
In the beginning

I was tired,really tired,and had a terrible headache,wait,WHAT!

What is this liquid,where am I,

Then suddenly,I woke up to find myself with three others.

What was going on?

I was infused with a substance,was I a labrat

I got so angry that I almost burned the room with the others and I in the room,OMG fire everywhere,did I have powers.

Enduring the pain,I rushed home feeling both happy and sad,confused and scared,what the heck!

I finally have a superpower,but I am a freak,what am I now,how is this possible?

Questions rounding my head making a sharp pain in my head due to overthink.

A few moments later my mom called me fr dinner but how can I tell her,I might end up in some government lab somewhere.why does this have to happen to me.

I ran down the stairs and got to the dinning table with fresh tomato soup served in my plate,I couldn't concentrate with all the stress and confusion.My mom looked at me with a worried face asking me if I was alright,I lied and said I was fine,but really I wasn't.I finished my dinner and put up a reassuring smile to my mum saying am ok

I ran up stairs to try once more .It was that this force only comes when am angry. I found this out when my lil sis was with my phone and caused a big crack ,which led to an explosion in my room,thank God my rug was there,but first what was I doing in that lab,and who are the others?

Well, suddenly I was running from someone

who seemed to be an unknown creature.It caught up to me.wait,The unknown creature was me! I had firery hands and a seemed to be costume,with my eyes glowing,just as it was about to attack me I suddenly woke up

and realized I was late for school. I hurriedly

took my bath,brushed my teeth,and dressed up really quickly. I ran downstairs to eat breakfast.As I sat down I heard a hong from the school bus. I grabbed a sandwitch from the table and ran to the bus. I finally caught up to the bus,sat at the third row in the left side near the window. Not long after my peace was interrupted by Brittany and Tiffany (the mean twins) bugging me about my seat.Then I realized I was at there seating position. I stood up to avoid me loosing my cool and sat near a boy with a hoodie looking really strange. I really couldn't see his face cause of the hoodie. As soon as we knew it we were at the school's parking lot. I hurriedly got out of the bus just to meet jane with an angry expression on her face. She angrily paced at me. I knew I was about to get a lecture but instead got a hug.she said she was very worried about me.That she called but I never picked.I couldn't tell her that I wasn't at home and lost my consciousness in a lab or that I now have a kind of power that lead to a lot of thinking. Ofc I would sound like a maniac.

I just replied her that I was busy,well the matter ended there. Jane started talking about her blog which is named creepy mysteries. She tries to dig in info about abandoned places, creepy things and is always airing her views of those stuff. She actually want to be a reporter .well her newest discovery was about an abandoned laboratory near a stray road that research say that the lab hasn't been in use for about 12 years was suddenly in use,but for what.

Chemicals that were found there are still being studied right now and result say that those chemicals contain some kind of dangerous acid that are very harmful to an individual when mixed with their DNA.

Questions rounding my head due to overthinking. Maybe I was there but how.

Suddenly I accidentally bumped into someone. I remember her, she was among the three I say in the lab but immediately she saw me she ran away. What was going on?

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