1 The New world. includes reincarnation and meeting with mysterious being.

Hello my name is Hunter Fallenstar and i am a Hunter from Earth, at this time I have no Idea where I am, but all I remember is going out hunting then another person came out of nowhere and decided to attack me with a hunting knife, all I can say is I'm in a really dark place.


I was floating around in the dark place, all of a sudden I heard a loud voice.

"Hello my child, I am guessing you are wondering where you are? well to be honest you are dead and I am sorry for what happened to you but it was bound to happen at some point, so let's get to the point I am going to reincarnate you as a hero/mystic in another world, is there anything you want before I reincarnate you." said the mysterious being.

"ok let me get this straight you are going to reincarnate me and I can get anything I want to help me out I the new world I am going to, is this correct" I asked

"This is correct my child, you can ask for anything." The mysterious being said

"Ok well all I want is to know the language of this new world and a system that can help me out in the world, oh and also some of the world's currency so I can get some stuff while I'm there."

"Is that all? if so are you ready to be reincarnater" The mysterious being asked me.

"Yes that is all and I am ready to be reincarnated." I said, after I said that it went dark, very dark.


(A/N: I am writing this book of the top of my head so please don't hesitate to tell me that this book sucks and you don't want to read it anymore)
