2 Independence Day

James' POV

I'm released from the pod and I see Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Superboy fighting. I called out to superboy and talked to him about getting out of there. He punched me barely feeling it I started watching out for my ears because of viltrumite weakness. I was winning because superboy couldn't fly. I was beating him and then flying away, and I kept doing it till I won. As we were trying to escape we saw the doctor drink some liquid serum and become a monster.

I watched as superboy awake and chose freedom. Then we fought the ugly ass monster. I sucked the blood of the doctor and compelled him to forget getting bit. Robin put up explosives around the structure of the building. Me and Superboy were punching the shit out of the monster. Then the structure blew and we were outside. I finished Dr. ugly with an uppercut. Then the Justice League arrived.

Superboy told everyone" I'm a clone of Superman".

I told everyone "I'm a child experiment that was taken from a orphanage in Gotham".

Robin and Superboy were saying that they were making a team. I asked to join and they said sure. That is how I got on the young justice team.


Time skip to the next day

Today I'm going to explore my powers. So I speed up to run outside at Mach 23 which is roughly 17.507.6 miles per hour. I leave the cave and arrive at the Luthor building in metropolis. I compel the receptionist for an audience with Lex Luther. She takes me to the 100th floor where he resides.

Lex asks who the guest is.

Alice the receptionist responds with Mr. Griffin.

Alice leaves the room. Now it's just me and Mr. Luther

I compel Lex to turn off all security cameras. I then compel him to give me a billion dollars. Next I compel him to forget everything about the wire transfer.I also compel him to give me all evidence he has on me and to destroy it. I leave and go back home to the cave.

I arrive at the cave it sounds off B1 Evo

Superboy comes up asking where I've been.

I answered went out for a walk.

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode. Just joking but have a good day.

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