

Heinald frowned, "What could he have seen to cause his family to betray him?"

An expression of indecision appeared on Havin Volz's face. Obviously, the subject he wanted to talk about was quite a deep one and he didn't want to go into it simply.

"Whatever he saw... His family wanted to get rid of him to avoid this danger, didn't they?" Seeing his indecision, Heinald wanted to go further.

Havin exhaled and said, "Furyus found a Memory Crystal from ancient times in one of the ruins he explored."

"Memory Crystal?" A thoughtful expression appeared on Heinald's face.

"Yes, according to him, this crystal belonged to a powerful Ainsar who lived in ancient times. However, it took a very strong mind to gather the memories inside this crystal. Even though Furyus was a Level 2 Ainsar, even he did not have such a mind. That's why he asked me, his most trusted friend, for help."

Havin's face turned pale.

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