
Chapter 11

This is it, I'm finally going to do it. And nobody will miss me. I've lived for eighteen years and I hated every second.' I say to myself as I hold the knife to my throat.

'Finally I wont have to deal with this bullshit known as life. I can just float in an endless abyss or kick back with Satan.'

"Hahaha" I laugh to myself in slight amusement, "it's finally my time. Goodbye everyone, I hated all of you, well most of you anyway. Lisa you were the only one I could rely on, the only one I actually really talked to. I joked around and called you name all the time. Sure I was joking but I feel like I offended you and for that I apologise. I've called you a slut, a bitch, a cock sucker, a cum dumpster, hell I don't know if there was a day that I didn't call you a name. I never really meant to call you names, its just that you were the first person I opened up to. No matter what I said to you you've always helped me, if I said I wanted to die you would be visibly upset and told me to live because I was your friend. But right now I just don't think I can take it right now, Lisa if by some bullshit reason you can hear me I want you to know im sorry and I want you to know that out of all the people I've met you are the one I can whole heartedly call my friend."

I say slowly breaking into tears, as I thrust the kitchen blade into my neck.

Blood flowed profusely out of my neck, causing me to slowly drown in the copper tasting liquid.

'After so many attempts I finally did it, heh so I guess there is no turning back now.'

I think as I use the last of my energy to take one final step, off the roof of my house.





(One week later) Unknown Pov


Its been a week since his death, I've always taught he was joking or lying like always but I guess he wasn't.

"Idiot, Why didn't you say you had these taught. I would have helped you!" I say as i shout at a picture of me and him.

He was always shy, it's the only picture I have of him. He isn't even looking at the camera, he isn't even smiling. He's just staring into space a distant look in his eyes. But i could tell he was happy, well at least i hope he was.

The picture was taken a month ago, we had been friends for about six years on that day. Sure he never actually called himself my friends but i was the only one he talked too. The only one who cared i guess. Sure john talked to him during school but i don't think he actually cared about him, which is kind of ironic because it was john that introduced us. It was thanks to him that i built up the courage to ask John out, its thanks to him that im still going out with him now

His parents don't even seem to be that sad that he is gone, im not surprised seeing as they never treated him well. Its not that they abused him, not that know anyway, its just that they never cared about him or what he did. Because of this he sat at his computer, which he paid for by starving him self during school and using that money to buy it, all day and playing games or watching anime. He became an outcast in school and for two years he was alone, until he met us.

At least his funeral was peaceful, sure not many people came but the people who cared did. Two of his old friends from primary school came and then some of his old teachers came. From them i learned that he was actually pretty imaginative. He would spent most of his days, during school, writing stories and drawing characters. Some of his friends actually posted some of them on his behalf, they were stories on anime. Twisting certain parts of the story to make it more interesting. But all of them had some thing in common, his character always played the sad and emotionally unstable character who only wanted friends and to keep them safe.

Its really sad how even up until he died he was still the same.

Its been two days since his funeral, i decided two visit his home to check up on his younger sister. She really looked up to him, always wanting to be with him and to make him proud of her. He always called her the perfect Imouto, to this day i still don't know what that means.

"So Karen, how are you doing?" i say to his little sister through the door to his room.

"sniff...sniff mumble mumble"

"i cant hear you, im coming in okay?" i don't wait for a response as i open the door and walk in. "You okay?" i say in a comforting voice.

"..." she doesn't say anything but gives a slight nod of her head.

"sigh" i give a slight sigh as i look around the room. Its the same as i last saw it, just slightly more dirty. I go over to his computer desk and i notice two letters, one has the name Lisa, my name and the other has John on it.

I open up my letter and read it in my head.

Dear Lisa,

Sorry! But i was bored and i decided to try it again. I've attempted it so much and I've wrote this exact same letter so many times before. But each time it gets harder and hared to write, you've always called me your friend, always said you would be sad if i actually died but i did it anyway. I never really cared what happened in my life, if i got in a relationship, if i got an incurable dieses, i didn't care if i got a job or not, i was just bored of my life so i ended it. I don't care what happens now, if i go to hell or heaven, if i rot in limbo or purgatory, i don't care if i get reincarnated or not, i just care that i don't see you anytime soon. I don't want you to die anytime soon, you were the only person to really care about me. You had no reason to care for me, even after all the things i did, but you did and for that im thankful. You are the only person i can really call my friend.

So that you Lisa, for everything.

Signed, your friend for ever



"sniff, oh Allen." i say as i finish reading the letter

(scene change, one week earlier. 1 hour after Allen's death.)

Huh so endless abyss it is. Wonder how long im going to be here for?

Wonder how everyone is taking the news? They probably don't care to much but oh well. Sigh, its kind of sad that this feels more interesting than my life but oh well.

Wow you are a pretty... Unique mortal.

You were going to call me weird weren't you?


Wow way to make it not obvious, so im guessing you are a 'Higher being'. A god/goddess, a angel oh maybe your a devil.

Okay definitely one of the weirdest mortals to come through here in a while. I am known by many names and many forms. People think i am a god others think i am a demon, but i am merely an immortal entity who is chosen to lead mortals , such as yourself, to the next life.

Oh great another life to live. Yaaaaaay.

Haha no need for such a tone, it wont be life your last life. At least unless you want it to be.

Go on

You will get to chose your next world. And you get to create your 'character' so to speak. Obviously there will be limitations, you got points from your last life. These points so towards certain things you can change about your 'character', for example. You get sent to the dragon ball universe, you spent 100 points to become a sayain, spend 100 more to chose where you start off your next life, etcetera.

Huh that seem pretty cool, but im guessing i don't have many points considering i only lived for eighteen years and committed suicide

Yep but you can gain extra points during your new life by doing good deeds.

You do this and you get points, you can spent your points on techniques or items. You could spent 100 points on a random devil fruit or something or spent it on learning the Kaio-Ken etc.

Okay, this is getting interesting. When do i start.




