

what do you know about the universe have you think what what happened in every time because of gravity everything move one place to another place also our solar system move in our galaxy our galaxy is also move in the Galaxy cluster and Galaxy cluster also move in the giant cluster that also move in another cluster and this process Run every time every one second is important for our we can know anything in that one second that I am going to tell you what what are the mysterious things that you don't know and don't realise that it happened in our solar system so let's start.


Yes, I am correct Jupiter a planet of our solar system that has many mysteries facts. A satellite named Galileo lunched launch by NASA which was named from a great scientist Galileo Galilei which study about the Jupiter, Saturn and other planets of our solar system that Galileo satellite which study about the Jupiter for the first time at very close distance there was other two mission organised by NASA to Jupiter that was Juno and cassini the first mission was (gelileo) unsuccessful failed because of that Unstoppable Strom when the satellite go on it and it going to deep and deep it's stopped working its signal breakdown and that time nobody knows what happened with that satellite and second Mission was successed and the last mission was also successed by the NASA you know there is A gaint spot name The Red Spot which is a Unstoppable strom it is discover about 200 years ago by Galileo he make a telescope which is able to see that small part of the Jupiter's spot which is not actually small it is looking small from the Earth as you know that spot have the space of fitting three or four Earth in it can you think how big is that spot you can think that what happened in that strom why it is not stoped from till it's discovered there is many fact that you should know. So, like this novel and support us for second chapter. So, thanks for reading I will release the next chapter soon............

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