
Day 1 Uniforms

So to day we where asked our opinion on school uniforms....this is what Sara wrote.

My opinion on school uniforms is they are useless. If all schools make kids wear uniforms then we are just going to be a school of communist.

(authors note :for those of you who don't know communism is when everyone looks and acts the same)

Teachers and parents wonder why kids act out. Acting out is the kids way of being different.

If schools can makes the kids wear uniforms why dont the make they make it fair and have the teachers wear uniforms too? Its not fair for the kids to have to suffer and feel angry about what they wear when they see the teachers in their long dresses and colorful clothes. It just isnt fair to our youth to feel like they have to wear the same navy blue or tan colored pants and same navy blue or white shirt every day, and another thing the dresses the girls can wear are way to short if they bend in the slightest you can see there butts. So if you ask me we should not have to wear uniforms to school.

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