
A Prince is Made

Lily walked over to the cupboard in the kitchen of the Potter cottage in Godric's Hollow, opened it and, with a vicious smile, withdrew a bottle filled with a pink substance that she had told James was one of her current potions experiments. She removed the cap and carefully gave five drops of the odorless liquid onto a cotton bud before putting the rest back into the cupboard.

Still smiling, she proceeded to smear her secret treasure onto her lips and walked back into the living room where James, despite the late hour, was trying to teach Harry how to fly on the toy broomstick they had bought him for his first birthday.

The boy was laughing and cheering so loud that her husband hadn't even noticed her entering the room.

'That's nice', she thought, 'perhaps this way my sweet little angel won't even notice James' somber mood. Since last month, when You-know-who – no, Voldemort, I have to stop referring to him with that stupid phrase - made us that ultimatum to either finally join his side or be killed by his minions, he has seemingly changed from a cocky lion to a paranoid house cat.

Doesn't he understand what my Fidelius charm does? Or…'she paused, 'doesn't he trust Peter? No, that can't be it, he was the one who suggested making him the secret keeper after all. And considering his preferred living conditions he won't be caught either. Seriously, how do you find a specific common rat in London?

Anyway ...' She went over to James, pulled him into a hug and gave him a long, passionate kiss on the lips. "That should keep the damn oaf bearable for the week… and stop him from immediately demanding a divorce in a few days."

She had been feeding him potions for four years now – ever since she learned from Slughorn that no matter how talented she is that no self respecting wizard would give a mudblood a good job. With her pride and natural ambition she made the choice that in order to give her offspring the best possible life in the wizarding world she would have to start to pursue a rich pureblood boy she could control.

James Potter, heir to Fleamont Potter's fortune and Wizengamot seat, was the obvious choice. He was her age, came from a well-established family, had both money and decent looks, and - most importantly, he was known for having a crush on her before so it wouldn't be considered too odd if he fell for her.

Of course he also was a self-righteous, Quidditch obsessed bully who spent half his time pranking students because of what colour their housebadge was, but that didn't really bother her as long as she could control him.

Achieving said control would have been more of a problem as the love-potion she needed was illegal and the recipe not to be found in the Hogwarts library.

Would have.

She had been Slughorn's 'prodigy' after all. Not only did she get private potion lessons and full access to the restricted section of the library but for with her innocence charm he would also answer all of her questions about this strange new world and get her out of just about any bad situation she found herself in.

The potion Slughorn had taught her was an extremely rare ancient Roman substance called 'Donum Veneris'.

What made it so special was that while the immediate effects were quite strong, after continued use it would imitate a natural though passionate romantic relationship that no outsider would ever connect to a potion.

And after accidentally kissing Harry right after James she had made another interesting 'and very satisfying' discovery:

The potion strengthened their parental bond to a degree that now despite spending nearly twice as much time with James, baby Harry preferred her by far.

Suddenly Lily's musings were interrupted by an explosion coming from downstairs.

'From the door' - she realized in shock.

Beside her James had already drawn his wand and pointed it at the staircase.

"Who's there? What do you want?" he demanded to know with a shaky but determined voice.

'Idiot' she thought, grabbed Harry and cast the disapparation spell.

Nothing happened.

"That would have been too easy, wouldn't it?"

She sighed and too pointed her wand at the staircase, ready to blow up the entire western side of the house, when she heard a soft but cold voice behind her casually whisper "Expelliarmus".

Their wands were ripped out of their hands and rushed through the air straight towards the origin of the voice.

Lily turned her head the same moment that James transformed.

The noble stag stormed through the room, directly towards a pale man with a black cloak and glowing red eyes – and was torn to pieces as an explosive hex hit it directly between the eyes, spraying blood and bones and brain all over the room.

"Oh shit," she thought, "what do I do now?" Then she got an idea.

**POV Shift**

With a barely audible crack Lord Voldemort arrived at the town sign of Godricks Hollow.

In eager anticipation he followed the street that Wormtail had described to him straight to a rather common looking cottage with light burning in a few of the upper windows.

Quickly formulating a plan of attack he first placed a series of anti-disapparation and portkey wards around the building.

Directly attacking the Potters wouldn't do, they were both said to be competent duelists and one of them might keep him occupied long enough for the other to escape.

'So what about a distraction? Yes, that would work.' He went to the main entrance and examined the door.

Oak, about two and a half inches thick.

Mentally reciting his charms lessons from Hogwarts the Dark Lord carefully placed a slow acting swelling charm on the wood right at the center of the door before switching into wandless flight, a hellishly difficult technique that he had tortured out of an old Nepalese witch during his travels after graduation.

He swiftly moved up to one of the dark windows in the upper story and vanished the glass, hastily entering what appeared to be a bathroom and reaching its exit at the exact same moment the main door burst downstairs.

There he stopped and watched the scene before him. He was looking into a living room – decorated in red and gold of course - with a collection of racing brooms on the wall opposite to him.

And in the middle of the room stood, just as anticipated, James Fleamont Potter, the personification of the word 'bloodtraitor', and his mudblood whore, both looking in the wrong direction.

Even better, the mudblood seemed to be holding their little brat on her arm.

Deciding to play a little first he quickly disarmed them and smirked when James did exactly what Wormtail had warned him about.

The magnificent stag launched towards him, head lowered, ready to impale him on it's antlers only to cascade into a mixture of bone, flesh and body fluids as Voldemort scored a perfect hit.

'That must have been a mind-blowing experience!' he could almost hear Rudolphus comment in his head.

'Now on to the mudblood. Do I really want to fulfill Severus' wish?.' he thought as he shifted his gaze from the mutilated cadaver and stepped closer to the surprisingly not completely horrified redhead – who promptly fell on her knees before him and started begging:

"Please my lord, leave little Harry alone! I'll do anyting, anything you want!"

Panting she then narrowed her lips to a small gap and… blew into his face?

Confused the Dark Lord lowered his eyes towards the baby in her arms snugged between her large, well rounded breasts. Her dress had slipped a little – providing an excellent view onto her cleavage, hidden beneath beneath only a thin, white bra…

'What in Morgana's name am I thinking! I'm here to kill her child and secure my immortality, not to -' His eyes turned to her face, the beautiful face of a scared young women, barely more than a girl. '

So innocent…' He felt his cock harden beneath his cloak. 'Perhaps I could have a little fun first, this is supposed to be a day of celebration after all'

With a new goal set in mind he flicked his wand and the toddler was ripped from her arms and sliding over the floor into a corner.

Another flick had Lily's clothes ripped apart and the naked redhead flying through the room straight into his chest as his cloak opened and his pants dropped to his ankles, exposing his pale though imposing manhood.

The mudblood's terrified, 'if somewhat strange' screams only incited him further as Voldemort grabbed her wrists and carried her through the room before pressing her bare back against the wall and entering her tight pussy with one single thrust.

This time the mudblood's moans were different, louder and somehow… 'more real?' He didn't have much time to think on this matter though as suddenly the mudblood's head leaped forward and she pressed her lips against his - binding him in a passionate kiss.

For a moment the Dark Lord was confused, then all of a sudden his vision turned black before resetting itself and revealing… 'a goddess!'

He could only stare in wonder as the delicious, divine and absolutely perfect redhead's features turned into a smug smile. She retained eye contact as she slowly reached down to his side pocket and withdrew her wand.

The Dark Lord kept thrusting into her, his face having turned to an absolutely stupified expression.

Far too soon he felt his climax approaching and he gave a loud grunt as he unloaded his seed into her womb.

Her smile turned victorious as she rested the tip of the thin wooden rod in her hand on his chest.

"Avada Kedavra" his goddess softly spoke and his vision once again turned black as he was overcome by an unbearable pain.

He could feel his insides tear apart as his magical core was ripped in half and the remainder of his soul was expelled from its host body.

Clarity filled his mind once again as the effects of the potion vanished and his wraith-like form gave one last hateful screech before it rushed out of the house growing weaker and weaker.

**POV Shift**

Watching Voldemort vanish in his wraith-like form 'shit... that's not how people die' Lily said annoyed.

She then realized that she needed a plan of action. Thinking quickly she decided that she was stunned by Voldemort after he took her wand and that young Harry had been the one too kill him in a bout of underaged magic after seeing Voldemort having his way with his mother.

She could leverage this into a job at Hogwarts as the muggle studies professor and likely becoming a head of house within a year the head of Hufflepuff house was likely to retire soon and she could make an argument that the house of the muggleborns should be a muggleborn.

The house of Loyalty always fascinated her because of how easily the house could be corrupted.

Most people don't differentiate between loyalty built on trust and that which is built through indoctrination.

With her rough plan formulated and the planning for the next king of the wizarding world finished she set herself up so her story would be believed.

Only minutes later, an anxious Sirius arrived at the scene.

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