
Ch-5 : Damn.....

### Timeskip ###

A year had passed in total since the time I had started learning the mysteries of the mystic arts.

Kamar Taj had taught me so much about myself and this world I lived in.

I now knew exactly how I first became hulk and gained that connection to the rage dimension.

When the experiment was first happening, banner had been quite frustrated and kept his angers and emotions sealed away.

But when Ross turned on him, subjecting him to almost certain death, all that anger, emotions, wrath came flooding forward, and at that moment, two incredibly fortunate things happened.

First that banner had became hulk, second was that all the gamma radiation and energy that was released at the experiment, upon mixing with his rage and emotions built a connection with the rage dimension.

The concentration of energy at that moment in that place was equal to about 2000 times the biggest nuclear bomb at the time, a huge chunk of earth would have disappeared that day if I did not become hulk.

This was the 'how' of me becoming hulk in the first place.

And about the rage dimension, it was a dimension full of unlimited power of rage, it was just like the dark dimension, except that the rage dimension didn't inhibit any being or created someone it's champion, all until I became hulk.

The possibility of finding such a dimension filled with unlimited energy, was almost zero, but not only my spirit find it, amongst the million other dimensions, it even created a connection between us.

On that fateful moment, the dimension appointed me as it's champion.

champions are beings that are granted powers of a dimension, just like how ancient one and kaecelius could derive energy from the dark dimension.

Each dimension, except the main universe has a leader, the one who governs the dimension.

But in this case, there wasn't, so the moment the rage dimension appointed me as it's champion, I also became it's leader by default.

That was the reason why I could have almost endless endurance and regeneration, even if it's chaotic energy/aura didn't flow through me regularly, it's presence in itself was enough to give me such benefits.

But since I was still quite weak, it did not allow me access to all its power, only by surpassing myself and my limits hundreds of times would I become capable of inheriting the dimension.

There was also this information that made me trust that this dimension wouldn't suddenly decide to kick me out.

It was quite simple, without a leader in the dimension, there was no order, as there was no order, there was only chaotic energy inside, if this continued, the dimension would soon collapse upon itself and meet it's end, giving birth to another dimensions amoung the billions.

And once I became the leader of the dimension, the relationship between me and the dimension would become like partners, it would no longer be like a corporate employment.

On the topic and d powers that it granted me, they were fuckin insane.

On my multiple sparring sessions with the ancient one, I got to discover my true strength in the hulk form.

My normal punch packed a force of almost 2000 tons, while if I use martial arts along with my full power, I could go multiple times that power.

Another thing was that the more power I draw from the rage dimension, more of my rationality I lose.

But that in itself was a great deal, most of the opponents I may face would be solved my my base hulk transformation, thus making the need to stress myself by drawing even more energy pointless.

But still, the more I practiced, the more my tolerance towards rage became.

Instead of controlling the anger, I let it flow through me, by guiding it correctly, I could successfully draw full potential from the energy I received from the dimension.

And in those spars was revealed that my strength didn't amount to much, I always got my ads handed to me by her.

Keeping my hulk side of the things aside, I had progressed considerably in the mystic arts.

Even though I had dimensional aura, my talent in mystic arts was lowest of the low.

A random person would have much better chance at learning mystic arts than me.

It took me two months to just learn the basic astral projection and portal creation.

It took a full 5 minutes of meditation before I could perform astral projection. And only after focusing for 2 minutes or so could I create a decent sized portal.

Only because of almost perfect knowledge on the subject and my inexhaustible stamina, I was able to keep up without falling back.

The reason why my talent in the mystic arts was so low was because of my connection to the rage world.

Because of the properties the energy/aura from the rage dimension possessed, my raw aura had become very erratic, unruly and uncontrollable. And if it was one thing that masters of mystic arts required, it was control of their dimensional aura.

Only due to practicing much more than anyone else was I able to keep up with their speed of teaching.

Only after experiencing it myself I came to know how much of a genius Strange was in mystic arts, a normal person would take a week to learn the portal, while he just learned it in less than an hour.

At least I had a redeeming quality, to go hulk whenever I wanted.

My goal was to achieve a stage where I could be hulk, and at the same time be a mystic art user.

But looking at me now, I was far from anywhere near that point.

Aside from those, I had also started learning the arts of inscriptions and mystic arrays.

Inscriptions were dimensional version of magical runes.

Inscriptions worked on dimensional aura supplied to them, it was just a simple set of instructions etched onto a surface written in an ancient language.

Those instructions used the aura supplied to them as intended this performing the task they were assigned to.

The difference between magical tuned and dimensional inscriptions was that it was much easy to create a magical rune, you just needed to use ink and supply it with magic to write runes, on the other hand you had to delicately etch the patterns on the surface of the object and them supply it with aura.

On the other hand, inscriptions lasted way longer than runes of comparable use.

Arrays were the advance form of inscriptions, it was the art of using multiple inscriptions of same nature to work in synergy to create a much greater and powerful output.

By setting multiple arrays, one could easily create a fortress of a hut.

Such examples were the sanctums, one would not be able to as much as break a pot inside of they didn't knew how to counter such measures.

The greatest array till now was the one that protected earth from other dimensions, all the sanctums and the complex arrays inscribed on them created a dimensional shield to save the earth from being attacked by dimensional beings, such as dormamu.

And like arrays, runes also had an advanced form, enchantments.

Magic was the third most interesting thing that I had encountered.

You may think why I was talking about magic while being mystic arts user, well, Kamar Taj wasn't only for mystic arts user, it trained magic users too.

Next chapter