
The Dance

Dick walks into the the school gym for their annual fall dance. This year the theme is "sock hop", he sees a lot of his fellow students wearing leather jackets and poodle skirts. He starts to walk toward the table to get punch, All of sudden he stops when he sees a beautiful young woman sitting alone, looking lonely. He walks toward her. When he arrives at her table he holds out his hand to introduce himself. "Hey, I'm Dick."

She reaches out to shake his hand, "Hey, I'm Laurie."

"You must be new in town like me." "What makes you say that?" "Why else would a beautiful woman like you be sitting all alone." "Well looks like ya caught me." She said with a smile. "So, When did you move to town?" "About a month ago, You?" "About a year ago."

"If you been here a year, how come your sitting all alone?" "I usually stay to myself, I'm practically invisible around here." "No one seems to notice me." "Well, I sure noticed you." "Yes, you did." "Well Laurie would you like to dance?" He says as he holds out his hand. She takes his hand, "yea, that be nice." They walk into the dance floor and dance for a while. About hour later dick looks at Laurie. "Man where did the time go?" "What do ya mean?" " well, It looks like it is starting to wind down." She looks around. "We'll I guess it's true what they say." "What's that?" "Time flies when your having fun." He laughs "yea guess so isn't it." " well, is it ok if I walk you home?" "Yes, I'd love that." Dick and Laurie leave the gym. and start walking down the long dark road towards their homes.

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