

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

Chapter 30: White Whale (1)

Chapter 30: White Whale (1)

~Third POV~

Walking inside the room at the appointed time in the Krasten Estate the meeting of the deal began to take place with Crusch members of the [Blue] and [Sword Demon] by her sides.

Crusch had a higher chair while Mash sat on the shorter one showing her superiority. The room is decorated that represent her wealth and power being one of the powerful family members in the Kingdom of Lugunica.

However, despite all odds, Mash remained calm smiling towards her Rem stood behind as he complimented her room, "I'm truly impressed lady Crusch. You have all the latest items and good taste."

Hearing this Crusch looks up calmly with a sly grin and prideful glint in her eye replying to Mash, "I have no idea why you are praising me, but thanks for the compliment."

She then takes her cup poured prior by Wilhelm taking a small sip putting her gaze upon Mash in a serious tone, "Now, we should begin with the negotiations, yes? So, tell me, Mash Bastion. Tell me the purpose of this meeting from your mouth."

Mash curtly nodded his head as he began to make his negotiation with the Duchess in a calm tone, "An alliance obviously but that will be discussed later. Yes, we should, I offer you my information on the White Whales location in return for your services."

Crusch leans forward and puts her hands on the table between us curiously asking pretending to be aloof, "Well, that's quite the unexpected word to hear."

Seeing her expression trying to get information Mash grinned confidently explaining to her catching her shocked expression, "Unexpected? You've got to be kidding. I'll be a piece of useful information for you since you're planning on fighting the White Whale!"

Crusch's face expressed shock but managed to maintain her looks returning neutral as she wished to hear his explanation narrowing her eyes, "Allow me to ask you something Mash Bastion. On what grounds do you think that way? Your words can't be dismissed as a false accusation."

Despite trying to call his bluff Mash casually yawned explaining his grounds making the Duchess frown seeing him not intimidated in the slightest, "There are a couple of things I noticed these past few days that confirmed my answer. The comings and goings of the mansion, too many people, things going in and out. I heard in the Royal Capital that you were buying weapons and armor in large quantities. On top of that…"

Narrowing his eyes putting his hands together between the table with a confident smile on his face replied to his answer, "With the Kingdom situation it was either you fought against another Kingdom preparing for war, dealing with Witch Cultist unlikely as that may be, or… you plan to take down the White Whale. The only reason why I say the White Whale is the likely answer is because of your [Sword Demon] with you. Tell me am I wrong so far Lady Crusch?"

She narrowed her eyes ultimately asking in a serious tone what his demands were with a glint of curiosity, "Very well then… it seems you are quite knowledgeable… What services do you require my household?"

Soon getting to the deal Mash replied casing all three of their gazes towards him of the service his calling, "To help me fight off the Witch Cult."

Crusch shows a bit of surprise on her face before coughing asking in a serious tone, "And for what reason should I risk my men against those monsters?"

Remaining calm and confident leaning to the back of his chair he replied in a confident tone eye-locking onto the Duchess pointing at his head, "Because I know all of the White Whale's abilities. All stored up in here."

Crusch visibly flinches but regains her calm face on the other hand Felix looks at his Master doubting his claims, "He is lying right?"

Crusch leans back putting her hand up to silence her Knight. She rubs her temple in a defeated tone, "He's not lying at all to me. I find this hard to believe myself, but my Divine Protection has not been activated even once."

Felix remains silent gazing at Mash with a mixed expression. While Wilhelm on the other hand looks remain neutral a glint of respect could be found in his eyes.

Crusch seeing this information analyzed the situation and began to speak about issues of the alliance Mash wishes from her, "Forming an alliance believing that your information is accurate are two different issues. The decision could influence the future of this country therefore I can't make any rash decisions."

Yet Mash remained unmoved by Crusch words mentally frowning thinking to herself confused, 'What? His not rejecting or reacting? If my words that would tilt the selection in my favor isn't enough then –'


Snapping his fingers he then asked Rem with a warm grin surprising the Duchess with the words coming out his mouth, "I'm sorry but Rem can you call them in now?"

The three of them looked at Mash in confusion. But their confusion ended when the doors swung open as two figures came through Russel of a Merchant Guild and Anastasia appeared as she spoke, "Can I join in on your conversation?"

Crusch's mind went into overdrive seeing Russell Fellow and Anastasia Hoshin. The Duchess frowns gazing upon them asking, "What are they here for?"

Mash simply replied pointing his thumb at them as he spoke in a neutral tone, "I promised them certain things. Russel to ensure the erasure of the Great Whale business opportunity will provide what you need and Anastasia's business debut… for a price of course."

Crusch seeing this outcome wasn't what she expected and neither did Anastasia appear from their history after the duel. Crusch couldn't help but ask in confusion trying to gather some information, "I can understand Russel coming being a Merchant Treasurer but Anastasia? I was under the impression she would dislike you."

Anastasia hearing this blinked in confusion before smiling as she replied dissuading the Duchess's thoughts of a drift between the two, "Oh? The Duel yeah it stung but when Mashy here provided a good debut deal and found a backbone to my campaign all for a small alliance with the Emilia Camp. How could I let a little misunderstanding get in my way in front of business?"

Mash hearing the nickname Anastasia gave to him twitched his lips, "M-Mashy?"

Choosing to ignore his reply Crusch's eyes remained neutral before finally relenting leaning back and sighing helplessly at the situation extending her hand over her face, "Sigh… you are truly a horrifying enemy Mash Bastion. You not only managed to get an alliance with 3 Royal Candidates you did so in such a short amount of time. Such a shame not to have someone like you on my Camp."

She then calmly gazes towards Mash standing up as she places her hand over her chest keeping her promise, "I Crusch Karsten agree to support you through the services of my house. In return, you will provide me the location and abilities of the White Whale."

Crusch agreed to Mash's terms as she asked another question curious about the information in a curious tone, "I'll come out and say this Mash Bastion. I still have suspicions and doubts. I'm not satisfied with certain points and it'll be hard for me to agree straight away. However, I can't help but ask how you managed to come across this information?"

Crusch's asking her question causes everyone's eyes towards Mash to stand up replying to her question with a victorious grin, "Sorry Lady Krasten, that information will cost you."

Crusch then shakes her head in disappointment seeing she won't get an answer any time soon in a defeated tone, "Sigh… I see. That is certainly a pity."

Using his [Yin Make] skill Mash's expression changed into a serious look using his magic as a visual demonstration of the White Whale's abilities in a serious tone, "Well now, it's about time we moved onto the White Whale. Starting by his fearsome abilities…"


1 day has passed after providing the information about the Crusch Camp. Everything was now left to the lords to acquire everything needed to prepare for the upcoming battle ahead.

The day came as nights soon befell the Karsten Estate with Mash surprised seeing this many soldiers and Mages appearing muttering in awe, "There are so many people and dragon carriages. I guess I better not underestimate the power of merchants huh?"

Ferris soon appeared to see Mash leaning on a tree overseeing the operation startling him with his appearance, "Huh? You're here Mash-kyun? You haven't gone to sleep yet?"

Shaking his head he greeted Felix in a friendly tone having energy flexing his arm, "Nope! [Meditation] truly do wonder and Rem is sleeping for the moment. But in all honestly there's no way I'd be able to sleep, not when everyone's working through the night."

Ferris curtly nods his head agreeing to see other people get ready for their march for battle in an understanding tone, "It can't be helped, we don't have much time right? Taking travel time into account, we'll barely make it."

Mash nodded that the location would be at Flugel's Tree as he saw everyone's expressions excited to take on the White Whale.

Witnessing this kind of situation Mash could only smile seeing everything was going according to plan.

Rem seeing Mash alone decided to talk to him in a kind tone "Mash-sama? Aren't you getting ready for bed soon?"

Turning around to see Rem Mash eventually nodded his head in an understanding tone with a curt nod, "I suppose. I guess we should get to bed to prepare for the upcoming battle ahead."

Rem nodded taking him by the arm into a room to sleep together. Much to Mash embarrassment seeing Rem this assertive.


The next morning finally came as Mash and Rem both stared at the building entering inside with Ferris as Mash spoke out, "Hmm… even though you're telling me to pick whichever one I like…"

Ferris soon yelled out loud sounding offended by his words extending his cat ears, "What? Are you saying that you don't like any of them?"

Mash immediately shook his head quickly apologizing for offending Ferris in a calm tone shaking his hands in the air, "No! Not at all I'm just surprised you are lending me one, however, I don't know anything about Earth Dragons at all…"

Ferris crosses his arms giving Mash a deadpan expression pitying him in the process, "Then why don't you pick one based on your intuition? I'd hate to feel sorry for you after you die, just because I interfered unnecessarily."

Ferris raises an eyebrow at Mash as went around trying to pick which Earth Dragon would be ideal for him….