
The Necromancer: I am Catastrophe

As the game descends into reality, the world's rules are overturned, and humanity enters the era of universal job-changing. Monsters rampage! Numerous secret realms, dungeons, and abysses abound! Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand! Only by becoming a job-changer, leveling up and growing stronger, can one stand at the pinnacle of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin became the sole possessor of a unique hidden job, the Necromancer. He acquired a divine talent, which at just level 1, enhances all skills by tenfold. He obtained a divine passive skill, transferring all damage to his summoned creatures. As long as his summons are indestructible, Lin will not die. "Endless divine skeleton warriors!" "Billions of lich mages!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you withstand them?" Curses powerful enough to gods turn into white bones. Corpses explosions, so powerful, they dent the sky, and the world collapses. "I sit high on the throne of bones, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!"

DaoistYIt41G · Fantasy
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159 Chs

Chapter 107: Hell Difficulty!

The knight roared and quickly retreated, his expression one of sheer panic.

The prophets and archers, following closely, hurried on without a word.

An Abyss Demon?

One of Lin's goals on the Yuan battlefield, besides exploring dungeons, was to encounter Abyss Demons.

Bai Yiyuan had assured him that the Abyss Demons appearing here wouldn't be overwhelmingly powerful, suggesting Lin should be able to manage them.

As the mist surged more intensely, it was suddenly swept away, revealing a pack of dark, dog-like creatures. These Abyss Demon Dogs, with their two-meter length and sharp fangs glinting with a faint blue light, emitted a chilling cry while sprinting, their approach marked by the strong scent of blood.

Lin cast a detection technique, revealing their nature:

[Abyss Demon Dog]

[Level: 31]

[Power: 5000]

[Agility: 6000]

[Spirit: 2000]

[Physique: 5000]

[Skill: Bite]

Sensing the detection, about 10 of the 30 Abyss Demon Dogs veered towards Lin, their jaws still dripping with remnants of their recent human prey.

With a cold determination, Lin whispered, "You deserve to die," as his skeleton warriors surged forward, their eyes glowing red, ready to confront the demon dogs. The disparity in attributes was clear; the skeleton warriors easily overpowered the Abyss Demon Dogs, while the skeleton mages launched spells, further turning the tide against the demonic canines.

The Abyss Demon Dogs' pained howls and the sudden shift of their companions' attention towards Lin marked a pivotal moment in the battle. The initial attackers were quickly falling under the relentless assault of Lin's forces.

As Lin prepared for the arrival of the remaining demon dogs, he unleashed a Corpse Explosion, creating a clear zone in an instant. The incoming Abyss Demon Dogs stood no chance, succumbing to the powerful blast.

This encounter netted Lin over 9 million experience points, 30 military merits, and brought him closer to his first star on the sergeant's badge.

The three survivors, witnessing Lin's prowess, were astounded. They had expected Lin's demise but instead saw him dispatch the Abyss Demon Dogs with ease, prompting speculation about his status as a senior professional.

As Lin ventured deeper into the mist, the onlookers didn't dare follow, awed by his strength and suspecting him to be a high-ranking professional.

Meanwhile, within the abyss, entities noted the sudden demise of their demonic dogs, casually deciding to send more into the fray, unaware of the challenge Lin posed.

Approaching the dungeon, Lin found a familiar scene reminiscent of his experiences at the Xihai Mine Dungeon's entrance. Despite the danger outside, the dungeon's entrance was a bustling hub of activity, with various groups preparing to enter.

As Lin approached, his appearance and the unadorned five-star sergeant badge drew curious glances. People were openly intrigued by his youth, his lack of stars indicating his fresh status, and his affiliation with the Shenxia Empire.

Refusing an offer to join a team, Lin opted for the dungeon's Hell difficulty, a challenge he had yet to face in his adventures. As he disappeared into the dungeon, the onlookers were left debating his chances and the existence of such formidable individuals among them.

A man from Sakura Country, intrigued by Lin's solo venture, cast a talisman into the dungeon's vortex, perhaps seeking insights or simply stirring the pot, as the vortex illuminated brightly in response.