
Chapter 1 How it all started

Nezu the rat demon himself was no stranger to weird things occuring in the morning hell he even started a gambling ring for his teachers to see what time something strange would happen at U.A. but this had to top the cake. He thought back to the phone call he obtained early this morning.

<b><i>"Hello?" Nezu answered.


<b><i>"Chimera," a female voice said through the other end.


<b><i>"Who are you and how the hell did you get that code!?!" he asked, hearing a code that only 4 heroes in training knew.</i></b>

<b><i>"Doesn't matter what does matter is that I need your help," she said weakly as the sound of clothing moving could be heard.


<b><i>"Who are you?"Nezu asked again.</i></b>

<b><i>"Write this down now, Come to the east bay at 11:45 AM with two heroes once I arrive don't make any assumptions just let me explain, No more than two from the UA. Got it? Alright see you" she said, hanging up.</i></b>


"11:45 at east bay wonder who it is" Nezu said before looking at his watch to see it was 5 minutes till the designated time the meeting was to be happening.

"Shit" he exclaimed as he jumped out his chair and rushed out his office to pro hero and heroine Eraserhead and Midnight.

"Where are we going boss?" Midnight asked the rat-thing.

"We have a meeting with someone" Nezu said as he jumped into a car.

"Who?" Eraserhead asked.

"I don't know yet" Nezu said as midnight started driving the car to the location.

<u>After a quick drive</u>

"Are you sure we are at the right place?" Eraserhead asked while looking around.

"This is the east bay" Nezu said.

"Are we on time?" Midnight asked.

"You are definitely on time" a voice from the alleyway shadows said.

"SHOW YOURSELF!!!" Eraserhead screamed while activating his quirk.

"That won't work…it never did Aizawa" the voice said while walking out it was a girl who you could say was around 15-17 and looked like she was around 5' 11" wearing grey jeans with revolvers on each thigh, a black undershirt that looked like a bulletproof vest was underneath, a light blue trench coat with a sword on the back, a blue fedora, and a faceless mask that showed no emotions. There were bullet holes through her arms and what looked like a sword slash on her left side.

"Question?!?" Eraserhead screamed.

"The one and only" Question says while bowing.

"Question, you better have a good reason to have called me," Nezu said, intrigued about what would cause Japan's number one vigilante to ask for a hero's help.

"Trust me it is a damn good one" Question growled at the heroes.

<b>Izuki's POV </b>


"So why are you he-" The rat god started to ask me before I interrupted.

"Three" I corrected, looking back to make sure Eri and Kyle were still behind me.

"Three, why do you have two children?" The rat demon asked.

"I have been working undercover in a certain Yakuza trying to bring it down from the inside. My job was to watch these kids and keep them safe. I have been doing this job for the last 2 months. As long they weren't being hurt, experimented on, forced, or sold I kept my mouth shut. However, I decided to free them when I discovered they were experimented on behind my back. So when I found out I grabbed these them and bailed not before having a little run-in with mister rock." I explained showing my stub of an arm I have previously.

"What was the name of the Yakuza you were working for?" Eraserhead asked.

"Shie Hassaikai." I replied coldly

"What is your plan?" Midnight asked.

"Go back and burn that place to hell," I said, struggling to keep myself from passing out.

"We all know you won't survive, even with your skills and arsenal you are still wounded plus missing a hand we could use someone like you on the hero's side." Rat Satan said.

"What are you implying?" I questioned, with an eyebrow raised underneath the mask.

"How about you join UA as a staff member?" Nezu asked.

"Sorry I can't" I said with a heavy heart.


"Because I am only 16 and I do-"

"Don't have a quirk" Rat god said.

"H-H-How do you know?" I questioned, trying to regain my composure.

"You only appeared after the quirk law saying the quirkless couldn't join hero schools... You didn't apply I asked so I am not breaking any laws" Rat demon said with a smile.

" I will only if these two can come with me," I said, pointing to Kyle and Eri.

"Yes, those can come with you, but you might wanna tell midnight to stop," Nezu said, pointing to midnight who was playing rock, paper, scissors with Eri.

"She is fine," I said, with a red blush covering my entire face.

"Can we goooooo?" I said before blacking out.

"Nemuri get her to recovery girl!!!" I heard rat god scream as I slowly fell into the pit of endless darkness.

<b>At UA</b>

<b>No one's POV</b>

"You want her as a student?" Eraserhead asked Nezu.

"Yeah, she could prove that quirkless people aren't worthless," Nezu exclaimed while trying to pull off her mask.

"Interesting she has no data on her no medical records at all" Recovery Girl said, walking into the room.

"So, what does that mean?" Eraserhead asked.

"Her parents must've abandoned her due to her being quirkless," Nezu said with pure rage.

"Awwww. Why would anyone leave such a cutie?" Midnight asked, licking her lips.

"I heard she might join UA?" a man in a red suit with black trails seeping down asked.

"Yes, and she will be put in Aizawa's class, now all of you go back to work now oh and Nemuri?" Nezu said as he jumped off to head to his office.

"Yeah boss what is up?" Midnight asked.

"You really should stop calling boss you are still a student at UA." Nezu stated.

"A student who gets paid." Midnight reminded him.

"I just want you to keep an eye on denki Kaminari he and minouro Mineta have been reported for peeping on the girl changing in the locker room will you keep them in check?"

"You bet boss,Later cutie" Midnight said, giving one last look at the passed-out girl before leaving.


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