decided to head straight to the dungeon.

I got there a lot quicker now that i'm not going down memory lane. As i enter the clearing the dungeon is in i equip my weapon belt,sword and my reinforced clothes. I feel confident, like i can do this. I have my health potion in my pocket just incase i need it, i'm focused and ready.

'Would you like to enter this dungeon'


"Yes!" in a flash of light my surroundings change to a dimly lit ruins. It reminds me of a dungeon from skyrim. You know the places filled with the draugr. It was similar to one of them but it seemed to be older, i just hope there isn't draugr here. While they have okay loot on them, they don't have magic so it won't prepare me for fighting mages. Sure it would be helpful to fight them to get money and their loot but hopefully the enemy is different.

It turns out ...they weren't i had to fight draugr, well something similar to a draugr. They had black wrinkly skin with blood red eyes. Some of them wore black robes that seemed to shine, they were mages. Without a doubt they were mages. The other draugr wore some kind of metal armor, it left the arms bare but the torso covered and the legs were only partially covered. They wielded a similar sword to the one i owned, but theirs didn't have the crystal in the pommel. There wasn't any archers, but i'm guessing the mages cover long range and the soldiers cover close range.

I quickly whisper an "observe" on one of each of them to see what they are.

'Soulless soldiers'

A soldier from an unknown time period, cursed to wander this dungeon after his/her death.

They specialise in close range combat.

Lvl: 12-15

'Soulless wizards'

A wizard from an unknown time period, cursed to wander this dungeon after his/her death.

They specialise in long range magical combat.

Lvl: 15-20

Thankfully they didn't spot me, so i decided to activate my 'stealth foot' skill and snuck around. They were all either just walking in a plotted route,like npc's, or they were talking to each other. While i couldn't understand a fucking word of it, it was hilarious to listen to.

"Gubbar abbaub slick pip." one soldier said to the other. I don't even know if this is a real language in this world or if it's just a language these soldiers created to communicate to each other. Either way its funny, i had to bite the inside of my lip to contain my laughter.

"PFHAHAHAHahahah…...heh, oops." i kinda failed, and i just got all of their 'aggro'.

There was four soldiers and one mage, the mage jumped back and charged a spell, two of the soldiers pulled out a sword and shield each and took front. The other two had a two handed weapon and took guard of the mage. It's almost if they were a party, the mage would be the healer, the two with the two handed weapons job was to protect him and the others job were to attack mobs or in this case me.

I probably shouldn't monologue so much, because now the four soldiers are glowing, i'm guessing the mage casted a sort of enchant spell to 'buff' their 'stats'.

Thinking quickly i cast my 'iron fists' and punched the soldier closest to in the shield staggering him, i then quickly pull out a knife and throw it at its head killing it. As soon as i throw the knife i charge a mana-make knuckle. It comes out underneath the other one with the shield and launches it in the air, smacking its body into the ceiling.

The mage then launches fire arrows at me in rapid succession, one of the grazes my shoulder and another hits me in the thigh.

I respond by launching a powerful mana-make spear at it, but it was blocked by one of the soldiers remaining. It blocked it with its body, killing itself.

Only the two left, i charged at the remaining soldier drawing my sword and i thrust it into its neck. Killing it almost instantly. Unfortunately that left me open to get attacked.

The mage launched a fire bolt into my back, it had enough power to get through my makeshift armor and smack me against the wall. It didn't come after me, instead it stayed and charged a spell. I struggled to get onto my feet, but when i did i seen the mage charged a large fire spell, it was a large ball of fire, the then proceed to launch it at me, it was fast, i had just enough time to put up a mana-make shield.

The spell was strong, i could feel the heat through my shield, it felt as if it was coming from all angles. It took all my strength to push against the fireball, but it felt like it was getting weaker.

It's slowly dissipating. So i focus on the shield while i reach into my belt and pull out a knife, i wait for it to slowly disappear.

I throw the knife as the fire is almost gone, the fire acting as a cover for the blade.

When the fire disappears i drop the shield and pull out my sword ready in case the mage is still a threat. Turns out it isn't, yep a knife in between your eyes would do that. When it dies it disappears in a black mist. It's kinda odd but i guess it's so the bodies don't litter the dungeon, my only concern is 'where the hell is the loot?'

{loot obtained}

Black iron sword x1

Black iron greatsword x1

Enchanted mage robes of fire x1


There it is i guess. "Inventory"


Reinforced black trousers: reinforced with the hide from a monster, slightly dirty

Reinforced green T-shirt: reinforced with the hide from a monster, hole burned into the back from fight.

Reinforced black runners:reinforced with the hide from a increases speed when worn.

Weapon belt: made to hold kunai knifes, able to hold 15 kunai. Currently holding two kunai and five makeshift knives

The black blade: blade of unknown origins,sharpened but still slightly dull. Has an unidentifiable red crystal in the pommel that has an unknown use.


Health potion x1:heales 10% of max hp when consumed

{crafting items}

Monster hide x5: hide from a monster

Monster claws x2: Claws from a monster




Black iron sword x1: a one handed sword made in an unknown time. Made out of a substance similar to iron but black in colour.

Black iron greatsword x1: a two handed sword made in an unknown time. Made out of a substance similar to iron but black in colour.


Enchanted mage robes of fire x1: black robes enchanted with fire resistance and magic regen. Used to belong to a mage from an unknown time.

Black cargo pants x2: normal trousers, nothing special.

light green round neck t-shirt x1: nothing special, normal t-shirt

white v neck t-shirt x1: nothing special, normal t-shirt

black boots: steel toe capped boots, increase grip and comfort.

I'm definitely putting them robes on, the stuff i have on now won't protect me i can wear the robes over my current clothes.

Right time to move on, but first let's look for loot. If this is similar to the skyrim dungeons then maybe there is chests and shit around here?

The area opens out into a tomb like area, it's wide open with two coffins on the left and a room to the right, it seems empty but i have a feeling those coffins aren't empty.

I activate 'stealth foot' and sneak into the room on the right, it's a kind of storage room, two book shelves a table and some barrels. On the table there is plates and cutlery, in the book shelves are very old books, some of them look completely destroyed but others look salvageable. One book is in pristine condition, almost as if it was brand new. I picked up the book and looked at the title, it was in a language i didn't know of or understand. I put it in my inventory just in case it's important, even if it isn't i can give it to Levy or someone to read. The other books there looked in slightly worse condition, but still readable, not that it helps me i can't read it. I put them in my inventory as well, same reason as before, i'm not sure if there is a limit to my inventory but there is only one way to find out and that's to fill it to the brim with pointless crap.

I picked up the plates and tankards, they were still in good condition and were made into a similar material to the swords i got off the soldiers, maybe i can make something out of them or even sell them.

I checked the barrels and found there was some potions in them, now usually that's not a good sign, most of the time in a dungeon they give you items to help you because there is going to be a difficult fight ahead, but this isn't a game. This is an actual dungeon, this isn't something design by people for others enjoyment, no it's the base or home of monsters, a place where adventurers and treasure hunters can make money by looting. But it's also a place of knowledge, knowledge on people form a different time, possible knowledge on magic not know to other people. If i can find out how to use magic similar to these people or even if i learn something from here then it's not just a waste.

Sure i can make money from the mobs so it won't be a complete waste, but still if i can learn things from this dungeon about the people here i could use it to my advantage.

I found three potions of magicka and one health potion. Very helpful for me right now, all i have to do is play it safe in this dungeon, make enough money to get myself a house and then train. Maybe i will get that shop after all, it seems like a good idea, not only will i make money but if i learn to make magical items i could improve the mages of fairy tail and make them more powerful. Even if i can't i can still buy and sell items and maybe get characters from the show to come to my shop and maybe befriend them.

Anyway i also found hidden scroll, behind the bookshelf, it had an intricate seal on it and some words in that language that i don't …..

'You have found a scroll, this scroll contains knowledge of a seal.'

'Would you like to learn this seal'


I don't know what the seal does but i guess it could be helpful. So i click 'yes'.

You have learned the 'explosion seal'.

Draw this seal onto an object and channel some magic towards it to set it off.

Okay so….that's weird. I now know how to blow shit up without even touching it. The seal is easy to draw, it's hard to describe what it looks like so just make it up yourself. Yes i'm talking to you 'readers'. Yes that's right i have found the 'fourth-wall' and i am breaking it….

Oh god i really am going insane, this is the second time i think my live is a fanfiction and i'm talking in my head about readers.

I take out one of my remaining knives and a kunai and i inscribe the seal into the blade of each of them. Creating, hopefully, explosive knives. These should, upon blowing up, act as shrapnel and cause more damage to enemies. Perfect for crowd control.

The way the seals work is that while inscribing the seal into something you put a small amount of magic power into the seal this way you can 'trigger' the explosion or whatever the seal does. This is very convenient, if i have enough time and i'm quiet i could take down a guild and trigger the seal when i'm far enough to not be suspected of doing it. I'm not saying i would do this but it's handy to know i could do this. It's also perfect for traps, if i make these seals onto paper or inscribe them onto stones or something i could easily drop them while people are chasing me and activate them while i run.

Anyway, since i don't have any paper on me, i can't make remote explosives but i have these to knives just in case.

Time to continue …




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