

Nancy and Stacey had just left the clinic when a student suddenly stopped in front of them.


"The principal calls for the both of you," the student said and left without even bothering to spare them another glance.


Nancy and Stacey were both confused, as they didn't know what they did to warrant a call from the principal.


Nonetheless, they still left for the principal's office.




Principal Jane was sitting in her office, working on some files when she suddenly heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.


She checked through the intercom and noticed the Christopher family's twin girls, then smiled before ringing the bell, signifying that they could come in.


Nancy and Stacey strutted inside hesitantly.


"Good day, Mrs. Jane," they both greet, and she smiles and nods in approval.


"Have a seat, you two," she offered, and they implored.


"The reason I have called you two is to inform you that your scholarship has been renewed with an addition. You can enjoy the full-time privilege every student in the college enjoys.


Principal Jane said, and both of their eyes widened in shock.


"Re...ally?"  Nancy asked as she stuttered in the process, and she nodded.


"Yes, so you both sign the renewal letter and take your copy each," Principal Jane added.


She stretched forward four sheets of paper in front of them, and they were excited and over the moon.


They didn't expect their scholarship to be renewed. The twins had been worried, thinking the main call was to remind them about the payment, but they didn't expect it to be something else.


Nancy and Stacey were both on a part-time scholarship at the college. The scholarship contract was a three-year study contract.


which means that after studying for three years, if they wanted to continue studying in the college, they needed to pay like other students or they'd be removed from the college.


This was also the reason they were worried. They knew well that their scholarship terms were almost complete and tried their best to avoid crossing paths with her because she was very strict when it came to her money.


No matter how excited the twins were, they still didn't know who renewed their scholarship, so how could they possibly sign the contract?


"Principal Jane, we're truly grateful for this opportunity we've been given to continue and graduate from this college.

 But we are yet to know who is our lifesaver," Stacey mumbled, and Mrs. Jane smiled yet again.


"The one who restored your contract is your fellow student, Margaret Harper; you can go directly to thank her," Mrs. Jane replied.


"Margaret Harper?" Nancy and Stacey murmured. They both stared at each other, looking confused and then turned their faces to the principal.


"Margaret Harper? Is that the name of a student in the college?" Stacey asked.


Principal  Jane adjusted her glasses and glanced at them both.


"Your new school and classmate, the one whom you both had to help due to her allergies, she's the one by name." She announced it, and the twins went quiet while gawking at each other in disbelief.


"Is Mrs. Jane serious? How could that even be? Wasn't she some unappreciative bitch just now? How has she changed?" Nancy thought.


Nancy and Stacey Christopher didn't want to waste time on these by thinking too much. What would benefit them if the principal suddenly changed her mind?


They read through the terms and conditions on the papers, and seeing that it was okay and that there was no difference between this contract and the last one, they signed it and took their copies as they left.


"I'm not going to believe she's this good and generous. Wasn't she mean a while ago?" Nancy grumbled.


"That shouldn't bother us, Nan; we should go thank her for this no matter how awful she is. It's not easy to find this kind of helper."


"And I also think she might be going through a lot now, so she needed space as she'd said earlier." 


Stacey suggested.


"Or perhaps she's just trying to rub her wealth in our faces," Nancy muffled.


"It doesn't matter, so long as it benefits us," Stacey replied as they headed to the college clinic yet again.




Clifford woke up the next morning. After having a clean bath and having dressed up, he headed downstairs, where he, unfortunately, m,e t by his parents having a fierce argument.


"I don't understand why your son is this stupid; he can't even deal with an ordinary new student. How is he going to take over the business?" Catalina, Clifford's mom, yelled at his dad, Bradford.


"It's already good; he didn't do anything to the girl. It shows his maturity," Bradford argued, and he was about to leave for the dining room when Catalina dragged him back.


"Don't try to shove my words behind Brad; I have had enough of your useless son. Can't you see you've spoilt him to the extent all he brings is trouble upon trouble? I'm tired of cleaning every mess he creates." 


She yelled at him, but he raised his brows at her as if he had heard some silly joke.


"He never once asks you to clean up his messes; you take it upon yourself to do it.

You are the one who cares too much about reputation and public view. And you are trying to impose that on our son, and I won't let that happen, Catalina.

 I want my son to be carefree, just like every other young man out there. He won't be what you want him to be, Catalina, and I'll make sure of that."


Bradford said ever so calmly. He didn't mind how angry Catalina was. He was gentle with his words, and he had a peaceful expression that seemed to irk Catalina to the bone.


No matter how calmly Bradford Collymore has spoken, she can feel the determination in his tone, which she hates.


"Are you trying to question my authority in this house? I always tell you not to forget this Bradford Collymore; I, Catalina Greco, married you.

I paid a huge sum of money— ten million dollars—to your family to get you as my groom, so watch your words as you speak to me."


Catalina demanded furiously, but Bradford just smiled as he reached out for her shoulders.


"And dear wife, you shouldn't forget that our son has my surname. His surname is Collymore."


He muttered with a teasing smugness, and Catalina was enraged.


"Also, you shouldn't forget you married me only because of my talent and also because you selfishly wanted everything for yourself, and I hope you don't forget, I gave a profit of more than a hundred times the value you paid for 'buying' me."


"You might have done what you did in the past because I had no choice then, but dear Catalina, wise up and see this is the present. I won't let you take my son's happiness and freedom away from him.


Cliff is not going to become your tool for success, just like you did to "him" ."


He whispered to her, and her face burned in fury.


Brad had always been submissive to all her demands. Years ago, she had "bought" him to be her puppy which she could order around as she, pleased.


And recently, her puppy seems to be growing into an "untamed dog". He wasn't loyal to her anymore. He keeps on challenging her decision and questioning her rights.


This made Catalina frantic. She was mad, angry, and enraged. She could easily dispose of this outgrown puppy, but she can't do that now as there are lots of things she needs him to do for her.


"Bradford, don't get too high and mighty; you never can tell what might happen in the future." 


Catalina mumbled sweetly, and she stumped into the dining hall.


Bradford sighs, seeming tired and frustrated. Just as he took a step forward, he felt a warm hand on his shoulders and turned to see Clifford staring at him.


He smiled as if reassuring his son that he was okay, but who said his son doesn't know him? The ties that bound these two were something one couldn't describe.


They were better off as each other's best friends and brothers than father and son.


"I overheard everything," Clifford muttered.


"You aren't useless, and you don't have to prove it, Cliff. Don't prove your worth to anyone, as no one deserves it, and I'll remind you.

A bunch of media groups awaits you out there. They need answers to the rumors going around. And also, I called back the private investigator you ordered, as there's nothing there to investigate."


Bradford advised as patted Cliff on the back.


"I know I'm not useless, and I know I'm somewhat of a jerk, and I also don't need to prove myself, but why would you call back the private investigator?" 


Clifford asked disapprovingly.


"Just go and don't ask too many questions, and for the last reminder, do not mention the lady's name. I repeat, do not mention her name to the media." He warned, looking stern and firm, which surprised Clifford.


"Why was his dad reacting this way? " he thought.


"I wasn't gonna mention her.   But why shouldn't I? What are you hiding, Bradford?"


Clifford was confused and amazed.


"If you do, you might become the death of her."


Bradford replied to Clifford's wonder.

There seem to be lots of secrets, don't you think? (^^)

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