
First fight

It was a calm morning yet the sounds of sweat falling on the ground could be heard. A young lightly tanned boy with white hair and beautiful blue eyes as blue as the sky itself, could be seen doing push-ups.

A couple of weeks of doing physical training was hard on Jiyu but he preserved through it. Back when Killua was a child the training the Zoldyck family put him through was something that could only be described as torture. The family had already banned any form of torture training but Jiyu didn't feel like it had.

Even if the torture methods like electrocution were banned the physical training was still almost as hard as undergoing torture. He would wake up early in the morning most of the time even before the sun was there. And the moonlight greeted him every single morning when he would start to run. The only time he would stop to run was when his body couldn't even move one step further. He did many types of runs, uphill, downhill, long distance and sprints.

Kurukoo mountain was a training place with many types of areas, open, forest it didn't matter he would run until he couldn't move his body anymore. Then he would slowly make his way back towards home where he would take a cold bath to recover and eat some light breakfast. Most of the time some fruits before he would once again start to train. This time physical strength was the main focus at the moment he focused the most on the basic training for his body.

Push ups, Sit ups and squats yet the amount he would do them could be considered crazy. After he would have finished this he would clean himself a bit and make his way towards the Zoldyck family Dojo. Here trained all the current butlers that are in employment under, the Zoldyck family or the future butlers. The one who would educate the new butlers was Canary Jiyu's mother and known as the strongest butler of the Zoldyck family.

Well, she had long since discarded the butler position and become the Lady of the Zoldyck family. Yet all the butlers respected her power. Here Jiyu would train in some hand to hand combat most of the focus right now would lay on his boxing but his father explained how he would be trained in more than one martial art. Muay Thai, wrestling would soon follow.

Jiyu could be considered the most talented Zoldyck in the eyes of Killua. He was known as the most talented back when he was born and started training. But the speed that Jiyu would pick up things was insane it was as if he was a natural born fighter.

Also, the silence he moved in was good it was as if he was born to be an assassin. Killua struggled he didn't know yet what type of life his son wanted to lead. He only knew one thing that he would support him no matter what he would choose to do.

In the Dojo, Jiyu stood there in the attire that his grandfather Silva would always wear. He could be seen stretching his body while Canary was watching from the side before talking to her son.

"Jiyu you would be sparring today is that fine with you" Jiyu looked at Canary not being able to contain the excitement in his eyes. He hadn't sparred yet but he really wanted to he wanted to see how strong those butlers in training are. "its fine mom" Jiyu casually replied he was not one that would show a lot of emotion.

He was a rather calm person it was just that no one knew his reverse scale. And that would be his family he could stay calm in any given situation until someone pressured his family and he would lose all reasoning. But that was something no one knew yet. Canary walked away and a second later she returned with a boy of around 12 years old that stands at 5'2 in height. His features looked rather common and Jiyu didn't see anything special about him.

Canary introduced him, "Jiyu this is Mark one of the most talented butlers in training we have right now" Mark looked at Jiyu while he slightly bowed the arrogance in his eyes was clear, "it's nice to meet you, young master."

Jiyu just calmly replied, "nice to meet you" something in him didn't want to accept the arrogance the boy had. Yet he knew that he probably had the right to be arrogant after all it was not easy to become one of the most talented butlers of the Zoldyck family.

The family valued their safety even if they could fight almost any opponent themselves. The two walked to the center of the dojo where a ring was present. Every single butler that was honing their skills stopped to watch this play out.

After all, Mark was their most promising young butler and then there was the young master that is rumored to be even more talented than their master Killua. Jiyu just stood there while one of the butlers laced up some boxing gloves while Mark had his boxing gloves already on. And then Canary announced the beginning of the match.

Jiyu walked towards the center of the ring when Mark started with a jab towards hiintact Jiyu just leaned back and came back with his own uppercut. Mark's reaction speed was fast enough to simply dodge the punch. After this, a couple of punches were exchanged were some hit and some missed both people looked to be on even ground.

Amazed everyone was watching it was something unexpected that Jiyu could match the 12-year-old boy. Yet the 5-year-old young master was on even ground with the young butler. It was a hard fight for Jiyu and sometimes he had to bite down. Some of the punches he received definitely hurt yet he kept going. Until suddenly Mark threw a right straight towards Jiyu who just slipped his head to the left and barely dodging the punch.

Jiyu turned his body to the right and a left hook hit Mark right on the chin. The force behind the punch made it so strong that Mark sat down on one knee. While Canary who was the judge of the match was counting "1,2.3" and it kept going. Mark could be seen trying to get up but everything around him seemed to move.

Until the match was ended because he couldn't get up after the punch. Every single person in the dojo could only think one thing.

"Young master is strong" like this Jiyu had fought his first fight and won.

A small pride formed in his body.

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