
Chapter 1: Bloody Beginnings

"Goodbye Sangui. Thank you so much for everything."

He set his hands on my shoulders and held onto me tightly,

staring those dark red eyes into mine.

"It was only a duty I had to do. God led me to give you the bite

and to teach you how to survive, and I did just as I was asked.

You will be fine on your own, just remember to be ruthless, never naive or weak."

He always told me something like this,

but I couldn't help but be in love with the vampire

that looked after me these last few years.

He kept me safe and took care of me

like I was his own fragile little glass doll.

Yet he showed me all the darkness behind being a vampire

and trained me into a vicious assassin.

Memories of the passed couple years passed through my mind

as every time he touched me during training my heart sped up like a giddy child.

I once accidently cut myself and then another time cut him

because of my distractions, he got upset with me,

but his anger towards me was never too harsh and never lasted longer than an hour;

he always just wanted to be sure I was not severely harmed,

and if it wasn't that bad he would simply laugh it off

and tell me not to be so careless.

Suddenly, Sangui pressed his lips against mine tightly then pulled away

just as suddenly, leaving me breathless and full of sparks,

"There is one last thing you must do for me, my dear Azrael.

I need you to take your first vampire soul."

Sangui had told me God had sent me to suck the evil souls

from other vampires and the darkness that has taken over some humans.

A demonic essence, that overtook them.

I took a step back from him and stared at him in shock,

"B… but I don't know what will happen when I do."

He made a small smirk and kissed my cheek slowly

as he whispered sweetly in my ear, "You know exactly what will happen."

Truth is, I did know what was going to happen;

I will take his vampirism away and he will turn into a normal human

and forget about all his time of being a vampire; as his endless age catches up.

The difficult part is, vampires are gifted with beauty and a glowing aura.

Will I have the urge to drink his blood once he is human, what if I kill him?

"You do understand, only you, other vampires and the vampire hunters

can identify the vampire entities?" I nodded to him shortly.

"You're here to save them, so they have a chance to have a life

as normal humans once more, and not have their life cut off just for being cursed."

I couldn't take the emotions anymore, I couldn't take him being so bullheaded

and not telling me that he loves me like I love him.

All he was doing was his duty, he didn't care for me at all.

I could tell he could see the anger in my eyes and the tears boiling over slowly,

because he began to turn and walk away as he flipped his hand up, waving me off,

"Let me know when you're ready." He aggravated me, not giving me mutual emotions.

I loved him, and I wanted him to love me,

but all he was doing was a job, and now he's moving on.

I gritted my teeth as I choked back my tears, stepping after him.

I grabbed Sangui and shoved him against the brick of his house.

I stared into those bloody lustful eyes of his,

"Why don't you love me? Why do you toy with me in such a way?"

He stared down into my eyes and stroked my cheek,

but I smacked it away, "My dear, you need to forget love,

it makes us weak, makes us all vulnerable."

He was heartless, he was careless; he made me feel weak,

made me feel vulnerable, I hated that he was right;

it made me angry, made me so infuriated.

"You know you get sexier when you let your anger get to you."

I rolled my eyes and let out my fangs extending my nails.

"What charm us vampires have, I hope you don't miss it too much.

One day you'll be able to control such emotions

and realize how meaningless they can be. Weakness."

I set my nails against his heart and set my fangs on his neck,

but before I bit into him I whispered against his skin, "I love you Sangui."

I inhaled and exhaled against his neck, then sank my teeth

deep into the left of his throat into his artery and plunged

my nails through his heart. He made a slight gasp of pain but that was it.

The blood from his neck drained into the holes in his chest

and instead of blood rushing into my mouth

it was a bright blue liquid, almost like ice.

It fueled my body and rushed through me, giving me strength

and yet draining me at the same time.

I felt everything, his emotions fueled through me,

and all his memories as a vampire.

He did love me, but he chose not to show me.

I don't know what hurt more, knowing he did love me

and never expressing that or thinking he didn't.

I missed the days when I didn't feel emotions,

then once I began drinking blood it's as If I had acquired them.

I collapsed to the ground digging my nails into the concrete.

My muscles were tensing up and releasing all at the same time;

my brain felt as though it were to shatter.

A small tear drop fell from my eye as I watched Sangui

stumble away from me, as his age slowly began to catch up.

He will never remember who I am and yet never know me at all.

He had been one of the first vampires to have ever been created,

and thus trained over a million of us, but I was the last,

and the one to eradicate them all.

My mind flashed back to the first time Sangui kissed me

and caressed my body. I had just turned eighteen

and I felt worthless, meaningless, unloved and unwanted

in an unknown world where I didn't have anyone, left alone in darkness

as snow fell around me.

Sangui slid his hand up the small dress I had worn

and then pulled away, asked if I wanted to be his date for the evening.

His eyes were so lustful, I couldn't resist him.

I dressed up in a small black cocktail dress that had shown

my womanly beauty for the first time and some silver and black laced up heels.

When I had come out of the bathroom,

Sangui was dressed in a matte black tuxedo with a red shirt and a white tie.

He had two wine glasses out and an already cooked meal

of blood red steak waiting on the table.

He gave me a glass and took my other hand in his,

pulling me to the marble table; he spun me around

and sat me down on the small cushioned chair.

He sat right next to me and caressed my cheek and set his lips on my neck.

My body fueled with fire and I couldn't help

but let out a small moan as he ran his hand up my inner thigh.

He made a sinister laugh and began to tell me about the dinner.

Once we had finished, he looked at me so seriously,

"Azrael…if you want to get the full soul and heart of a vampire, you must take it,

just like this." That's when he kissed me for the first time,

so passionately, it was electrifying.

When he stopped he looked at me with the same serious face

and tone in his voice, "Love, does not exist for vampires,

all we know is lust. We take hearts, and we destroy them."

Those words kept repeating inside my head.

He told me not to love multiple times, and yet,

here I fell madly in love with him, and he was right,

my heart felt like it had been destroyed as I watched

him disappear from my sight as his body disintegrated into ash.

Lost and alone once more just as I was when I was sixteen, now twenty-four,

I had a better mindset of the world and Sangui left me everything I needed.

Now I just needed to figure out where to make a new start once more; without him.

Next chapter