
Dr Leonardo Dante

In the streets of Verona located in the northern part of Italy. In a city with over 200 thousand inhabitants, people could be seen going about their businesses. Traders selling their wares, transport workers waiting for passengers, and workers going hurriedly to their places of work.

* * * *

Dr. Leonardo Dante a renounced doctor came home that day feeling dizzy. He looked at his clock: 12:35 pm, he came home early that day due to his dizziness. He had to cancel some of his appointments and allow his doctors the pressing issues. He was not just famous in the country but the whole world. He was already aged 55 and had received several awards of excellence including a Nobel laureate recognition. But for one reason the doctor felt so weak that day. He was a surgeon and had a vast knowledge of chemistry as he was a very great physician. He knew how to heal with herbs and knew most of the components of drugs just by the diseases they were treating.

He was so great that he was a great pillar of medicine in the world. His tenure as the Director-General of the World Health Organisation came to an end in February last year where he served for three terms. That's right, he was DG at the young age of 39.

But yet the doctor didn't know what made him feel so frail as if he was just being carried by the wind. As a doctor, he could believe that it was just due to stress but somehow his heart failed to believe so. And for one reason he felt it was far more than that, like something that had never happened to him was about to begin.

"Allessandro! Alles! Alless! Alless!!!" He called out. His hands were still on the handle of his door as if he was holding onto it for his balance.

Allesandro came out swiftly as if he knew his attention was greatly needed. I guess his name has never been called out so hastily by his boss.

Mr. Dante was a calm man and in his 5 years of working for him had never repeated his name more than twice each with a pause. He saw the state his boss was in and rushed downstairs.

Allesandro held him by his waist with one of his hands on his shoulder allowing him to put all his weight on him. He helped him to his room before asking him what was wrong with him. His boss had established a friendly relationship with him so they talked as friends. He could not imagine his life without Dr. Leo. He picked him up from the roadside where he sold packs of cigarettes and mints.

Dr. Leonardo had stopped to purchase some mints when they engaged in a conversation. The doctor was amazed when he found out that Alless didn't smoke despite selling cigarettes which made him admire the young lad. He was now in his 3rd year at the University of Verona and owed all this to the doctor.

"Are u alright sir" Alless repeated. He stood still, waiting for the doctor's response. Dr. Leonardo nodded his head in affirmation easing the already tensed Allessandro.

He asked for a glass of water and Alless left the room heading to the door. He called out one of the maids and passed his Master's request. A few minutes later Bianca one of the house helps came holding a tray with bottled water and a glass cup. Allessandro took it from her and dismissed her. He poured it into a cup and gave him to drink.

Mr. Leonardo tried drinking it while lying down but got it spilled on the bed.

"Here sir, let me help you."

Alless stretched his hands as he helped him sit up.

Mr. Dante drank the water and asked to be left alone.

"Sir, are you sure about this. I don't mind staying with you, I am less-"

"I'm sure. you don't need to be worried." The doctor cut in.

Alless left the room leaving him all alone.

He laid down and started feeling more tensed. He got flash memories of his university graduation ceremony decades ago. He could remember being awarded the overall best student in his dept that year. He also remembered his marriage to his wife, the birth of his daughter, being the Director-General of the WHO then to being Nobel Laureate till this present moment. He kept on remembering all his major achievements and important moments of his life but why was this. Was it because his wife and his daughter were away in Paris and he was just missing them so much or was this because he didn't like the fact that he came home this early from work.

He was lost in his thought till he dozed off and slept.

A few later, he felt a bright light on his face, brighter than any light, it was producing millions of lumens. He opened his eyes but couldn't keep them up for long so he kept them shut. A few seconds later he felt as if he was somewhere dark. There was this aura the environment gave him. He felt so cold like he was just frozen. This again lasted for a few seconds before he was released. Yes, you heard that, he was released. He felt like he was being dropped from a skyscraper. He could feel himself going down into a bottomless pit. It was getting deeper and deeper but still had no end. Finally, he saw a circular door, he went through it but it seemed that as he went the door began to widen. A door that was like a wedding ring suddenly became as large as a rollercoaster. He passed through the door after a few minutes of going in circles and could feel a bright light being shunned to him but unlike the first one, this had a greater amount of lumen released, ten times more than the former. He was about to enter the light when he passed out.

He woke up, this time feeling pains all over his body. He felt like he had slept for a whole day.

No….. a week. His body was so lazy to move itself. He laid back on his bed and gathered more strength. He raised both legs as if he was preparing for a kip-up and he came down from his bed. He fell on the floor as he failed to stand properly. He looked to his side and saw that his bed was just beside him. He slept on the floor!

On realizing this, he was drawn to the surrounding he was in. It was more like a hut. The lower part was made of poorly arranged bricks while the higher part was made of wood with the roofing done with palm leaves. He couldn't remember how he got here or any event before the past six minutes.

"Where am I?"

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_GABRIELcreators' thoughts
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