


Way to ruin your one and only chance to become friends with someone yay me! I kept repeating in my idiotic brain. Should I strike up a conversation I mean he probably doesn't even want to talk to me I'm sure...but why do I get this weird feeling in my stomach. Is my period coming earlier than usual? "ARGH" I yell " H-Hey you o-okay?" he says. Oh my goodness of all the dumbest things I can possibly do I decide to yell this is how I utterly humiliate myself. "Yeah! Sorry about that hormones if you know what I mean!" I smack myself so hard in my face that Daniel looks away with a little blush. Wait... could it be my dumb self has a crush on this nerd by the name Daniel? Oh... oh no I can't have a love at first sight this sucks! I don't know if I mentioned this but every time I like someone it either doesn't end very well for me or

them. Daniel is... I'm giving an extremely annoying speech about someone I just met. Someone I believe I love. Please how come a trip to the cafeteria make me like Daniel in the first day to top it off!


I never knew how offering the new student to go on a so called stroll to the cafeteria would be so awesome! She is so funny though she doesn't even try! I really want to be friends with someone like her but how can I talk to her? " So got any hobbies?" I ask. She flinches " Oh me? Well of course who else right!" she looks up to the ceiling with her eyes shut nodding her head. " IM SO SORRY! IM AN AWKWARD SOCIAL MESS! WERE THE HECK IS THE CAFETERIA? WE BEEN WALKING FOR AN AWKWARDLY LONG TIME!" She yelled at me I just smiled at her. " Well I'm really sorry for what I have to say but your inside already." I say she blushed a whole lot and I mean why wouldn't she get embarrassed literally everyone was staring at her. We sat down in a table when she says " How... can I get more smarter instead of dumber?" she says. I laugh really loudly that some of the people around me stare including her. " Wa-- I'm serious!" she says crossing her hands and scoffing. Oh I thought she was joking I offended her big time! I was going to say something when a couple boys sit down in our table. I recognize one of them he was my " Friend " he still is but is a real jerk so I stay away as much as I can from him. " Who is this lovely lady? Perhaps your girlfriend?" Jamie says. I blush and so does she. " Your right how can someone as hot as her be with someone like you!" Jamie comments. The boys all laugh leaving me flustered I take a quick glimpse of Xiayou hoping she won't think less of me and I see her clenching her fist. " Well you know your wrong!" she says really loudly practically yelling so the whole room goes quiet. Jamie and the others snigger and I still keep my gaze at her. " Nah who would date h--?" he gets interrupted with Xiayou raising her hand. " H--How am I supposed to believe you?" Jamie tries to reason. Xiayou glares at him and says " Like this.." she stands up and grabs my tie to drag me up while I choke. She whispers really softly in my ear " Corporate with me!" I nod. She then grabs my cheeks with her hands and brings me really close to her face crushing her lips with mine.

Is this writing better than last time or is it worse... please tell me! Sorry for not updating!

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