
The Nameless Puppeteer

Love exist in many form almost in all relationship. There are love as sweet as honey, as bitter as kale, as sour as pickled lemon, as salty as salt. There are love as deadly as a black hole, with no future. There are love as passionate as fire unable to be extinguish. People always have different meaning and understanding of love. Some people say, “love is when you build up each other.” Some people say, “love is when I press myself into your back at night and feel our future.” Some people say, “love is comfort in uncomfortable places.” Some people say, “love feels like coming home.” Some people say, “love is when someone starts to take up space in your mind.” Yet, none of them could really describe what love is. Love exist and yet it meaning remain unsolved. While it is simple in word, however it is complex in action. Love make a person happy, sad, and mad at the same time. The obsession, the burning and mixed emotion that one felt when they are in love will always remain a mystery. How do you fall in love? How do you fall out of love? Aretha, the fruit of love between her mother and her father, blessed by the Angel of Death, grew up among the dark reality of the world. The love she has to go through filled with thorn, walking the long path away from happiness. Yet she earn for a love as warm as sun. The same love she used to feel with the family she love. “Ella, I know how badly I had hurt you, but I love you so much to let you go. I rather die than to be apart from you.” “Then you should just die.” “Aretha, anything you want, I will give it to you. I shall grant your wish however you pleased. If it the world that you want, I will bring the world to your feet.” “I don’t need it.” “Aretha, do you really have to leave? Can’t you stay, here, with me?” “There are people I need to protect.” ................................................................................................

CaptainUdon00 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 6

"Sister Rere… I'm hungry."

Aretha turned toward the voice. The little girl pouted her mouth, placing her tiny hand on her stomach.

"Diana is a strong girl, right?"

The girl nodded.

"Can you wait a little bit more. Your mommy and daddy might already on their way to come and get you."

The girl hummed and nodded her head once again.

"Good girl." Aretha patted the girl's head.

Aretha stood up. She rummaged through the boxes and found some blankets. She laid down the blanket and wave toward the other children.

"Guys, here. It's better than sitting on the cold floor."

The young children find their place to sit and lie down.

Aretha looked at Calix. The tall boy sat on one of the boxes, his hand clasped together, his eyes shut, silent in prayer.

She sat next to him.

"We will be alright," she said.

Calix opened his eyes and turned his head. "I… I don't know… This never happened, and, suddenly…"

"I know. Right now, it might be a case of live or die."

"I don't doubt the strength of the adults… but, what if—"

"It's a greater force?"

Calix nodded.

"I also don't know. They might lose," she said. 'The possibility of them losing is higher, but I don't need to say that.'

Calix lower his head.

"But… who knows, miracle could happen… or, it might just be one or two monster attack."

"I know you're just trying to comfort me."

Aretha shrugged her shoulder. "Am I?"

"Tell me, honestly, is it bad?"

Aretha hesitated for a moment, then she nodded. "It's quite laughable to consider it's just one or two monster attack… Joe could defeat them alone. To isolate and hide the children in the safe place, could only mean, something so threatening. Could be a group of people, or could be hordes of monster, that, I'm not sure."

"But… we have your grandparent…"

Aretha shake her head. "It won't be enough." 'their strength had already been depleted.'


"Sister Rere… I want my mommy and daddy. Why are they so late?" The little girl clutched on Aretha's sleeve.

"Lucy, your mommy and daddy is working hard to make sure you can eat delicious meal and play happily. Can you wait a little bit more?"

Lucy grunted. "How much longer do we have to wait? I'm scared…"

"Just a bit more." Aretha's heart tighten everytime she spouted such lies.

She herself didn't know what is happening. 'If only I could use my Skill.'


The long sound of growling grabbed their attention.

"I guess everyone is hungry…"

She searched through all the boxes once again, to find something that could be eaten, but there was nothing.


She looked at Calix. "Yeah?"

"I'll go out, and, find some food for us."

"What? No!"

"The others must be hungry too. We can't just leave them starving."

"I get what you mean, but, it's too risky."

"I know… the two of us could endure a bit of hunger, what about the other?"

Aretha was silent.

Calix added, "I could go see how the adults are doing."

Lucy heard Calix and excitedly rushed Calix.

"Really? Brother Cal will look for mommy and daddy?"

Calix, seeing the opportunity to convince Aretha, patted Lucy's head. "Yep! And I will find some food for us."

Aretha was not thrilled with the idea. "I'll go with you."


"What? Why?"

"You should stay, someone have to look after the younger kids."

Aretha bit her lower lip. She clenched her fist. It was right. The decision was reasonable that she was unable to refute. Even if she was worried about his safety, the other children also needs her attention.

"I'll go with brother Cal." Antonio raised his hand, and all attention was on him.

"Me and Harvey too." Aron added.

"We could gather more food this way, and we can look after each other. Won't it be safer?" Antonio persuade them.

Aretha sighed. She grabbed five knife from the box and gave it to the four boys.

"If you see or hear anything unusual, quickly come back, no matter what. Don't try to be a hero."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to protect them," Calix said, assuring Aretha.

"Take care of yourself too."

Calix nodded.

"Remember, never, ever, split up. Always stick together. Do not roam around."

All four boys nodded.

Once they walk out of the basement, Aretha said, "Knock four time, and don't forget the keyword."

They gestured 'ok' with their hand.

Aretha closed the door.


Aretha walked back and forth, tapped her feet, and gnawing on her finger.

'Something must have happen, please be safe, please be safe, please be safe.'

She stopped when a boy tugged on her sleeve.

"Sister, when will they come back?"

"They could be on their way back, now," she replied.

The other children started grumbling.

"I'm hungry…"

"Me too…"

"Me three…"

"I want my mommy and daddy…"

"I'm scared…"

Aretha sighed. If she could, she would storm out of here, grabbed some food for the kids, looked for Cal and the other three, and helped the adults. However, if she went out and became a hindrance, she will only put everyone in danger.

'Tap, tap, tap'

Aretha ears perked when she heard the sound of footstep.

"Shh…" She put her finger on her lips. The children went silence. "Don't let out any voice," she whispered.

Aretha guided the children to hide behind the wooden boxes. She had first though it was Calix and the other three. But the heavy footstep was different from a young boy's footstep. It similar to adult footstep.

"Stay here," she whispered. Aretha tip toeing really slowly, on an eggshell along the stair leading to the door above.

Despite the door closed tightly, and locked from the inside, she was not relieved. She leaned her ear at the door.

"Damn! I swear it lead to here, tho."

"Huh! So, there's a house hidden here."

"Ya' really think there are still kid here?"

"Who knows, that what I heard."

"The boss won't care anyway."

"Well, Ted will, Ya' know how fussy he can be."

Aretha's forehead drenched with sweat. 'Four male, all adults. Adults that are not from their village. Does that mean their village was ambushed by people? Who? Why? Their village had nothing that could bring wealth. No mine, no gold, nothing. Could it be people they're after? But who? Grandma? Grandpa? Or other villagers?'

"Hey, don't ya smell something?"

"What? Your fart?"

"Nah, you idiot."

They sniffled the air around them.

"Ah! Ya' right."

"Ain't this some kind of flower?"

"Yeah! Yeah! That, der, der, something."

"Lavender, ya' fool."

Aretha fliched. She clutched the small pouch embroidered with lavenders and initial letter A, hanging at the right side of her waist.

'It's mine!'

Aretha had always love the delicate and sweet smell that contain floral, herbal, and evergreen woodsy in lavender. It was her favorite smell. Never would she thought, the very smell she love, would attracted a pack of hyenas toward herself.

'What should I do?' Her stomach twisted, her mind jumbled, her heart thumping crazily. It was the first time in her short life she felt this feeling. Fear.

She took a step backward as slow as she could. Every step that she took, she prayed, 'please go away.'


"Hey! Here!"


"Sounds different, no?"

He tapped his feet.

"Smash it."

Aretha heart sank. The blood on her face drained. Her legs was trembling. She covered her mouth.


"Ho~ A basement, indeed."

"A child?"

"A girl~"

To my dear readers,

I could not expressed how grateful I am for you, readers would spent a little bit of your time, assessing my art. I appreciate so much your attention and perhaps, for some, devotion.

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