
The New Dungeon Master

A NEET dies and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world as the new Dungeon Master. From then and there he gets on his mission to create a perfect horrifying dungeon and conquer the new world. I am also uploading this novel on other websites.

Sushanta_Majhi · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Enemy in Shadow II


The outskirts were patrolled by fifteen to twenty centaur guards. They could have handled a small pack of mebungos easily. The blowing of horns indicates one thing that there is a large army of mebungos ahead. The strong scent of blood lingering in the air confirmed Hasdore's doubt. Hasdore knew about the capabilities of mebungos thus he came there with his force fully prepared yet to his surprise there was silence in the northern outskirts. Blood was spilled, traps were activated yet there was not a single body detained there.

"Hello there! We were expecting you."

Suddenly out of no where a Hyena like creature popped out of the tall grass. It had a head of a Hyena, body of a weasel and limbs of a deer. It tried to attack Hasdore but was slammed to the ground by the centaur warriors.

"Who are we, you are speaking of? How many are you?"

'Help.....Help ...Help me!"

As Hasdore interrogated the strange creature it desperately cried out for help but by mimicking Hasdore's voice. Hasdore began to understand it's intention and before it could do much harm he sliced the creature's throat with his sword.

"Everyone retreat! Retreat to the village."

"What's wrong My Lord? What was that creature?"

"We are being deceived. That was a Corocotta, a bread of Hyena dogs that shouldn't exist here. They have the ability to mimic anyone's voice and if I am not wrong our village is in grave danger."

While fearing about the current situation in the village, Hasdore explains everything about the strange creature to his warriors when he sees Zoba and his troops marching towards him.

"Why are you here Zoba? What is the situation at the eastern outskirts?"

" I heard your cry My Lord, are you alright?"

"Yes, but we are being played Zoba. What happened at the eastern outskirts.?"

"There is no-one in the eastern outskirts My Lord but it could possible that a fight broke out there. There are traces of blood but the bodies are no where to be found."

Even though Hasdore was old, he was a level 50 warrior and with Zoba, his level 30 disciple he was confident to handle the mebungo situation. But he underestimated his opponents and the flames rising in the village was proof of it.

As everyone hastily moved towards the village Hasdore noticed strange symbols engraved on the soil. Although they were well hidden in the grassy plains it was glowing then, which means some kind of magic was going to be activated. With years of experience Hasdore knew a little bit about magic and witchcraft thus he tried to disperse everyone from that location but before he could do something the symbol glowed vigorously covering a large area and in no time some kind of barrier rose from the ground, trapping everyone inside it.

Everyone tried their might to break the barrier but it was in vain. Hasdore never expected this level of intelligence and battle strategy from his opponents, at least not from the mebungos. He was sure that there was a third party involved but he was also fearful at the thought of the infamous Hag, his sister was mentioning about.


The front line was already destroyed. The warriors were gravely wounded and were motionlessly waiting for the merciful death. The surviving warriors and archers gathered around Tala and Nokari to give their last fight.

The average centaur warriors were of level 6, except the centaurs who were personally trained by Hasdore, were on level 9. Even Tala, Hasdore's sister was on level 15. With their might they could have easily win against mebungos who were also of level 6 but the problem was their number and the mysterious means through which they were healing instantaneously.

Allen was also present outside the shelters, he was not a centaur yet the mebungos were not discriminating him for that. While he was mostly protected by the Gemini Twins the centaur warriors were also helping him even in their dire situation.

It was not Allen's battle yet now he was a part of it. He cannot just stand there and watch the one sided massacre when he already aided them, had their hospitality and even trying to have a trade relationship with them.

2nd tier Spell [Ember ground]

3rd tier Blessing [Healing Wind]

Metamorphosis [Hiss the Great Serpent]

With Allen's command the Gemini priestess Keira created a burning ground surrounding the shelters. It acted as a elemental barrier and inflicted fire damage whoever dared to step on it. She didn't stop there, she even healed the grievously wounded centaurs with her area healing spell. Meanwhile Allen and the exorcist twin Leanna, launched themselves towards the invading mebungos.

Allen in his serpent form dashed towards the enemy crowd. His venomous breath paralyzed the mebungos whereas his serpentine constriction squashed his victim's bones. At the same time Leanna was dancing with her Spear of Thirst and with each movement she was slicing a number of mebungos.

Spear of Thirst was not just a damage inflicting weapon, it was a weapon designed to absorb the negative energy from its victim. The more resentment a creature have the more lethal it's strike become. It was a perfect weapon for an exorcist who had to deal with supernatural entities filled with negative energies and Leanna was using it perfectly.

With Keira's help, almost every centaurs had already recovered their health and were eager to join the battle alongside Allen and Leanna but the problem was Keira's elemental barrier which was ruthlessly burning anyone whoever dared to cross it. Thus Keira open up a small space in the barrier from where the centaur warriors can move out while the archers remained behind and showered the mebungos by their arrows.

Nature's wrath [Entangle]

Nature's Will [Increase Morals]

As Tala's spell took effect vines from the surrounding area came crawling up into the village and started to entangle the mebungos but before Nokari's spell could take its effect fire started to rain from the sky and in no time the entire village was burning in flames.

The fire not only burned the village, it also destroyed the vines which were summoned by Tala, the shamaness and in that process it killed and wounded a number of centaurs. The rain of fire was followed by bone chilling wind which froze everything up to Keira. Although it didn't inflict much damage on Keira, it froze everyone close to her. Even Tala, Nokari and the burning ground was spared.

2nd tier Elemental Spell [Sirocco]

Metamorphosis [Murder of Crows]

Just like before the dead and wounded mebungos once again started to recover themselves mysteriously and witnessing such dire incidents Allen unleashed a gust of hot dry wind which melted the frozen centaurs. Even though the centaurs were motionless, there was still hope left because not everyone was dead there. Thus Allen in his hundreds of crow form started to transport the half dead centaurs to Keira.

3rd tier Blessing [Holy Circle]

1st tier Elemental Spell [Chain Lightning]

2nd tier summon [Phantom Skull]

Keira could have used Healing Wind just like before but it's effect was time consuming and for now Keira didn't have the luxury. Instead she used Holy Circle which covered a small diameter and drained a lot of mana from the caster but it was much effective for the time being because it used condensed energy to heal everyone instantaneously. On the other hand Allen in his crow form used chain lightning to damage multiple enemies in multiple locations while Leanna summoned a floating skull to devour the souls of the deceased to heal herself when suddenly she threw her spear towards something hiding in the shadow of the tall grasses. When the Spear of Thirst returned to Keira's hand after piercing its target, the explosion caused by it illuminated the surrounding. And the light unveiled some mysterious figures who were hiding in the shadows.