
Chapter 8

A/N: Uploaded second chapter. enjoy I will upload more please give any feedback. this chapter is short because I am new in writing, so It is hard for me to write more words. forgive me for that, thanks.


"I'll be ready for all of them" - said Ukio to himself.

He remained in his warehouse. Now he was worried that maybe the gang members know his face, because his face is different, only outfit is of hawkeye or any future characters. But he was hungry he had to get food because his dumb brain does not know how to cook. 'I have to get potion for that kind of stuff.'

He went outside, Lowkey ofcourse. He was about to enter into the store, He noticed some unusual behaviour of two or three guys. He ignored them and entered into the store. He picked up a trolley/cart and kept adding items to it. The entrance was made of glass, so he could clearly see what was going on outside. He kept his eyes on the cart and store but often looked at those guys. One guy had brown long hair, the hair reached the shoulders, wearing jeans shirt and pant. The other guy and spikey hair and had black clothes, looked like 2000s punk rock fan.

problem occurred .

Ukio and both made eye contact. 'Trouble for me now, Dang it' Ukio thought to himself. He did his regular shopping swiped his card, took the groceries and walked towards his warehouse.

*Gun shots*

*bullet hits ukio*

He fells down.

A bullet hit him from the back, they were gang members who noticed him in the store, contacted other members.

[critical health , 0.5% please take yourself to safety host.]

'Damn itttttt, Use health potion' - Ukio takes out health potion and immediately drinks it, and then he transforms to Hawkeye. 'Time to use my strength now.'

He stood up, The gang members were shocked to see that. Ukio looked at them with anger. Immediately 5 cars pulled up. Each car had 3 members. So in Total 17 members with guns immediately launching the offensive attack. Ukio seeing this Jumped high and used his Retractor Arrow to jumped along buildings and run away from the scene, ofcourse he was followed by all of them.

His actual plan was to go somewhere empty, so He went to greenbrook nature sanctuary. The chase was rather smooth as hawkeye was a fast runner. he also stole some cars and drove to the place. He ran to the green lush forest, gang members escaped the check posts and drove straight to him. This all went to the news unfortunately, ruining all plans for hiding all that. It was Ukio's life on the line so he had to compromise.

He stood there , The members readied themself and opened fire immediately. Ukio Ran and shot his arrows towards them, killing a few of them. Then He ran from there, To a wet area, all of the gangsters chased him and constantly shooting. some were now low on ammunition, so they stopped and ran to catch him.

Ukio was now super pissed. He ran to the wet area, fortunately he found one rather quickly and lead remaining fourteen members to it. Members opened fire as soon as they stepped into the wet land.

Ukio Jumped high using nearby tree and Used his shock arrow and shot it on the wet ground. The Current produced immediately killed all the gangsters. Ukio landed on the nearby tree using his retractor arrow and then went far away from that area.

this was broadcasted live to Whole of new york, who now saw ukio clearly. He went straight to the highway stole a car and drove as fast as he could to reach the city, and then He used his Retractor arrows and ran back to his warehouse. and hid there, all sweaty and in shock. The police was searching for him.

'Damn it, How is this possible, My whole face is now shown to the media, How can I prevent this now, Should I contact any person that can save me, who will that be? (he was breathing heavily). I should drink water' He drank the water, and walked restlessly. He was unable to think properly. 'What should I do now? Expose myself? do interviews and explain myself, I am just a teenage boy I have never faced such pressure, even in school I lacked basic skills how am I supposed to Handle this situation.'

It was like he had an anxiety attack.

He then passed out and went unconscious.

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