
1. job hunting

Claudia's pov

I hurrried out of the taxi and entered into the building. This company this the largest companies in the country and others as well, they deal in production of automobiles, they also deal in production of Mobile phone and SIM card. Incredible right.

I saw on the papers that Ashton Corporation CEO needs a personal assistant and since I graduated in BA in Business administration with first class, that I could get this job,but the scene Infront of me had me opening my mouth, there were alot of people there for the interview. well what did I expect , everyone will die to be in the company.

"you've got this Claudia, you can do it" I said to myself. I really needed this job.

It was early in the morning around 8:30am . A slim beautiful woman came to introduce herself.

"hello everyone please have you seat, and please if I mention your name then you enter, are you okay with that" she said looking at us.

"yes ma'am" we responded

"okay so the first person Monica Andrews" she called out.In an hour's time, people came out with different expressions on their faces. some came out with annoyed faces, some crying, some with a normal expression and so on.

"what is going on there" I kept wondering but most people's expressions where enough to break your confidence.

"Claudia Benson"I heard my name

"that's me"I said raising my hand.

"Lord give me the confidence"I said a prayer and opened the door.

15 minutes I got out with a mixed expression, they they will get back to me if I get the job. Even though I don't have the experience, I think I can do it and I. a fast learner as well.I know at least those who came for the interview had the experience but I would appreciate it if I had the job.

I boarded a taxi and went home. Upon my arrival, I saw my dad hitting my mom, again. This has been going on for as long as I could remember and whenever I tell my mom to divorce him, she would tell me that she still loves him. pfftt love . I don't blame her sometimes. I immediately rushed to my dad and held his hand .

"enough dad, enough is enough , I have had enough of it. why do you still do this huh, she is your wife and not your punching bag"I screamed at him in his drunk state. That's right he is drunk and whenever he is drunk , he comes straight home to frustrate us .

He would beat my mom, use anything his hands lays on to hit her. And when he's done , he would go and sleep, the next day he would apologize to mom , mom would forgive him and he will still continue his attitude.

"how dare you shout out me, how dare you" he said staggering left and right ,back and forth.

"how dare you too dad to hit my mom" I also gave it to him

"you ungrateful b*t*ch"he rose up his hand to slap me but held it back. He tried freeing it but I was stronger than this drunk man.

"I'm I? you are an ungrateful father who doesn't care about anyone but himself. you borrowed money fr these loan sharks to gamble and now they are now threatening us to pay else they would sell Elsa" I told him with anger and spite in my voice.

"what at all have you done for this family , well let me tell you, NOTHING , you have never provided food ,nor clothes nor shelter for us so you can't call me ungrateful"I shouted at him. I had to release all of this to him for my heart to be free.

" so I would ask you to leave this house now because this house belongs to mom and not you. we can't accommodate you again" I said opening the door for him to go.

"are you sacking me from my house? well I will go for now but I will be back " he said and left

I hurrried to see mom who had bruises everywhere.

"mom get up so that I treat your wound" I said calmly holding her hand to help her get up.

"where I your dad?"she asked with a curious look

"that should be the least of your worries mom" I told her truthfully

" I should worry because he is your dad"she said

" mom, let's forget about him okay and be concerned about your health" I told her .

After applying ointment on her wound and convincing her to stop thinking about that man, she slept off. Thank God Elsa is in school because I hate it when she sees these things, it's affects her education and everything.

I went into my room to change my outfit into someone comfy . I checked the time and it was 4 .Elsa would be here any minute , so I decided to make dinner.

After dinner which was rice with gravy stew, we all went to bed.

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