
Just like a nightmare

"You didn't need to come all the way here ." I said.

"Ah.. it's alright. come on get in " . Jack said .

" Then come on in with me "

"Are you sure ?" he asked coking his eyebrows. And God ! that made me blush so much . How much I love that eyebrows, that lips , that cheeks and the whole face . God ! I love everything about him . All these thoughts about him were racing in my head when I tried to unlock the door . But . the door was already open . Suddenly an eerie feeling crossed over me .

" The door is open " I said to Jack . A bunch of tension crossed over my forehead .

" She must've forgotten to close it." Jack said easily. But there was an edge in his voice and the way he was looking .

"No . Clary is not someone who would do something so irresponsible." I said turning towards the door .

" Why don't you go in and see ."Again , again that edge in his voice . Ignoring that I went inside my house . or specifically saying my apartment .

It's a small apartment were me and my sister live . As I entered through the main door I noticed that the living room was dark and it was nearly impossible to see anything .

"Clary ? "


"Clary ?".

"....." .

" Clary I'm getting seriously annoyed here . where are you ? " . I asked with a stern voice . As I reached her door I knocked it . But no response.

Suddenly I remembered that Jack was behind me . But now no where to be seen .

" Jack were did you go ? "

" ..." Now this is some shit .

I suddenly remembered that tommorow is my birthday. Well more importantly saying it's a minute or two late Since it's past 11:30 . And then it came to my mind that maybe ... they are trying to make me surprised .

" I swear to God that if this is some kinda prank I'm really gonna kill you . Both . " And then gave a small nervous laugh . But still no response . My nervousness took the best of me and I couldn't control.

" Clary I'm coming in now . "

As I barged through the door the scene which I saw wasn't something for my birthday.

"CLARYYYYY!!!" I screamed on top of my voice and jumped on the bed were my sister was lying . On a pool of blood . The bed sheets soaked in blood. and a kitchen knife sticking straight up her stomach .

No... No ... This is not right . This...this is some kind of prank right . But it was not . Oh God what should I do ? . Oh no... please someone help me . please...

I took her head on my lap and tried shaking her. My fingers were clumsy and my heart was beating very fast. Sweat dropped from my forehead onto her face. Her face which was the most beautiful one in this world after my mother's was now in a mess . Those eyes which I longed to have were staring straight at me and we're covered in fear. Fear of death . And her face felt as if she can't understand what was happening to her . No ... No... how can this happen to her ? ... No .. please ... no how can this happen? Without even thinking . I took the knife out from her . That knife felt so heavy in my hand .

Suddenly I heard a click of a door . And I realized that Jack was still missing from the scene . Where the hell is he ? I thought to myself. And I went up to see . Only to find the door locked. Panick started to lump up in my neck . No ... no ... this ... this is not happening.

" Jack !JACK .. JACK FOR GOD DAMMIT OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR . PLEASE ... JACK " I screamed my lungs out and punched the door harder even kicked it but it didn't even budged . Then I went towards my sister and tried waking her up by shaking her hard. But she did not response. No ... No, think traight Lily . ... Ambulance.. yes I need to call an ambulance. God please please help . And then that thought occured to me . Is she ..... Is she alive or ... Is she ... de-dead ? ..

I put my finger under her nose.

No breathing.

Then I put my fingers around her wrist .

No pulse .

I shrieked out and jumped to the floor backing away .. No .. No she .. She is dead . ...

" Ahhh .. no ... noo ... please no ... Clary ." I stood up and went towards her and held her face in my palm crying hard .

Then I heard a click again , followed by some footsteps . Then another click and three figures came in the room holding something. I was still holding Clary when I turned towards them . Through my hazed eyes I figured who they are . The Cops . Not only three but there were two more outside the room and... and another figure was standing near the door who fell on to the ground as soon as I looked at him . Jack . It was Jack . But before I could say anything or my mind could process anything one of the cops said thrusting a gun towards me .

" You are sorounded by us . So please cooperate and drop the weapon. It's then I realized that I was still holding the knife .The murder weapon . As soon as I realized that I dropped the knife with a loud clang and moved away from the body .

" It's .. it's ... it's not m- " another of the cop cut me with a smirk on his face and said . " Miss Lily Collins . You are under arrest on the suspicion of killing Miss Clary Collins ."

I stood dumbfounded. What the heck were they saying . Soon my wrists felt some cold metal and I realized that I was cuffed. And then . Jack . Jack stood up and walked towards me and hold me by my shoulders .

Yes Jack I know . I know that you'll help me . You'll save me .. I know . please Jack save me .

His grip tightened to the point they hurt . I flinched with the effect. And the words that he said .

" How ? how could you do this Lily .... to your own sister ? "


Jack bowed towards my ears and whispered .

" Happy birthday love !" When he pulled back and I saw a slight smirk on his lips which was immediately changed and he started crying . The cops pulled me but my legs stood there as it is . My mind stopped thinking and I could not even see what was happening. Everything was a blur and nothing seems to be possibly happening .. I thought to myself.

Is .. is this really happening or is this a nightmare? . But no ... this is not a nightmare it's happening... in real.... the cold cuffs proved it , and .... my Clary ... my baby ... she was lying on the bed .... lifeless, unconscious body .

No . No I can't let it go so easily . I'll save you Clary. Yes don't worry. I'll find the person who did this. I promised her before I lost her sight as the cops pulled me away from her .

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