
Why did this happen?

"Impossible, I can't do that," Lio shook his head.

(Lio, I think I have to show you how much power you can get from me.)

Lio heard this unknown voice, and immediately, he felt his whole body pressing down as someone placed a huge boulder on top of him.

He couldn't support himself and fell on his knees; his back got drenched, and breathing became difficult.

(This is the power of an F Rank. If you can do those three things, then in a month, you will be an F Rank, and you can be an unparalleled genius throughout the continent. It's your choice: do you want this power or not? If you wish for this power, then crawl all over the academy like a dog, even if it ruins your reputation. But think about the power you will gain; compared to that almighty power, is this reputation worth it? And don't forget that after you acquire power, you will be so powerful that others will only admire.)

Lio shook his head, "No, I can't... I can't do that."

'It's a joke, walking on all fours, barking like a dog in front of the entire academy. No, I will never do such a shameless thing.'

(Humph, to inherit my peerless techniques, one must know what shame is. If you can't even do this, then you have no right to inherit my techniques. I'm giving you two days to think. If you need power, then in these two days do as I said; otherwise, forget it, I will find someone else.)

Lio crossed his arms as his brow tightened. He didn't want to do this embarrassing thing, but he knew that this might also be an opportunity. After all, there were a lot of people who heard the voice of some powerful person, and doing tasks for these powerful people granted those people a powerful skill.

The principal of Harmony Academy was also a man who heard the voice of some ancient monster and rose in this world quickly.

So Lio does believe this voice, and the pressure he got from before made his belief strong, but still, the task he got was too embarrassing.


"Do you think he will complete this task?" Aunt Evelyn turned her emerald eyes toward me.

"If he refuses to do it, can I break his legs so he can never walk?" Aunt Emily said.

"No," I shook my head, "Breaking his legs will only put a burden on his stupid sister."

"Well, I think he will do this task, and if he really does this task, then fewer people will talk about you," Aunt Evelyn said.

"That would be great," I replied.

"It's better to kill him than let him live," Aunt Emily muttered to herself.

I heard her mutter, and my mouth twitched; well, I know why she wanted to kill Lio.

At first, I wanted to beat up Lio as revenge, so I stalked him to find the right moment. At that time, I overheard him and his friends talking about how his sister was too beautiful, and it might be good if she earned money by selling herself. Then his friend was ready to pay, and he told him to wait for some days; he would drug his sister, and then his friend could do whatever he wanted.

When I heard how he was talking about his own sister, I decided to do something more than just beat him up.

Then I got an idea. I attached my thread to his ear, changing my voice like a powerful man, and with the help of Aunt Evelyn, I made my voice powerful. Aunt Emily also used her mana to suppress him to further validate my identity as a powerful man who wanted to give a peerless skill.

Of course, if in two days he doesn't do this task, then I don't mind if Aunt Emily cripples his legs. However then I had to expose how Lio wanted to drug her and all of that so she leave his incompetent brother.

"Okay, now we are going. You should also go to your class and be careful in the dungeon," Aunt Evelyn kissed me on the forehead, then she handed me a bag, "Take this, half for Yumi and the other half for you; this will help you in the dungeon."

"Take this as well; this is a barrier that will protect you once," Aunt Emily handed me two necklaces, "One for you and one for Yumi."

I smiled and hugged them tightly before saying goodbye to them and heading to class.

Today was first event that happens in the school, and it's Dungeon Run.

When I entered the class, I saw that only Yumi and Yuri were inside, and there was no one else. Oh, I forgot, there was a teacher sleeping.

I made my way to sit beside Yumi, who was reading a book. I looked at the book and saw that she was reading a fantasy book.

"Hey," Yumi greeted me with a smile.

"Hey," I raised my palm and looked at the book, "Is this book interesting?"

"No," she shook her head, "It's just that I want to improve my vocabulary, so I'm reading it."

"Hm." I didn't know what to say now, but as I thought of something, I heard a voice.

"Stinky boy, you're not allowed to bully my dear Ava."

"When did I bully her? We just sparred with each other, and I didn't injure her too much."

"Huh? What did you say? Giving a girl a scar on her face is a very big deal. If she can't remove this scar, then this lady will ruin your entire face."

"My lady, I already said sorry, and I will get Pure White Liquid for her, so don't worry. This scar will disappear, and her skin will become even more beautiful. What else do you want?"

"First, give her Pure White Liquid, then some money."

"Okay, I will, but can you just drop this topic?"

I saw Elmer and Eri arguing, with Ava and Alaric walking behind them. Ava was wearing a mask, hiding her face.

I frowned. This didn't happen in the novel. If I remember correctly, then this scene might change the events that are going to happen.

Why did this happen?

Forget it; soon, many things might change. I have to get stronger to protect my aunt and give her happiness. Also, should I save Yumi's biological aunt?

If I remember correctly, then it's going to happen at the end of this semester, three months later. I don't have the ability to save Yumi's biological aunt, and if she dies, then Yumi will become strong by bursting out her emotions. She will also become more confident, not like the shy girl she is now.

However... forget it. If I can, then I will save her aunt; if not, then there's nothing I can do.

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