
The new family is so nice

My stepmom is a charismatic actress. My older sister is a golf goddess. Her younger sister is a popular idol. A new family that is too much for me. But are you so good only to me?

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Episode 22.Dating your mom?

Today is a very important day for me.

It's because it's a date day, so to speak, that the two of you have decided to meet with your mother.

A date with my mother was an important event that comes only a few times a year.

It's hard to make time for my mom because she's busy with her schedule, and it's hard to meet her outside due to the nature of her job.

Moreover, I feel like my mother's attitude has changed a little since 'that incident' happened a while ago.

It's not different from the outside, but I couldn't get rid of the feeling of avoiding me for some reason.

What kind of change of heart occurred in the mother?

A secret that should not be known to the world.

That realistic disability may be burdening the mother.

I don't know how my mother felt, but it wasn't very good news for me.

In that sense, today's date was important.

It's an important chance to close the distance with my mother, who has recently been estranged.

I am also burdened by the forbidden relationship with my mother.

Our family would be completely ruined if my older sister, younger brother, or anyone outside knew about it.

My family is harmed because I am the cause.

It was the thing I feared most in the world.

But now it was too late to straighten the twisted path.

Having already tasted the pieces of the forbidden fruit, I became completely addicted.

Enough to think that no matter what happens, I will win the fruit.

At such an age, it was only natural that he would be spirited from his outward appearance while preparing for today.

I prepared to go out with the feeling of a soldier going to war.

Never in my life have I cared so much about my appearance. probably won't be there in the future.

With so much energy, we headed to a high-end Korean beef restaurant in the neighborhood.

It's subtle as a date spot between men and women, but should I say it's okay as a dinner spot between mothers and fathers... … .

To be honest, I'm the only one who puts my energy on a date, and the mother must be aware that she buys meat for her son for dinner.

A long way to go... … .

The restaurant arrived with such anticipation and anxiety.

I had to face an unexpected situation.

"Come on, son. Mr. Sua. Our son is the successor. Are you handsome?"

I mean, how did this happen?

At the place of the date with my mother, there was a strange interrupter.

"hello. I am Hwang Soo-ah. Wow, sir, I only heard that he was handsome, but I didn't expect him to be this good."

There was such a beauty that you would be afraid to meet her eyes.

To hear that a person like this was handsome was nothing but sarcastic.

"ah… . hello. It's Jinseonhu."

I could barely speak without being speechless.

It was the first person I met, but I didn't feel that uncomfortable because my mother was next to me.

"Seonhu, this is Hwang Soo-ah. Do you know who it is?"

"Ah, yes, the one who appeared as Anna in 'Anna's Diary'... ."

Is there anyone who doesn't recognize her?

She is the female lead in a drama with the highest viewership rating of 40%.

Hwang Soo-ah is one of the most popular actresses in Korea.

In particular, the drama 'Anna's Diary', in which he appeared as the main character two years ago, was a legend in the daily drama world with an average viewership rating of 30% and an instant viewership rating of over 40%.

Of course, what I know about that drama is that my mother also appeared in it.

Hwang Soo-ah, the female lead, tries to grow a small bakery inherited from her deceased parents, and her mother, the CEO of a large franchise bakery, interferes with everything.

These two won the Best Actress and Supporting Actress awards at the year-end awards ceremony side by side.

How could I not know an actor who has such a deep relationship with my mother?

However, when I heard the words 'Anna's Diary' coming out of my mouth, Hwang Soo-ah's expression was not so good.

It was a subtle difference that I could barely tell because I was at an age where I always looked out for others.

"I am honored to have recognized you. This time, I got to do her work with Im Im-hye again. i look forward to."

All actors are of the same race, but actress Hwang Soo-ah felt different from when she saw her on TV.

According to his profile, he should have been around 160cm tall, but he looked shorter than that.

Small face and small hands.

Were you twenty-six?

When I first grabbed the outstretched hand, it felt so weak that I was worried that it might break if I held it hard.

In addition, he was a surprisingly humble person compared to the value of the name Hwang Su-ah.

When we held hands, we bowed our heads and greeted each other.

Rather, I didn't know what to do with my overly polite attitude.

"Oh, no, I just… It is an honor to meet you."

okay. In fact, it was an honor for an ordinary person like me to be able to meet and talk like this.

The only title I have is that my mother is actress Im Im-hye.

There was no reason to hear that I was asking for a favor from a famous actor like Hwang Soo-ah.

"Mom, what happened? Why is Hwang Soo-ah here?"

I whispered to my mother, unable to hide my embarrassment.

A manager or coordinator will understand.

But the person here was an A-grade actress.

It's not like you can meet in person like this.

"Isn't it mothering to want to introduce a wonderful daughter-in-law?"


I couldn't help but be embarrassed at the words of my mother who laughed leisurely.

The content could be rude to the other actor, or it could be felt as sexual harassment or abuse by a senior actor.

However, actress Hwang Soo-ah was just smiling softly, not knowing if she hadn't heard, or if she was just pretending not to know.

However, should I call it the charisma of human beings themselves? Because of actress Hwang Soo-ah's unique force, even her smiling face felt terrifying for some reason.

A beauty that looks like it was put together by a computer. That was an actress named Hwang Soo-ah.

It's nice to see it on TV, but putting it in front of my eyes like this made me feel burdened.

To say that you are frighteningly pretty is what you would say to a person like this.

To take such a person and become a daughter-in-law... … What the hell is your mom thinking?

I don't even know how I came to this place... … .

"Whoops. don't think too hard Even if you're an actress, you're just an ordinary girl when you take off one layer. know?"

"under… … ."

My mother whispered in my ear as if for advice.

That's what I know better than anyone else. The more special people on TV, the less special they actually are.

But does that story apply to this person in front of me? He's like a person from another planet.

"And since Sua buys meat today, eat a lot."

"Oh, really?"

"yes. eat a lot."

Naturally, I thought that my mother was living there, but when I heard that, I started to feel 3 times more uncomfortable in this place.

Isn't this situation where a senior actress introduces her son to a junior actress and makes them spend money?

Could it be that I am at the scene of power abuse in the entertainment industry that I have only heard about. If an article such as 'famous actress Lim Im-hye, controversy over power abuse against junior actresses' appears... .

"mom… . It's okay if I don't eat meat."

"After Jin Seon. What are you imagining?"

"Imagination of a mother beating a junior actress?"

At my honest answer, my mother laughed and slapped me on the back.

"He! You don't have to worry about anything strange. This is because instead of doing a favor for Sua, I'm giving her a treat. Instead, the seonhu should also help."

"ask? Is there anything I can do?"

I tilted my head at the sudden story. Is there anything I can do to help such a great person?

"I heard that Seon-hoo and teacher Lim Im-hye were reading the script together."

I couldn't help but be embarrassed by the words of actor Hwang Soo-ah, who switched to a serious atmosphere.

"yes? Oh, but it does... . mom?"

Occasionally, I help practice acting as a mother at home, but not to the extent of talking about it anywhere.

I'm just really, really amateur.

But bringing up that story now means that I am asking Hwang Soo-ah to help me read the script.

It's an unbelievable story. My mother is my family, so even so, I knew best that my skills were never matched with other actors.

"Seonhu. Do you remember when her mom first came back to the drama? When her mother first got the villain role."

"huh. don't remember that Are you talking about 'The Witch's Temptation'?"

Old memories come to mind.

I was a middle school student at the time, and I was in a state of improvement to the point where I could barely imitate a normal person, and my mother was challenging to return to the screen at that time.

"At that time, Mom, I was in a very bad slump. To the point where she wonders whether or not she can continue working as an actress. The pressure of not being able to fail now made me crazy."

It was the first time I had heard of it.

The fact that my mother appeared on TV was just amazing, but I don't think the reviews of her acting were very good.

The drama itself was also a failure, and the mother may have been on the edge of a cliff more than she thought.

I didn't know anything, but I remember that the atmosphere of my mother, who prepared for the next one immediately after finishing one, was different from usual.

And it was probably around that time that I started practicing the script with my mom.

"Thanks to the help of the seonhu at that time, my mother was able to come this far. Thank you, Seonhu."

Then, my mother squeezed the back of my hand tightly.

Mother's affection was transmitted through the hand she held.

"Oh no, I don't really… … ."

I was just ashamed of my mother's sincere confession.

I don't think I did such a great job.

However, it was a happy fact that I became my mother's motivation in any form.

Warmth spread from the hand my mother held.

If I had been holding on like this all along... … .

"And our Sua is in a similar situation to her mother at the time. Right, Mr. Sua?"

Actress Hwang Soo-ah nodded with a bitter expression.

"Because all the dramas I filmed after 'Anna's Diary' have failed. This is practically your last chance."

If you think about it, Hwang Soo-ah has been too quiet lately compared to her name value.

Two years after 'Anna's Diary'.

But she wasn't playing either.

Even though it was constantly appearing on the air, the fact that it was so quiet meant that it was not as successful and was quietly buried.

"There's no way you'll fail in that you come out with me. Whoops."

Compared to actress Hwang Soo-ah, who has a nervous face, her mother was overflowing with composure.

Mom is the golden ticket to the broadcasting world. As long as it appears, box office success is guaranteed, so it is only natural that it is full of confidence.

Conversely, actress Hwang Soo-ah's confidence was weaker than the candle right before it went out.

"… … To be honest, I also chose the work with that thought in mind. If you work with Im Im-hye, you won't fail. But that's not enough. This time, I have to prove the value of actress Hwang Soo-ah."

"Ah, yes… … ."

That's right... … .

But why are you talking to me like that?

I'm a normal person with nothing to do with it.

"That's why I want you to help Sua, just as the seonhu helped her mother back then."

"No, Mom, wait. isn't that a bit odd? Even if you say you did because your mother is your mother, there's no way it would be the same for actor Hwang Soo-ah, right?"

"no. her mom can tell That our seonhu will be equally helpful to Sua."

No way. Where did the mother's unfounded beliefs come from?

I even understood that Hwang Soo-ah was in a slump, and that she asked her mother for help to overcome the slump.

But I don't know the meaning of my mother introducing me to actor Hwang Soo-ah there.

Since I am a family to my mother, my presence may have helped her emotionally.

However, I didn't even think that I would be of any help to actor Hwang Soo-ah, who is a stranger.

"I'll ask you too, Mr. Seonhu."


Actress Hwang Soo-ah lowered her head again.

she doesn't know about me All I know is the information I heard from my mother.

Because of her mother's exaggerated story about me, actress Hwang Soo-ah may have had unreasonable expectations.

"Hey, actress Hwang Soo-ah, I understand your feelings. But wouldn't it be better to consult with an acting expert rather than me? I'm really at the amateur level... … ."

I expressed my intention to decline with difficulty.

Seeing my puzzled face, actor Hwang Soo-ah smiled as if he understood.

"You must be embarrassed to hear this all of a sudden. I know, that makes no sense."

"then… … ."

"If it was like usual, I would never ask for something like this. However, I also did everything I could, and now I told Teacher Lim Im-hye with the feeling that I wanted to hold on to a straw. Since I asked the teacher, I have no choice but to trust the teacher and do as he tells me, right?"

I wish you well. Mr. after

Actress Hwang Soo-ah smiled and held my hand. She seems useless even if she refuses.

We support top actresses to overcome their slump. The responsibility was too great for me.

"Are there more experts than mothers in this field in Korea? don't worry. Since our ancestors are teachers of tweezers, they will definitely solve it well."

"under… … ."

I'm not here for this.

I just wanted to restore my relationship with my mother... … .

While I was in a daze, the table was set and the meat was being grilled on the fire.

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It's probably hard for me to be as helpful as my mother or Hwang Soo-ah expects.

But no matter what the content is, it's something I trusted and entrusted to me. I had to do as much as I could.

Because I can't disappoint my mother.

I was determined.

"Well, then what can I do?"

"Seonhu can help with the script reading with Sua, just like she did with her mother. We need to get to know each other better before that."

"… If necessary, I can help you practice the script, but that... … ."

It's a script reading, so if you don't care about your acting skills, you can do it. Because actor Hwang Soo-ah only needs to read the other person's lines during practice.

But anything else was an unreasonable demand.

"This work is a double heroine system. One is Hwang Soo-ah, the wife of the male lead. And the other is Shin Ji-hye, the first love of the male lead before marriage."

Mom intentionally interrupted my story and proceeded with the story.

Anyway, the other heroine of this drama is Shin Ji-hye... … . It's a formidable casting.

Unlike actress Hwang Soo-ah, who is a Western-style beauty with a cold atmosphere, actress Shin Ji-hye is a graceful and innocent type. Perhaps they intentionally cast two actors with opposite styles.

If two famous actresses appear in the lead role, the one with a weaker presence will be eaten.

And judging from the current momentum, it seemed highly likely that actress Hwang Soo-ah would be the one to be eaten. In the first place, only words are double heroines, but the real heroines may have been cast as bridesmaids with Shin Ji-hye and Hwang Su-ah.

"The male lead married Sua, had a child, and was living well. However, she accidentally reunites with her first love, Ji-hye, and starts to falter. Ji-hye was tricked by her husband's mother and broke up with her husband, but she belatedly learned the truth and approached her husband again. Sua knows that and is trying to stop the two from getting closer."

"The male lead is just trash. It's just the wind."

"What do you think of Sua?"

"It's unfortunate that we broke up because we were tricked, but I'm a little bit like this guy… ."

Actor Hwang Soo-ah looked at me for some reason and spoke.

not me In fact, I may be trash to the point where I can't even compare it to the main character, but this isn't me.

"I don't disagree with the fact that men are garbage, but Sua shouldn't be like that. No matter how trashy a man may be, he is the man Sua loves."

Seeing my mom seriously talk about acting made my heart thump.

Actress Hwang Soo-ah was listening to her mother with the spirit of not missing a single word. I was nervous watching from the side.

"From my point of view, the problem with Sua is that she has never been in love properly. How would you feel if the man you really love turned his attention to another woman?"

"… That would make you angry and feel bad."

At her mother's words, actress Hwang Soo-ah hesitantly answered. But the answer didn't seem to meet her mother's standards.

"It's not on that level. Burning anger. A feeling of jealousy that will break your intestines. It's a complicated heart that can't be separated because I hate it enough to want to kill it, but I love it. It means that you are not ready to express this, Mr. Sua."

I was more interested in the other side than my mother's acting guidance.

Is it true that I never fell in love? It's a pity if it's true. A person like this could have really picked any man.

Mom's lecture continued even while I was thinking pathetic thoughts.

"The act of getting revenge while hysterical because of the cheating man? You can do that with any girl. But isn't that the kind of acting you want from Hwang Soo-ah? You need terrifying acting that makes your body tremble when you see it. But it must be difficult for a male actor to empathize with that, right?"

Then, my mother took me by the arm.

"Then I will lend you my son."

Why am I out there? I couldn't understand English.

"My son, practice loving your predecessors. And the practice of being taken away by another woman. I won't tell you to do method acting, but once you experience it, at least you will be able to act close to the real thing."

"Here, Mom."

I understood until the middle, but isn't it a bit strange to ask you to practice loving with me? It's not something that can be said to be love.

"After that, you will help too, won't you?"

"No, I will help if I can."

I have no intention of ignoring my mother's opinion. But, to be honest, it was a far-fetched story to me.

The hedgehog also thinks that his child is cute, but perhaps the degree is too harsh.

I thought that the premise of practicing love in the first place was wrong. It's not like I'm going to do it. That opponent is Nago, whom I met for the first time today.

But it seems I was the only one here thinking that way. Actor Hwang Soo-ah also helped me with a word when I was in trouble.

"I'll ask you too, Mr. Seonhu."

"… Are you serious?"

"I told you. It's a feeling of grabbing at least a straw. I just believe in what the teacher says and follow it."

The expression on her face was serious. She couldn't bear to keep eye contact with her since she was stared at by such a well-groomed person.

I averted my gaze and sighed.

It's a big deal. Is there no one around actress Hwang Soo-ah who can give the right advice? She's worried that she won't fall for a strange religion or something.

"Oh my goodness. This is heavy on my heart. If you fail, it's your mother's responsibility, so do your best to be loved by Sua. Understand?"

"that… .."

At a loss for words, I turned my eyes to actress Hwang Soo-ah.

Honestly, if a human being is too pretty, it takes courage to look at it.

Actress Hwang Soo-ah was that type of person. A being that requires energy to even look at.

Should I try to be loved by this kind of person? How?

However, facing her serious eyes, he did not have the guts to refuse.

"… I will do my best."

That's how I became actor Hwang Soo-ah's temporary partner to overcome his slump.