
The mountain of diamond

In the heart-wrenching novel "Mountains of Diamond," a gripping tale unfolds, shedding light on the heartbreaking plight of elderly forsaken by their own kin, finding themselves trapped in the twilight of life within the confines of shelters and the homes of the aged. At the center of this narrative stands a courageous child named Dan, who dwells amidst the lofty peaks of the mountains. In his community, it is customary for the elderly to be wrapped in reeds as they age and then cast into the abyss. However, Didi harbors a deep affection for his beloved grandmother and refuses to witness her meet such a fate. When the time comes for his grandmother to face this grim destiny, young Didi rebels against the barbaric tradition, determined to sway the minds of his tribe. Will he succeed in this daring endeavor and defy the age-old customs that threaten to tear apart the fabric of his community? Prepare to be swept away on a journey of bravery, defiance, and the relentless pursuit of justice amidst the rugged peaks of "Mountains of Diamond" , where tribes fight each other and the battle field is your heart my dear reader (joking! it's mine)

Daoistl0OS7L · War
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: The Descent into the Abyss

Deedy found himself hurtling from the mountain peak into the unknown! He plummeted downwards, still standing as if he were running, his mind rendered numb. He then closed his eyes, surrendering to his fate... He expected to collide with a rock any moment, shattering his bones, and become a mere mass of flesh...a lifeless entity!

He heard a rustling around him, so he opened his eyes and beheld, for the first time, towering trees as he fell amidst them.

Suddenly, he found himself sneezing rapidly like a rock plunging into a deep, blue lake, sinking until his feet touched the bottom.

Despite his lack of swimming skills, he fought against the watery depths, striving to breach the surface for a breath and a cry for help! The buoyancy of his inflated fur coat offered him a precarious reprieve, allowing him to hover slightly above the water's surface. Yet, his struggles persisted as he flailed, screamed, and swallowed water, his terror escalating with each passing moment, his heart thundering in his chest, almost resigning himself to the bleak fate awaiting him.

In a moment of salvation, a powerful hand seized his neck, dragging him from the watery abyss to the safety of the shore, where he lay unconscious, spared from the brink of oblivion.