
Things are definitely going to be different in this timeline

[A.N: This chapter contains, minor spoilers from Naruto so read at your own discretion.]

-So... care to explain how come only one month passed since I left!

Tsunade said in an interrogating tone, but her facial expression clearly said she was very glad.

-Well, let's just say... The general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics doesn't mix very well. If you do forcibly mix them, some freaky stuff happens. But don't expect me to pull a stunt like this every time. It almost took half of my mana.

Tsunade gave a helpless expression hearing Ashborn's another physics bullshit. She really doesn't care how this happened, since her husband was kind enough to give her such a gift, she is, of course, going to reciprocate that feeling... in their private time... at night. But others don't need to know about the details. She asked while sipping the tea,

-So, you intentionally brought us here just before the day of Kyūbi attack. You probably have a plan in your mind. What is it?

-Sorry honey! I don't have any plan, not even a 'p'...

Shizune asked astonished,

-That is so unlike you, Ash kun.

-Is it? I thought this world was Tsunade's responsibility... or more precisely soon to be born Naruto's responsibility.

-But if we don't do anything a lot of people, "innocent" people, are going to die.

Said Shizune. But Tsunade caught on something. She asked,

-Please say directly what you want to say. This is not something my Ashborn would say, who volunteered to fight off an army just for the sake of it.

Releasing a sigh, Ashborn said,

-Listen. The moment you know what is going to happen, it becomes... complicated. You know what some people are going to do, some good, some bad. But those who would do bad, you cannot just simply execute them for it. The best you can do is to stop them from doing it. Who knows if they are not going to come up with something more sinister in the future. Let us take tomorrow as an example. Say, we stop Tobi from doing it. Everything is supposed to go in a better way from then. Minato, Kushina and a lot of leaf village resident don't die. Naruto gets the childhood every child deserves. But even if we destroy the seal in Tobi's heart, does anyone know if he will really turn over a new leaf or not. Even if he does, will that black abomination shall let things rest at that? I highly doubt that. Let us not even mention Danzo. If that freak is remotely close to what was shown, things are bound to get ugly. The best way to prevent all bad things from happening is to destroy the cause from its root. [AN: No pun intended.] But that only applies to Danzo and black Zetsu. The things they committed are heavy enough to sentence them to death. But even I doubt that I could find black Zetsu if I don't turn the whole continent upside down. Danzo can be managed by a snap of a finger, but what about others. Specially Kabuto and Obito, they haven't done anything wrong yet. Can we just simply execute them and be done with it? So, I am confused... for the first time in my life. I just simply don't know what is the right thing to do. What if my actions lead to something that causes even more bloodshed? What if I was unable to stop those bloodsheds? I have experience in altering timelines over hundreds of time. And trust me... things never go according to plan. Because your opponent is not some preprogrammed NPC. They would change their plan accordingly. I gave up my powers partially being sick of such situation, going through the same circle over and over again. I don't want to experience that again.

-And you are going to rest at your hand for that reason?

Tsunade asked seriously.

-I... don't know.

This time suddenly Priscilla asked who was eating ramen,

-So, let me get this clear! You are not going to stop someone from committing something bad... in fear of something worse will happen!

-Yes, in short. You can say that.

-Tsunade, what do you want to do in response to what is coming?

Priscilla asked after eating another mouthful of ramen.

-I don't care if I alter the course of history. If something more dangerous, something more tragic comes in my way, I would face it with my all. I shall stop something bad from happening to my family, my friends, the things I care about if I can.

Hearing that, Priscilla smiled. She said,

-Well said, Tsunade. Ash listen. If you knew something bad is going to happen and you didn't stop it from happening, that's on you. But once you change that and something worse happens, that wouldn't be on you as you didn't know that. Something good also could have come out of it, right? That is at least how I see it. And lastly, from what you showed me about yourself, I highly doubt anyone capable of causing chaos in front of you exists in this world. So, stop being a paranoid pussy cat and do things like a man... like a man you always been... like the man I came to love.

Hearing such words from her, all three of them looked at her with astonishment. Seeing their expression, Priscilla asked confusedly...


Tsunade said in a mind-blown state...

-Wow... I didn't think you could put it in such a straight forward way! It should have been me saying the words as the matriarch of the house. Looks like I still have a thing or two to learn even at this age.

-Don't worry granny! I would at your side when you need me with anything. I may be weak, but I have my own usefulness.

-Don't call me granny. My physical age is not that higher than yours. And, don't worry, I am going to put you *really* good use. Hahaha.

-Okay, ladies. Don't start another one now. And thank you, Priscilla. Looks like I got a little emotional and couldn't think things thoroughly.

-Any time dear...

As Priscilla answered with a coquettish tone, this time Shizune asked from the side,

-I think we should probably decide on what we are going to do. We probably have around 6 hours to decide on what we are going to do and plan around that.

-Shizune is right. We should probably decide on that first. What do you think we should do Ash?

Tsunade asked. Ashborn said,

-I am ok with anything as long as innocent blood is not shed. If you ask me personally, I would go for totally not letting this tragedy happen.

Tsunade nodded but said with a heavy voice,

-I would like that too but we cannot just discard what you said earlier. I know about a thing or two about root... and yes, that freak *is* as bad as it was shown in that story, if not worse. But stopping this, we wouldn't be able to catch that bastard...

-Language. (Ashborn)

-... that *freak* redhanded. I doubt that he left any trail for his previous dirty jobs. Trust me on this. Danzo is more slippery than Orochimaru. And if we stop the Uchiha tragedy later, he would continue to stay in the village like a malignant tumour waiting to be burst open. We won't be able to take him out of the picture without abusing authority. That doesn't sit well with me. As a doctor, I want to remove the tumour as soon as possible.

-What do we do then?

Ashborn asked. Then suddenly Priscilla said,

-Hey, if it is about to change things or to not change things, I have a brilliant idea!

-Oh... very good. Shoot away.

-Why don't we have the best of both options!?

Hearing a suddenly a realization hit Tsunade, how come she, a kunoichi, couldn't have thought about that but a civilian woman could. She said,

-You don't mean... ... ...

-Yap, absolutely. We should ... ... ... ... ... and then ... ... ... I think that would be a very efficient way to approach things. Not only it would allow things to be ... ... ... but it will also help you to uncover things that are not clear.

Ashborn who hasn't said anything up to this point laughed out loud and continued to laugh for 5 seconds. Then said...

-Very well planned. I like it. What do you say, hon?

Tsunade gave a nod.

-Indeed, a very well thought plan. Things are definitely going to be different in this timeline. You would be a very good tactician, not as good as a Nara, but a brilliant one indeed, do you know that Priscilla san?

-Don't flatter me Tsunade. I nothing but an ordinary woman. I am just happy to be able to contribute.

Clapping his hand, Ashborn said,

-Ok. Let's prepare for the party ladies. We are going to give the whining kid and the old man some huge surprises. Unfortunately... they are not going to be pleasant ones...




October 10th, midnight, Just after 12.00 am...

Just another night in the Village hidden in leaves. Though midnight, the village was fairly active as being the strongest village with the highest population. Very few could feel that they are very close to something very ominous happening. Unbeknown to them, due to a selfless kind monarch and an overprotective sage, history would take a different turn. A turn which would be better for most of them.




As Kushuna was in labour pain, she felt like something was tearing open her abdomen area and not in a good way.

Seeing his wife in such a state, Minato was very nervous. But Biwako reprimanded him taking him out of that nervousness a little.

Unbeknown to them, a fight has already broken out outside. Only it didn't go as it was supposed to go.




A few minutes earlier...

All the ANBU stationed outside suddenly dropped unconscious one by one before they even realized they are put in a genjutsu. After they all were put to slumber, suddenly they all vanished from that place. A man wearing black cloak and tiger marked one-eyed mask came out from the shadow. He was confused and apprehensive at the same time. He was planning to kill them all but someone anticipated his appearance and transported them somewhere else with some jutsu he couldn't even feel as there was no chakra fluctuation around what so ever. That means two things. One, a kage level shinobi with chakra control which this world never has seen before is standing outside guard, protecting Kushina's childbirth. Number two: His chance of fulfilling his mission dropped to near 0%. He wasn't confident beating Minato. Now, another one at the same strength, if not stronger, appeared. He also felt someone eyeing him like an apex predator as if his throat is being clawed by it. No matter what he felt in his mind, he said without any fluctuation in his voice,

-I didn't know, the hidden leaf has such a shinobi at their disposal. They sure hide their strength well.

The place filled with semi-transparent white fog slowly.

[Mist... No... this is different. But I can't put my hands on it, but this is definitely not a hidden mist jutsu. I don't even feel a damn chakra fluctuation in...]

Just as Tobi, the masked man, thought up to this point, a lithe female figure clad in a white cloak and wearing flower Venetian masquerade full face mask appeared behind him and said in an alluring voice,

-You could have shown a little bit of apprehension you are feeling in your voice. I even spent the whole evening on thinking how to greet you, shin'nyū-sha san.

Tobi answered with a swift swipe with a kunai directly at the speakers head, not hesitating due to the female voice coming from the figure. Just as his kunai landed on the figures head, it started to turn into more dense fog from the contact point and the whole figure burst into fog in a second.

[Mist clone... What the hell is going on... And WHY. THE. HELL. THERE. IS. NO. CHAKRA. FLUCTUATION?? Am I in a freaking genjutsu? How can a Sharingan fall into genjutsu?? This does not make any sense!]

Again from behind the same female voice rang...

-Say... shin'nyū-sha san. Is this how a treat a lady? No wonder... no wonder... No wonder that little girl had only eye for Kakashi san. huhuhu... [Muffled bitchy giggle]

The same thing happened again as Tobi struck the female figure burst again in a white fog.




To be continued


Author note:

Peace and blessings to all Shinobis and Levelers.

I wanted to release this chapter on 10th October. But guess what, I am just lazy. You guys should thank Denmo_H7. As he did tons of comments, I felt like releasing a chapter today. Otherwise, I wouldn't have released a chapter today.

Pop quiz: Can you guess who is that woman fighting Tobi? [Put your answer in the paragraph comment.]


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