
The New Hyrule

Have you ever wondered, if Link was born in the year 2024? will the setting be medieval still? Read to find out.

Linkyy · Video Games
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10 Chs

Zelda's Love Confession

Somewhere… Near the hidden city of Termina in Hyrule.

A Hylian was being tortured through electricity by slowly increasing the percentage done by one of Ganondorf's servants… A skull kid.

"I-I already told you!! I DON'T KNOW!" pleaded a random Hylian.

"What the hell?! You just said that you saw him earlier! and now you're telling me that you… DON'T KNOW?! TATL! Raise the voltage by 95%! This Hylian is just so… Stupid. He doesn't understand anything I say at all… *sigh* Tatl! Do it!"

"Anything for you, my friend…" replied Tatl, a faithful robot

"AAAAGGH!" the Hylian screamed painfully

"You Hylians never learn your lessons… Hylian! Speak up! You talk too slow! Tatl!-

"No, No, please stop! D-Don't you know that the God that you're saying, is an Evil Deity! Y-you, you are to be expelled soon with your God from this land by the Goddesses! They will end your evil deeds by erasing you in the face of the earth!"

"Yeah? SO, WHAT!?"

The Hylian received a stronger shock of a high voltage electricity. He can feel the pain of electrons flowing through his veins, bones, and muscles from his feet to the head.


"Majora is a living deity whom I and my Master serve… And he returns back the favor by giving us riches and power! Don't you want to join me? I assure you will enjoy a luxurious life together with my master Ganondorf. If you just tell me his location-

"Y-your God, Majora, he used Ganondorf to kill innocent living beings of this world! And he also used you! A True God does not harm or execute his own creations! Do you accept the tragedy being done to your friends!?"

"What, the Hylians? Don't be silly." The skull kid grinned at the Hylian.

"W-what?! Then, whose side…"

"I'm a Skull kid who was born from the Glorious tribe of the Great Dessert, we, are your greatest enemies… the tribe of Gerudos! Now, I had enough talking to you! There should be more wandering Hylians out there who encountered the "hero" based on every legend. So… yeah…".

"Tatl! Raise the voltage to 200%! I'm going to end this pathetic Hylian."

"NO!! please no! I-I'm going to tell you where he is! Just, please… Don't kill me!"

"You better not be lying… again. This is your last chance Hylian!"

"I-I saw him in the Lost Woods! He has two cows with him heading south. And that's all I know! So please! I beg you! Let me go!!"

"Tatl, release him after 10 seconds"

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I won't go over to your territory ever again, I change my mind, I want to join your tribe the Gerudos! I heard you guys are very strong, perhaps I could-

The Hylian got electrocuted by 200% of voltage. He fell dead on lying on the floor

"Oh, I'm sorry, you were saying? Oh, I guess you had the wrong idea. I meant, "releasing your soul" HAHAHA! *sigh* Why the hell am I talking to a dead person Tatl?!"

"My friend… you were making fun of him" replied Tatl.

I see… Tatl, summon an MHP to take out that disgusting, dead body of the pathetic Hylian."

"Now's the time for my project to do its work…"

The skull kid went outside his hideout and looked at the night sky.

"How I love the moon so much! It must've been beautiful to see it, So close to you. I remember the Legend many decades ago… Oh, my beloved ancestor, why? Why did you have to give up your faith to our beloved God, Majora? Oh, ancestor, I have revived your stolen, but a Legendary mask… But, I feel weary and discouraged therefore… I cannot use it… Its dark, amazing power grew trice the strength it had before… Oh, ancestor, I must regrow my faith to our beloved Deity, Majora. I shall prove my faith by slaying the hero who changed thy ancestor into a such, pathetic little imp!"

"O my beloved God, Majora, I pray unto you! Help me slay the horrible impurity of this world who once destroyed your beautiful creation! Thus, I end my prayer…"

The skull kid looked up to the skies. He shed tears on his eyes.

"Tatl, get my car ready and order 10 MHPs to accompany me. And hire 12 elders from the northern desert to start a ritual. 6 Gerudos will draw the circle, the other 6 will sacrifice 6 Hylians who are living in the near ruins. Once you've finished the objectives, tell the elders to put the mask in the middle, and start the ritual immediately in the Desert Colossus, outside the ancient temple."

"Now, where was he again? Ah, yes… He's in the south Lost Woods… My ancestor's beloved home… Tatl! If anything goes wrong, report to me immediately. Now! I have an insect to exterminate… Farewell!"

The skull kid drove his car, going to the old, Lost Woods from the South. He went searching for the "Hero" he was talking about.


("I can't believe it… I'm… Sharing a bed with Link..!)

So, a few minutes ago…

"By the way, Link, your room is located downstairs, in the underground level of the H.L, but it's still under construction. We're sorry, you see, we had a shortage of supplies to extend the Lab. It also affected the construction for your own room so…". said Navi.

Zelda remained silent, still eating.

"Link, you don't mind staying at Zelda's room for a few days, don't you?

("W-what? Navi! I-I) Zelda whispered to Navi (Computer)

("Ooh? So, you're telling me that Link should sleep anywhere but your room? You do know that, there's no other comfortable place here in the H.L except your room, right?") Navi whispered teasingly.


("Y-you're right..")

"That's settled then!"

"Zelda, you don't mind Link.. staying at your room, right?"

Zelda blushingly nodded her head looking towards Link.

"K' then! You guys should clean yourselves up before going to bed! My, my Link should use the shower first! He smells like a Cow!" said Navi.

Link laughed, nodded his head toward Navi, stood up and left going to the shower room.

"Zelda, you should go fix your room. You don't want Link to see your "mess" right?"

"O-oh, right! Thanks, for reminding me Navi!" Zelda quickly ran to her room.

("Ahh~ I'm like a mother taking care of my daughter and my son-in-law.") Navi grinned thinking of it.

(Oh, right! I'm making a surprise for them tomorrow… I need some more blueprints…)

Another few minutes later...

"Zelda! Link's done in the shower! Hehe".

"N-Navi! Do you even have to report me that?!" *blush*

"There you go again Zelda *grin* making that cute face again." Navi complimented Zelda

*Zelda pouts*

"Awww.." said Navi.

Link finished showering. So, he went upstairs of the H.L, to the door that leads to Zelda's room.

Knock* Knock* Knock*

"It's Link! Come in~."

Link opened the door. Zelda saw Link and covered her eyes—She saw Link half-naked. Navi wanted to do a facepalm but.. So saad she's just a computer.

"Oh, come on Zelda. You always see Link naked every time you go to the testing chamber to check on him. Aren't you used to it?

*Link passed out, landing on Zelda's bed, facing sideways*

"But still..!" replied Zelda

Zelda looks at Link

"Link! Who told you to sleep on my bed? I-I mean at least wear a shirt on?"

Link didn't respond. He was already asleep

"I think Link passed out, he spent too long in the shower." Said Navi

"Navi! W-what should I do?"

"So, you want to sleep on the floor?" suggested Navi.

"NO! I-I don't want to!" replied Zelda

"Welp, It's all up to you! I have many things to do around the H.L so… Goodnight!"

Navi went offline in Zelda's computer. Navi went to the Garage to build something interesting…

"Navi wait! And… She… Left me… great."

Zelda looks at Link

"Welp, I do need to regain my strength! So uhh… Okay.."

Zelda started to lie down slowly to her bed. She didn't want for Link to wake up. She faced the opposite side of where Link faced. Zelda started to feel sleepy.

But Link rolled over to Zelda's side, reaching his hand out to Zelda's face. Zelda had no more space in the bed. Link almost took the whole bed, but Zelda wasn't complaining.

Zelda held Link's hand...

"Link… Even though you're asleep, I wanted to say something to you…"

Zelda faced to Link, and she looked up to his face…

"Link… you're going to encounter big adventures… facing dangerous creatures, monsters, spirits, or even Gods…"

"You will be parting with me starting tomorrow… No… not tomorrow… but today, at any time."

I will be sending you to a different timeline… Link… and I just wanted to say that *sobs* I'm going to miss you *Zelda dropped a tear from her eye* And.. I also wanted to say that I..


I love you very much!

Zelda kissed Link on the cheek.

Link started floating, a bright aura surrounded Link. He was shining. He was about to fade away...

But coincidentally, Link was awake the whole time. He opened his eyes and reached Zelda's hand. Link pulled Zelda until his face was close to hers. Link kissed Zelda romantically, It was his goodbye kiss for Zelda.

"May we meet again! Link! Remember that I love you so, so much!"

Link was about to fade away. He shed a drop of tear. It landed on her forehead.

Link disappeared... He didn't even understand why he was sent to another world... But He knew that he had to do something important...

"Be safe…"

*Gun shot*

Zelda was killed by an MHP through a window.

"The hero got away..." angrily said by the skull kid.