

        In an empty plot of land within a city whose name has been long forgotten, there sits a empty table. The surroundings of the table are barren with little to no life within close proximity. Not a sound can be heard in the area that seems to be an abandoned park. As the stars shine down upon the land the moon slowly starts to be overtaken. Soon the entire moon is almost covered. As if planned ahead of time the airflow around the table starts to fluctuate. When the last bits of moon light vanishes from the sky, a chilling wind appears from the left side of the park. The little bit of life that was showing on the ground began to wither at amazing speeds. 

          Soon a crack in the air appears ten feet off the ground. Crack after Crack appears until a door made of bones as black as night filled with endless struggle and fear comes into being. In the middle of this door there is a skull with cherry red rubies as eyes. Behind those rubies a fire silently burns. The heat from the flames starts to raise the temperature around the door . With an ominous sound of cries from all types of creatures coming from the door out steps a man in a completely white suit. This man stands a couple of inches above six feet. His hair is stark white like newly fallen snow. His red eyes seems to bring about death and decay wherever they pass.

             "Sigh, it has been too long since I last stepped upon this plane in a  form such as this." Says the man.  Within his gaze there seems to be endless amounts of sorrow and unkempt rage. A white fog spills forth from the door behind him into the surroundings . The man proceeds to walk to the table and sits down.  With a wave of his hand the table is covered with the finest  tablecloth and table wear known to man. With another wave of his hand A giant feast of all types of foods and wine appears on the table. "This should be enough for the old man." Says the man who has the presence of a ruler. there he  sits at the table and sipping wine by himself waiting for this so called "old man". If anyone were to pass by and see this man they might think that some famous actor or celebrity is on a date or filming a movie.

           Approximately twenty minutes passes by, before another Crack like the first appears in the sky on the right side of the table. Unlike the first door that held the presence of death and agony, this door held endless warmth. On this door paintings of all creatures can be seen. All around the door life seemed to bloom. The plants that started to decay are now growing faster than ever. The dirt on the ground heals and hardens until out pops a single piece of cobblestone. One by one  piece by piece in a straight path forms between the door and the table. 

         Out of this door steps a man that seems to be light in a black suit. The man stands well over six foot five with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. He was like perfection itself, depending on what angle someone looked at him his visage changed to their image of the most perfect man they could think of. When he finally got to the table, all life within fifty meters of him was overabundant with vitality and strength. Once this man sat at the table everything seemed to get just a bit brighter.

         "This park used to be one of my favorite places on earth before it was abandoned. 'Sigh' Time sure flies it feels like it was just yesterday that this place was overflowing with my creations." Says the man in the black suit. The man then sits at the right side of the table with nothing but empathy in his eyes. "This place is already discrete enough, but I still feel the need to shield us from unwanted eyes and ears." As the man in the black suit says this barrier forms around the table and nearby area. Every tree within this space swayed with no breeze as if to show their happiness for being allowed to receive this blessing. The man in black stares at the man across from him with an odd gaze. "My son, it has been ages since I saw you last, how have you been? Has Hell been treating you well? Lucifer even if you're mad at my decision to banish, you have to remember that you're still my child at the end of the day. I..." Before the man in black could continue what he had to say Lucifer interrupted him. "My name is not Lucifer I go by Luke Morningstar. Please call me as such."

        A brief moment of silence goes by before the man in black speaks again. "My son I am sorry, but what is done has already happened. There's no use acting like a child by crying over spilled milk. I'm a very busy man as you know, so with that being said I don't have time to have idle chit chat with you. Do you agree to my terms or not?" After God spoke those words an unconcealed killing intent spread out from him. This killing intent was so intense that the plants and creatures in the barrier froze in place not daring to move. "God how you never change, which is funny because you're actually God. Hahahaha." A crazed laughter escaped from Luke's mouth. The rage in his eyes could be seen by how the shade of red got deeper and deeper.

        "It's crazy how things have changed, never would I have thought that you the all mighty father would ask me, his son for a favor. God do you realize that you no longer own me!! How many times have we tried to talk and you not acknowledge that I have as much powers as you now? I AM MY OWN MAN. FATHER I KNOW YOU SEE THIS." Luke's rage flew out of control as soon as he said this. All creature in the surroundings dropped dead on the spot. God shook his head and all his powers dimed down. With this change  the appearance of an old man replaced the previous imagine of perfection. The old man looked at his son and didn't understand how he had let things get this far. 

           The old man thought about the past when Luke (As he calls himself now) was a child who only wanted his father's attention. "I guess I have to settle this now it's about time I hand over my kingdom and this position as "God". Luke I hope you can let go of your anger and rule well." Luke noticed that his father was thinking about something else and rolled his eyes. "He always does this; I swear I talk to myself sometimes." As this thought came to him he called out to his father. "Hey old man." Upon hearing his son calling him God came back to himself. "My son I see that you are a grown man so I come to you with this promise. You and I will wager my crown of the heavenly kingdom, on one human child. One of my creations that you deemed so flawed. If this child chooses the  path of good, you have to come back to heaven and remodel yourself into my successor. If he goes down the  path of evil I will let you take all of my power from me. This is a win win situation right?"

          Luke was shocked at this promise and looked at his father in a strange way. "Dad is something wrong?" Luke got slightly worried about his father. "I'm fine kid, I'm just tired. It's about time I retire isn't it?" said the old man. Luke sat back dumbstruck. "D..di..did you say retire? How can you retire? Your God? Dad what are you saying to me? What about Michael how will he feel?" God chuckled a little and asked a question in a good natured manner "Now you care about your brothers? "God couldn't help but smile. God looked at Luke and said "You are my chosen child no matter what path you choose  my powers were yours to take." Luke finally understood what his father was saying to him.

         A part of Luke that he thought he lost a long time ago silently started to poke its head out, but becoming the devil takes a heavy toll. His kindness was soon overshadowed by the sins he carries. Luke immediately started looking for loopholes in this promise. He found one almost as soon as he started looking. Nowhere did it say he can't tempt the child into evil. Luke smiled slyly to himself. "This power might actually be easy to get." God snapped his fingers and every word he said was written on and old block of stone. He handed the slab to Luke and watched as his son signed the contract. 

       When Luke signed the contract the slab shined with a red-gold light, and melted away into the sky. "The contract is done. When this child reaches adulthood he will be judged by his actions up until that point. God got up from the table and started to fade away, as God left so did the protection he placed around them. The plants stopped growing and the pathway fell apart again. Luke turned and rose to leave, unknown to him a little tiny part of kindness was starting to grow again. When Luke left through his own door. The park went back to being empty and abandoned.


          On the night of december 31st in Fate hospital within the center of Hollow city.  A piercing cry rings throughout a hospital room on the third floor. The moment that the doctor held on to the baby, his cry rang out a single streak of lightning flashed by. A mother holds her newborn child in her arms, As the mother and father stare at their child which just came into this world. A voice whispers in the back of both of their minds. "Thy name of this child shall be Troy. His last name is up to the both of you. Raise thy boy well for his destiny shall decide if this world shall fall or rise."

         After the voice departs from the mind's of the couple, they stare at each other. The mother looks towards her husband and then back at her son and says "Oh Troy, not even here for a day and you've already been given such a heavy burden." A sense of worry works its way onto her face. The father looks on from the side with worry, determination, and guilt in his eyes. "My son, just what have you gotten into? No matter what it is, I as your father, swear to protect you for as long as I can." After this ideal was placed in the father's head, a spark of realization flashed in his eyes. "In order to protect him, I will need help. I will need to understand what it is exactly rest on his shoulders."

     The man looks at his wife and child in the hospital bed and turns around and leaves."Darling where are you going?" The mother starts to panic when her husband continues walking without saying anything. "When Troy turns ten, I will be back. Until then, tell him I love him." Upon hearing these words, the mother couldn't help but scream his name. "Zander, where are you going?  What's going on, how am I supposed to raise him by myself?" Zander pauses his steps when hearing his wife cry his name in such a way. "Danni I'm sorry this... this is for Troy. I have A very bad feeling about the future. Take care of yourself and Troy" While zander continues to walk towards the exit of the hospital, Troy wakes up and starts to cry. Zanders heart clenched harder and harder as each second passed.

        Inside the hospital, Danni lays there with a crying baby in her arms. A expression of shock plastered on Danni's face. "Why did he leave? Back when he's ten what does that mean? Troy my baby what are we going to do?" Troy's cries continued to get louder and louder. All of A sudden the lights in the room dim and go out. With lightning flashing outside the windows, A red light starts to shine out from under the blanket wrapped around the boy. The feeling it gave off was like a cold, winter night freezing her to the bone. Danni was dumbfounded and quickly hurried to look under the blanket. Before she can get used to the cold the red glow is replaced by A gold one. This light made Danni pause, A memory of when she was A child playing on the swings forms in her mind.

          By the time she came back to her senses and got the blanket undone, the glow and feeling's  they brought disappeared. A small crest slowly fades away form the baby's left hand. The lights in the hospital flicker back on. Troy now lay quiet and Danni starts to worry about if she was seeing things. Staring down at her baby boy, she starts to wonder. "What was that? Oh Zander, I wish you were here." At that moment she failed to notice the flecks of gold and red that flickered in her son's eyes. Danni finally lays back down on the bed and falls asleep. Under the constant stress of Zander leaving and the glow on her baby's arm, She couldn't help but be tired. 

        Outside of the hospital in the rain stands Zander. "I hope this is the right decision." Zander thinks while staring at the hospital where his wife and child are. At the time when the lights went out in hospital Zander panics. On instinct, he begins to run back towards the entrance of the hospital. A step away from the door, he freezes and A force repell's him backwards. On the door, A sigil appears out of thin air. The sigil looks like a sword with wings on A shield splitting A skull down the middle. The wings on the sword glow gold while the two halves of the skull glow red. 

   Seeing this in front of him, Zander gets up from the ground and runs towards the doors again. When he gets to the door, he slams his shoulder against the sigil. Again he gets thrown back. While holding his shoulder, Zander howls in madness. "Goddamnit why can't I get back in." The voice from before appears in his mind again. "I highly doubt swearing on my name will get you what you want." The expression on his face becomes blank. "G...Go..God, is that you?" "Well i'm sure not just some random voice in your head" With that response, Zander falls to his knees. " God, I beg you to give me a way to get back in the hospital" "No, I will not." "But my wife and child are in there and they might need me." Zander says, as he presses his head on the ground.

    It must have been the way he begged but God spoke to him again." I give you two choices. One will get you back into that room with your family. The other well I won't tell you everything, but I will say that it'll help your son in the future." Hearing the two choices he was given, Zander stays on his knees in thought. Thinking back to the words he heard when his son was born, Zander comes to make the second hardest decision he's ever had to make in his entire life.

         Standing up, he turns his back on the hospital and starts to walk away. With tears falling down his face an his clothes drenched by the rain, Zander answers the voice that claims to be God." I choose the second option." As soon as the words came from his mouth, A ray of light shoots down from the sky. When the ray faded away, the lights in the hospital comes back on. As the night comes to an end the start of something sinister begins to unfold.

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