

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

Chapter 32: White Whale (3)

Chapter 32: White Whale (3)

~Third POV~



Marching on their way the army made their way to Flugel's Tree. Seemingly making it on time with the forces the mages and soldiers all began to prepare as in roughly 5 hours the fight would begin.

When Mash accompanied by Rem finally disembarked off the Earth Dragon Mash finally got to see Flugel's Tree for the first time amazed at how ridiculously large the tree could be compared to a modern-day skyscraper taking a photo with his phone to take a picture.

Crusch's men began to work as Knights prepared and Mages readied the spells ahead in preparation along with barrels containing hooks or magic cannons ready for any moment's notice.

Mash and Rem both walked towards the flowerbed. Mash eyes Wilhelm surprised to see him as he spoke out, "Wilhelm…! Didn't expect to see you here? I heard a little from Ferris he said that you've been chasing the White Whale to avenge your wife for a long time…"

Wilhelm closed his eyes looking away his gaze at the flowerbed in an ashamed tone, "… Please forget that. That was time wasted away by delusion."

Rem commented with a bright cheerful smile on her face about Wilhelm's wife, "You love your wife deeply, don't you?"

Wilhelm opened his turn towards them and then to the flowerbed explaining himself in a defeated tone, "Indeed, I love my wife. More than anyone and anything, no matter how much time passes. My wife was a girl who loved to admire flowers she did not wish to wield the sword, and yet, she was loved by it more than anyone else. Only allowed to live for the sword my wife and come to terms with her fate."

He remained silent after his words before turning towards Mash thanking him for the chance as he continued explaining smiling at the end, "I stole the sword from her, and had her abandon the name of the sword saint to be my wife. However, the sword never wished to abandon her. Mash-dono, allow me to express my thanks once more for allowing me to find an answer for my sword. I shall march toward her grave. Finally, I can meet her once more."

Mash feeling inspired raised his arm his hand turned into a fist wishing the same respect to Wilhelm in a confident tone, "Let's show that Whale bastard who's boss then. I'm with you all the way old man."

Wilhelm merely smirked sharing the enthusiasm returning the fist bump. Filled with determination they both began to reconvene with the forces preparing for a long fight ahead.


All awaited the appointed time feeling anxious and nervous about the whole ordeal battling against a nightmare that lasted more than 400 years.

Crusch waited as Mash's phone rang out for all to hear anticipating as she began to doubt the beast's appearance, 'It's not coming…'


As soon as doubts began to emerge within Crusch's mind clouds intercepted the moonlight and a large shadow enveloped the plains. However, that was not due to any fog as an enormous outline of a fish a magic beast floating through the sky in other words.


The White Whale appeared before them as Crusch hesitated seeing such a massive beast trying to regain action till…

"[Yin Make: Arrows]/[El Huma]!"




After first crafting a bow from freezing the mana in the air, Mash forms multiple arrows from his hand and fires them at high speed toward the White Whale's eye not missing the chance to wound it.


As a result, it made contact as Rem used [El Huma] creating and shooting multitudes of ice spears from her hands which easily pierced through the White Whale's. The White Whale's cries could be heard in pain.


Getting out from their stupor and surprised Crusch grinned moving forward giving her forces the command, "EVERYONE! FOLLOW THOSE TWO IDIOTS!! READY THE CANNONS!!!"

And so, upon the battle to eliminate the White Whale, the match was struck. The Magical cannons at the ready all charged shot out energy beams at the White Whale managing to injure the beast.



Despite everyone's battle cry, Mash remained vigilant as did Crusch and the other commanders fully aware of the White Whale's abilities. Rem quickly warned Mash of the incoming attack to shield his eyes, "The night banisher is next!! Please close your eyes!!"


The Night Banisher did its job of creating a blinding flash of light that would blind almost anyone. And with the Magic Beast's eye down and others exposed proved to be very effective against it.

Yet the beast remained determined letting out a ferocious roar, "WAAAAA!!!!"


Diving down the White Whale soon tries to devour Mash and Rem on the Earth Dragon as he moves a full turn around on Patrasche followed easily thanks to his [Riding] skill put into work.


As it intended to come down to bite on both Crusch quickly intercepted with her famous technique of [The Hundred Man Stroke] managing to topple the Beast. Soon other soldiers began to pierce through the White Whale's defenses.


But by slamming its tail down causing a shockwave Crusch gave the order to her men to disperse but one. Wilhelm armed to the tooth with swords eyed the beast bleeding in disdain and righteous anger, "For 14 years, I've quietly dreamed of this day. Here this field will be your grave…"


Dodging the headcoming head crash by jumping into the air Wilhelm began to slam down on the White Whale eyes filled with fury stabbing its head, "… YOU FILTHY MONSTER!!!! DAAA…!!!!"

Witnessing him gashing through the White Whale Mash told Rem to hurry along with Crusch having his Gamer Ring at the ready, "Patrasche listen to Rem go back with Crusch someone got to look out for this old man!!"

Rem nodded fully believing in her hero in a confident tone giving him a warning, "Yes, my hero! Just be careful Mash-sama!"

He nodded as he jumped out from his Earth Dragon using his Gamer Ring to create a portal making his way on top of the White Whale with an arrogant grin, "Hello White Trash did ya miss me?! [Yin Make: Megalodon]!"


Creating from the shadows of [Yin Magic] came out a megalodon figurehead with teeth armed with freezing Mana stopped in time ready to bite down on the White Whale's eye attempting to blind it.


The White Whale cried out as Wilhelm was dropped down getting Mash's attention using his Gamer Ring to create a portal back onto his spot holding out his hand.

Wilhelm seeing this went through the portal grabbed hold and repositioned himself thanking Mash for the assist, "Thank you again Mash-dono for the save. Now I have another chance to repay this beast!!"

Before going ahead Mash tossed him a sword his eyes shined with surprise realizing what type of sword it was recognizing it in a surprised tone and disbelief, "This…?!! The Life Sword Zeam?!"

Mash grinned holding his katana and replying to Wilhelm regaining his composure in an assured tone, "Yeah. I know I can damage it with that but in your hands will be a monster. Remember to return it when this is done! We got some fish food to make [Demon Sword]!!"


Rushing away cutting away at the beast Wilhelm smirked replying, "Cocky brat."



Both ran full speed cutting the White Whale Ricardo with his crew soon slashed at it when the White Whale's bleeding gaze was locked on them, "Don't be looking' away now ya idiot!!! We ain't anywhere near done! Let's go! NOW EVERYONE!!"

From Anastasia's reinforcement of the Iron Fang, all attacked wounding the beast. But Mash soon saw the White Whale's eyes begin to change alerting Wilhelm immediately, "Shit! It's going to unleash its mist! Wilhelm abort now!!"

Creating a portal both of them immediately jumped through rejoining Rem and Crusch surprised by their emergence but not before Mash spoke out, "It's going to use its mist using its [Attack Hue]!!"

Understanding the dangers Crusch called out for the Mages and Healers at the ready as the White Whale roared causing a mental attack and [Mist of Erasure]. Soon the [Wind Magic] mages appeared followed by Crusch creating a repelling Wind Magic barrier as the Mist came charging in.



Causing a large air current above them with the Mages's work they managed to repel the Mist as healers come to the scene curing those by the mental attack by the White Whale's roaring.

Mash looked up in the air as the White Whale began to use its cloning abilities causing the soldiers and Crusch to grit their teeth as she gave the command, "Soldiers prepare the harpoons!! NOW!!"



Responding immediately Riccardo and the Iron Fang managed to rope one to follow them with him replying surprised dragging it around, "Well what do you know! These oversized fuckers are lighter than before!!"

Listening to his voice the soldiers regained their determination realizing the battle wasn't lost and their wills shaken but not broken as Crusch's group began to divert the other one while Riccardo dealt with the other.

That left the main body higher in the air as Wilhelm asked Mash to create a portal to the main body in a serious tone, "Mash-dono can you create a portal to the main one?"

All he got was him grinning as his Gamer Ring shined brightly. A portal opened up to the top and he jumped inside followed by Wilhelm finally seeing the chance yelling out loud, "It is time to end this monster once and for all!!!"

Both of them jumped on top of the main body White Whale growling feeling their presence while Wilhelm began to rip and tear through the beast with all his might, "With one of the Enchanted Swords Life Sword Zeam you shall die by my hands you monster!!!"


Unleashing everything he had Wilhelm was determined to kill the beast as Mash kept him support creating shadow constructs using his [Yin Make] skill, "Hey old man let me help support you out from the sky! [Yin Make: Hawks]!"


Creating shadows of large hawks that are mountable Mash climbed onto one as the others hovered around the White Whale like prey causing it to growl in contempt of their actions but…



The White Whale's cries could be as hard as the [Sword Demon] slash through the Demon Beast fur. If it was ordinary swords it would've been a longer battle but equipped with the Life Sword Zeam one of the strongest swords in this world…


Wilhelm might as well have been cutting paper with scissors. All the while Mash provided aerial support from above using his shadow hawks to attack forcing the White Whale to lose its senses as he shouted out, "[Yin Make: Arrows]!!"



Shooting at the White Whale while the [Sword Demon] cuts through the fur of the White Whale it could only roar in pain. But its bleeding damaged eyes gazed upon Mash expressing a brave grin talking to the beast, "Yo… looking at you up closely you give me the creeps, man… but come at me! Just so you know, I'm quite famous recently being a hell of an annoying bastard!"

The White Whale growled using its roar to mentally attack Mash. However, he has his Gamer Ring with [Immunity Mind Altercations] and [Indominable Spirit] doing nothing as he speaks out in a serious tone, "[Yin Make: Hammer]."


Focusing on creating a large shadow construct of a giant hammer made from freezing mana crystals eyeing the beast as Mash pushed his arm downward yelling, "BATTERS UP!!!!"


Slamming forward crashing into the White Whale forcing itself down as the Demon Beast sustained too much damage from Wilhelm's attacks. Wilhelm soon launched himself at the beast making his final attack, "NOW YOU DIE!!!"



Slamming the Life Sowrd Zeam into its skull piercing through its brain within the sword fueling it with his own Mana activated the sword's ability to destroy the soul of the White Whale in one go.

Jumping out of the way entering a portal Wilhelm soon lands near Mash's spot as he watches satisfied seeing the White Whale fall, "Now do us a favor and die you ungrateful monster."


A loud thumping sound was heard as the clones of the White Whale dissipated into nothing with the real one bleeding out from the attacks it sustained from Wilhelm's attacks using the Life Sword Zeam.

Ordinary swords would've been destroyed trying to attack its fur. But an Enchanted Sword wouldn't break against prolonged abuse against it.

Wilhelm returned the sword to Mash thanking him for his service in accomplishing his dreams wiping the tears away from his face, "Thank you Mash-dono. You have done me a great service for me for I shall forever be in your debt."

Mash nodded scratching the back of his head but suddenly realized a crucial fact crying tears streaming down his face in a panic tone thought to himself, 'Wait… I didn't get any EXP from this…?!! I thought I – the old man stole my kill… NO MY EXP?!!!'

Crying stream of tears Wilhelm noticing the tears patted his shoulder congratulating Mash mistaking the tears of sadness as victory, "No worries my lad. You've done this Kingdom nay the world a favor by killing the White Whale. You should feel honored to gain such an experience."

Mash cried even more hearing that.

But he managed to pull himself together regaining his Life Sword Zeam feeling a bit saddened mentally thinking to himself optimistically of the situation, 'While I'm glad that Wilhelm got his peace… I didn't get any EXP from that damn fight. But I did look cool though so no complaining, I guess. But…'

Despite his carefree self-Mash remained serious looking over the horizon in his upcoming battle against the Witch Archbishop Sloth next in a nervous tone, 'I hope Beatrice managed to inform Ram of what's happening and a bit of information gambling my chances here. I just have to hope my gambles pay off...'