
Stage 1: The Ability System

This is a world where super humans protect society from the evils of monsters from another world. These hordes of fantasy monsters came through portals all around the world with an average of 1843 portals a day. With only 25% of the world's super humans, most ordinary humans were left vulnerable to monster attacks. That's why the countries of the globe created the Global Coalition of Super Humans or GCSH for short. Super humans were trained to kill these indestructible monsters at the age of 16. Soon after training, the super humans were granted the title of Sentinel. However, due to Sentinels being exposed to rivalry of others, the Global Coalition of Super Humans created the ranking system to motivate others to reach to the top as the strongest Sentinel.

February 2, 2004…

—At a dangerous wasteland…

A young Filipino teenager with black hair, brown skin, and brown eyes is seen battling various dangerous monsters on the wasteland. Portals appearing everywhere as monsters poured out of them like swarms of ants. Yet, the young man didn't falter and continued slaughtering those vile creatures from another dimension. He constantly smiled as he punched, kicked, jabbed, and gagged the monsters' bodies and blasting them at all directions with insane speed and strength. Shockwaves of attacks were sending in the air and to the ground, causing artificial earthquakes and tornados.

"Time for my finishing move!", the young man declared in excitement as he jumped a few meters up in the air.

When he was about to create a powerful punch to the ground, he heard a person call his name.

"de los Muerte.", the voice patiently whispered.

"What?", the young man muttered in confusion.

"Mr. del los Muerte.", the voice calmly called as it gets louder.

"MR. DE LOS MUERTE!", the voice shouted in anger as the young man woke up from his dream.

February 2, 2004…

—Santos Elementary School, Quezon, Philippines…

The young man suddenly woke up in shock as the teacher in front of the board glared at him for being a sleepyhead. All of his classmates looked at him in annoyance as they thought of him as a disturbance to their teacher's lecture.

"MR. SESINO DE LOS MUERTE. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO MY DISCUSSION, THEN GET OUT!", the teacher furiously yelled as the young man quickly wiped the drool on his face.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again.", the young man artlessly apologized.

"Make sure it doesn't.", the teacher added in fury.

Sesino de los Muerte or Sin as his nickname is an 11-year-old Filipino 6th Grader who aspired to become a super human someday, but lost all hope when he was 8. He unexpectedly found out that mutant powers already manifests at the age 5. Not only that, mutant super powers are only passed on from parent to offspring. Lamentably, his family lineage doesn't have a single ancestor who have an ability. Sadly, only in his dreams can he only achieve his goal. Furthermore, he came from a poor family. His mother and father are city farmers. Sin desperately wanted to help them by working on a part time job, but due to a certain law in the Philippines. Minors under the age of 16 can't work any job. He even presently doubts himself that he has a chance to enter high school due to poverty.

4 hours later…

—At a certain Park; In Quezon City, Philippines…

The desolate park is the only place where Sin can chill and day dream after school. He just sat on a bench, gazed on the clear lake, and let himself be immersed in his own thoughts. This is also the place where he says all the negative things that happened to his life and after blurting them out, his heart became more lighter.

"*Sigh*. I hate my life.", Sin sadly murmured to himself as he sighed.

"Why did god made me impoverished? Why did I even bother chasing a pipe dream? Why was I born without an ability?", Sin depressingly questioned himself as he stood up and picked a rock.

"Why…?", Sin angrily asked himself as he clenched the rock and grit his teeth.

"WHY AM I SO UNORDINARY?!", Sin irefully shouted as he threw the rock on his hand with all of his might towards the lake.

The impact of the rock made a huge splash, causing all of the fishes in the lake to become alerted and swiftly swam in fear.

"*Sigh*.", Sin uneasily sighed as he looked at the setting sun.


—Above Quezon City; In the Earth's Stratosphere…

A portal suddenly opened, but it's not a monster portal. It's a different one. Suddenly, a dark sphere object with a diameter of 4 meters came out of it and began crashing down to the park that Sin is staying.


—At a certain Park; In Quezon City, Philippines…

"It's getting late. I should be getting home.", Sin said to himself in apathy as the dark sphere came crashing down to the middle lake.

The impact made a huge water splash that even drenched Sin.

"What was that?!", Sin exclaimed in surprise as the sphere object slowly flashed in blue.

Sin immediately got mesmerized and slowly walked closer to the unidentified object. As Sin got to the middle of the lake, he slowly and curiously reached out his right hand to touch the object. But in his surprise, the sphere quickly liquefied and began attaching itself to his body.

"*Fearfully Screaming*", Sin screamed in horror as he tried to get away, but his actions only stretched the semi-liquid sphere and continued to swallow him whole.

"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!", Sin shouted in fear as the whole liquefied sphere went through his skin and inside his anatomy.

Scared by this, he quickly ran away as far as he can.

"*Heavily Panting*", Sin tiredly panted as he stopped by a lit street lamp.

The sun has set and nighttime began its course. After that, Sin checked his body for abnormalities, but couldn't find any. His clothes were wet and water continued to drip down as the night winds blew towards him, making him feel cold.

"Phew! I thought I was going to die there.", Sin said to himself in relief as he walked back home.

10 minutes later

—At the de los Muerte residence; In Quezon City, Philippines…

Sin and his parents live in a small apartment near the park. Sin knocked at the door as the door was opened by Sin's mother.

"Why are you so drenched?!", Sin's mother asked and exclaimed in dismay.

"I… Fell into the lake.", Sin awkwardly responded.

"Go take a shower. And dinner's at 5 minutes.", Sin's mother unsmilingly commanded as Sin got inside and closed the door.

5 hours later…

—Inside Sin's room; In Quezon City, Philippines…

After he finished taking a bath and having his dinner, Sin anxiously thought about where did the sphere object came from and what will it do to his body in the near future.

"(Just… What was that thing?)", Sin worriedly thought as he stared out his window.

"{Hello there!}", a voice joyfully greeted.

"Who said that?!", Sin exclaimed in surprise as he frantically looked around his room.

Unexpectedly, a blue hologram of a little robot boy appeared behind him.

"Me!", the hologram smilingly replied as Sin immediately turned around.

"Who are you?!", Sin exclaimed and asked in suspicion as he grabbed the scissors behind him that was on top his desk.

"My name is…! Well… I don't really have a name. However, I came from the most powerful and futuristic country called the Cyberquillion Empire. I was made there as a prototype tool for creating abilities.", the hologram casually introduced himself.

"And… It seems like they threw me away.", the hologram sadly added.

"Wait… You're that sphere that crashed down?", Sin questioned in surprise.

"Yes! I am!", the hologram smilingly exclaimed and replied.

"By the way, this is just a holographic image being projected to your brain. Therefore, you're the only one that can see me. My real body is inside you.", the hologram casually expounded as Sin got disgusted by the fact that there is a machine in his anatomy.

"You said you can create abilities, right?", Sin curiously asked.

"Yes, I can.", the hologram proudly replied.

"(If he can create abilities, then my dream of becoming a super human and leaving poverty is still not gone!)", Sin thought in hope.

"Oh, how rude of me. My name is-.", Sin happily tried to introduce himself as the hologram stopped him.

"No need to introduce yourself, Sesino de los Muerte. I already scanned all of your memories.", the hologram proudly expounded as he grinned.

"What?! You scanned it all?!", Sin exclaimed in embarrassment as he remembered all the +18 videos that he watched.

"Don't worry, I didn't scan the private ones.", the hologram joyfully assured.

"So… Can you create an ability for me…? Please?", Sin awkwardly requested and begged.

"No.", the hologram emotionlessly responded.


Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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