
1. |_-。) Hide!

How it all began













Park (Y/N) was 4 and living her orphan life. It was about 14 when she gave up on being adopted.

With the IQ of 200 she used it to get a full-time job to get an roof to live under.

[1 Year Later]

(Y/N) was in a highschool at 14 and living a roof under a house.

One day she was accused of being drunk and killing someone after the went missing while hanging out with her.

She soon couldn't tolerate the nonsense and transferred to a different school not letting the principal or teachers put that statement on her records.


_=+Y/N)'s POV+=_

First day of a new highschool.

Might as well not be an attention catcher.

I put on a black hoodie that pretty much went over my 4'12 with some ripped black jeans. At put on a hat with some holes on the top so my ears could fit.

Time for shoes!

Converse? Nope! Jordans it is!

(Time Skip To School Brought By: Jhopes Churro Hearts)

I arrived at the school in my Galaxy Lamborghini.

Before I got out everyone one was staring at my car.

But, the difference is when I got out.

I was like an elf compared to the Giants surrounding me.Everyone was laughing.

I really don't like to talk because of my voice.

People say it sounds like an Anime character so I just stopped talking. I went to the principal's office and went in to get my schedule.

"Ah, You must be Ms.Park."

I just nodded my head.

"Here's your schedule."

I took it and was about to walk away but held back by the principal's voice.

"And, Next time speak to me please."

"Yes, sir." I said quietly

"What was that?"

"Yes, sir." I said in my Anime girl like voice.

"You may go."

I walked to my first class.


I stepped in and everything went silent.

The teacher looked at me.

"Ah, Ms.Park. Please introduce yourself as you are the new student."She said.

"Hi, Park Min-Min, Min, Hybrid, Athletic, Flexible, Black, Blue, Reading, Sing, Math, Chemistry, Art, & Instruments." Was all I said.

"Ok please take a seat next to Kim Taehyung. Mr.Kim please raise your hand." She said

The dude named Taehyung was raising his hand

As I walked over someone stuck out there leg to trip me.

I proposely tripped over it and ended up doing a front flip

"Daebak." The class said in unison

I continued to walk over to Kim Taehyung.

I sat beside him in the empty seat.

"Today is going to be a free period." The teacher.

"Fill free to do what you want but, no leaving the classroom."

I plugged in my earphones and blasted it to its highest voulme and started to drift of to sleep.

It felt nice hiding away from friends.

Well until....












